T: Class begins!Goodafternoon, everyone!
Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Hunag.
T: sit down plea! Boys and girls,how are you today? Fine? That ’ s great!-so,Justoh,soIfell sorry
to hear that.OK, First, one golden saying one class! Plea take notes! An apple a day, keeps the doctors away. So what does this proverb mean? It means eating an apple everyday can help us stay
healthy and we should fall the good habit of eating an apple day to keep fit. Okay,let ’ s get down t
the business, right now, I want to ask all of you three simple questions connected with traveling.
1) Do you like traveling? Why or why not?
2) Where did you go last summer/winter vocation? How did you get there?remarked
3) Do you have any ideas/plans about the coming summer vocation?
Boys and girls, you can consider tho questions in your mind, and we will discuss them later. so,today, ourtopic is going places. Now, suppo you will go someplace on the coming summer vocation. For example, go to Dujiangyan Irrigation(都江堰 ) .Let isbn’ s make a planfor our trip, OK? (Show a form on the screen.)
From⋯ to ⋯
Means of transportationsre
Tips on trips
intermediate>engLeshan(乐山) to
From Friday
toBus/train or airplane