IEEE ITS协会最新一期会刊v9n4

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Vol. 9, No. 4 December 2007  Editor: Dr. Charles J. Herget, c.
In This Issue
Society News
Message from the Editor (2)
Message from the President (3)
Message from the Vice President for Member Activities (9)
Message from the Editor-in-Chief, IEEE ITS Transactions (10)
Report on 2007 IEEE ITS Conference (10)
Invitation to the 2008 IEEE ITS Conference (14)
ITS Conferences (16)
IEEE International Conference on RFID (17)
2008 Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (18)
Conference Calendar (19)
ITS Society Elections (21)
Call for Papers, IEEE ITS Transactions,
Special Issue on the DARPA Urban Challenge
商君书翻译Autonomous Vehicle Competition (27)adman
Call for Proposals, Best PhD Disrtation Award
and Best Practice Award (28)
Job Postings
Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
Institut für Mess- und Regelungstechnik (29)
George Washington University
Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) Department (30)
Feature Article
Technical Articles (34)
FreeSim – A Free Real-Time V2V and V2I
Freeway Traffic Simulator (35)
PTC-VANET Interactions to Prevent Highway
建军节用英语怎么说Rail Interction Crossing Accidents (45)
英汉词典Society Officers and Committee Chairs (50)
©2007 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,Inc. All rights rerved.
From the Editor by Charles Herget Dear Readers:
As we announced in the September issue of this Newsletter, we will begin a new schedule in 2008 with the Newsletter appearing in January, April, July, and October.  The January 2008 issue will follow very cloly behind this one, and it will be very brief, containing mostly updated announcements.  One of the reasons for changing the schedule was to synchronize with the Magazine which was to start in 2008.  The start of the Magazine in 2008 is uncertain at this time.  One option being considered is to delay the startup until 2009.  We will provide an update on the latest information in the April issue of this Newsletter.
Message from the President by Fei-Yue Wang [Editor's note: The following message was prented to the IEEE ITS Society's Board of Governor's Meeting on October 4, 2007, at the Bill & Melinda Gates Commons, Paul Allan Center for Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.]
This is my last report to you as the President. At the beginning of my Presidency, I should be visionary, and now as I am going to step down, I should be reflective and looking into the future.
I will do all three today.
Time flies fast. So my vision for the future of ITS is that traffic would flow like time flies, so fast, so smooth, so amless, it is part of the environment, no pollution, and you are always on time, no matter what! There will be no need for intelligent transportation systems by then, it will be everywhere and every time. We have done our job.
Time really flies. The last time I was in this city was 12 years ago. My whole family spent a week long vocation in Seattle and Vancouver. I rented a car and didn’t feel much traffic here at all. Bellevu
e had very few hous at that time. But when I come here this time, the traffic from the airport to our conference was terrible. It was just 2  o' clock in the afternoon, the highway was jammed, and we were either moving very slowly or not moving at all. It took me more than hour to get to our conference, and I was told normally it should be less than 20 minutes. It was even wor than in Beijing. Apparently, Microsoft’s money works here: it has caud traffic jams in both physical spaces and cyber spaces. The good thing about this is we need intelligent transportation systems more than ever, so the need for our Society, more than ever, I hope.
First of all, I would like to thank many of you here today, especially Charles Herget, for your help in the transformation of our Society from the previous Council. For this, I have spent more than two years in preparation, talked to more than 30 IEEE S/C Presidents, drafted our Constitutions and Bylaws, and made two prentations to the IEEE TAB.
Here we are today as an IEEE Society. I am really happy about its formation and transformation, proud of my effort for its birth and its development, proud to be its first president elected.
To me, our Society was created for three things, to promote ITS rearch and application, to rvice
our members, and in the end, to benefit our society.
How to achieve our goals as an IEEE Society? At IEEE, our strengths are conferences, publications, technical activities, recognition and promotion of our profession and our members’ interest. Conferences
We have gone from two major conferences to six now. I understand that sometimes some of you may have a different idea about tho conferences, and sometime the income from some of tho conferences did not justify the time our VP for conferences spent on the paperwork required by IEEE and our Society. However, I would like to thank Umit Ozguner, our Vice President for Conferences, for a great job well done.
The bottom line is that all of six conferences made money for us during my term.
Our two major conferences, The IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC) and The IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Vehicles (IV)
are in good shape. Actually IEEE IV is in great shape and made a record this year, thanks to Umit for his leadership and his Turkish and wealth
Our four new conferences, IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI), IEEE/INFORMS International Conference on Services, Operations, and Logistics Informatics (SOLI), IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (VES), and IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic/Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA) are small but on track. We can still discuss the future of MESA in our Society, but I like the fact that SOLI extents us to INFORMS, and MESA connects us to ASME. I believe this kind of cooperation is extremely important to the future development of our Society and for ITS activities in general.
I want to thanks to Profs. H.S. Chen and Daniel Zeng for ISI; Prof. Robin Qiu for SOLI; Profs. N.N. Zhang and G. Wan, now the Minister of Science and Technology of China, for VES; and Profs. Albert Luo and Harry Cheng for MESA.  They helped me and sometimes “forced” me to establish tho conferences.
Yes, I had put my hand in all tho conferences, front or back, but I am not going to apologize for that. Instead, I am proud of what I have done. My philosophy is very simple, I will support you if you deliver to the IEEE ITSS, I don’t care whom you are.
You may think this is the work of “Chine Gang,” again no apology from me. But tomorrow you coul
d have a European President or a Japane President, they can try their own effort, and this is a good way to make us really international, so I feel nothing wrong with this.
北京新东方夏令营I hope tho conferences will become strong and big in the future. I also hope they will help to strengthen our annual conference, as will be discusd later.
We have our IEEE ITS Magazine now. I took the leadership in its creation, and I had supported its first two trial volumes, and will finish its first two issues next year. I want to thank Jason, our Vice President for Publications Activities, for his time and effort in getting the final approval from IEEE TAB for this Magazine.
I will step down as the EiC after next June. Bill will make a proposal on the new EiC of the Magazine later. I hope the Magazine will support itlf in two years through the revenue of advertiments. I believe this Magazine is very important for the future development of our Society.
As for our IEEE ITS Book Series, I still hope we can get the final approval by the IEEE Press. I will find out what is happening with the IEEE Press next month at the IEEE TAB in Boston.
Last, but not least, in publications, our Transactions on ITS is in a great shape, thanks to Alberto Broggi, our EiC of the Transactions. Our Transactions on ITS has been ranked among the Top Five Journals in Transportation Rearch in terms of impact factors for the last three years and was in cond place last year. Transportation is a field with a long history and many publications, our Transactions is only in its 7 years of history, and we are not really transportation in the traditional n. What a great turn over from three years ago. Again, thanks to Alberto for your great effort and performance.英语四级听力原文
I want to thank Jason, our Vice President for Publication Activities, for your time and effort in establishing ITS standards within the IEEE. We are still at the very beginning; we have a long way to go. I truly believe when the IEEE has standards for transportation, it will be more open and advanced, and the cost of related equipment and systems will go down dramatically.
As for conferences and publications, I am buying into former IEEE President Michael Lighter’s obrvations. I have mentioned his obrvations many times to our Board, and here I would like to repeat them again: “At IEEE, the largest professional organization in the world, we are good at conferences - best if we leave them mostly alone.  We are not good at starting new ones becau we argue among ourlves – and we don't  matter.  We are good at rearch publications - best if w
e let them operate without much interference. We are not good at starting new ones becau we argue among ourlves – and we don't matter.”
In our Society, I should add: For our members, remember we are not their boss. We are volunteers; we are here to rve our members.
Technical Activities
We still have not finished the task initiated by Stefano Stramigioli, our former Vice President for Technical Activities and now the EiC of IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, on reconstructing our technical activities, but thanks to Daniel, we have made good progress along that direction. Our ISI, SOLI, VES, MESA are all running by their TC respectively, we should enforce this model of operation, and make sure a TC does rve our Society and its members, not just exists in name without activities.
We should continue to improve our TC structure, find out what TC we need, and work hard to find right members who are willing to spend time and effort to organize, build, and lead them.
I would like to e our ITS Experti Portal work along with our website. We still have not establishe
d the Board of Associate Editors for Conferences as we had discusd. This has taken longer that I expected. But we should continue the effort, and I will come back on this issue late.
Awards and Recognitions
Awards and recognitions are important to our members’ career development, niors or juniors. Thanks to Christoph Stiller, our Vice President for Membership Activities, and Chip White, Chair of our Award Committee, we finally have nominations for all four awards this year.
Christoph had established the nomination procedure for the Best Disrtation Award. But there are only three qualified nominations, two from US and one from Europe, but the good thing I was told that all are very good and high quality works.
As for Outstanding ITS Rearch, ITS Applications, both for individuals, and ITS Lead Award for groups or institutes, we should have good and clear choices for the next few years. But we need to improve our procedure for nomination and lection for tho awards in the future.
The final winners for tho awards will be announced at the end of this year, and published in our Newsletter, Magazine, and Transactions. The awards will be prented at ITSC 2008, and I will invite
the winners to give keynote address about their work at ITSC 2008. I hope this can become a tradition of ITSC in the future, like CDC of the IEEE Control Systems Society.
The State of our Society
Our Society is in a good shape. We are the fast growing society within IEEE, and best part is: Our members are mostly new IEEE members, not the results of a re-distribution of membership within IEEE, as in the ca for many other new societies. For this, I even got an award and a nice sport coat from IEEE TAB last year.
We have recovered from deep red deficit financially due to the new formula of infrastructure charge by the IEEE.  We did know the exact number yet, I was told that last year we should have a surplus, instead of a deficit clo to 100 thousands dollars. Our ratio of rerve to deficit is more than 20 now, far higher than the required level of 3 t up by the IEEE. I was really happy for this.
Lessons learned from IEEE TAB Meetings: more activities, and healthy growth. Although we have to watch our finance, but money with no u is no u at all, no rvices to our members is a disrvice to them.
The Future
Above all el, we should Keep Our Own Color, Our Own Identification. We are an ITS society within IEEE, not some traditional transportation society. For that we have ITE, the Institute of Transportation

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