American Transcendentalism A literary and philosophical movement, associated with Ralph Waldo Emerson and Margaret Fuller, asrting the existence of an ideal spiritual reality that transcends the empirical and scientific and is knowable through intuition. 超验主义:一种文学和哲学运动,与拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生和玛格丽特·富勒有关,宣称存在一种理想的精神实体,超越于经验和科学之处,通过直觉得以把握
English Romanticism was an artistic, literary and intellectual movement that originated in the cond half of the 18th century in Europe.
ode in ancient literature, is an elaborate lyrical poem compod for a chorus to chant and to dance to; in modern u, it is a rhymed lyric expressing noble feelings, often addresd to a person or celebrating an event.
conceit pit bull奇喻A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning 。A kind of metaphor that makes a comparison between two startlingly different things. A conceit may be a brief metaphor, but it usually provides the framework for an entire poem. An especially unusual and intell
ectual kind of conceit is the metaphysical conceit.新奇的比喻:将两种截然不同的食物进行对比的一种隐喻。它虽被视为是一种隐喻,但是它往往构建了整首诗的框架,最为奇特的应属玄学诗里面的。
heroic couplet 英雄双韵体,英雄对偶句 It refers to two lines of iambic pentameter rhyming with each other(由两行互相押韵的含有五个抑扬音步的诗句组成的韵文单位)a couplet consisting of two rhymed lines of iambic pentameter and written in an elevated style.
Naturalism Naturalism is a theory in art and literature which states that people and things should be shown in a realistic way. 自然主义; 写实主考研英语国家线义An extreme form of realism. Naturalistic writers usually depict the sordid side of life and show characters who are verely, if not hopelessly, limited by their environment or heredity.自然主义:自然是现实主义的一种极端形式,自然主义作家往往反映社会生活的阴暗面,人物通常都受到环境遗传的严重限制。
Modernism Modernism was a movement in the arts in the first half of the twentieth ce
ntury that rejected traditional values and techniques, and emphasized the importance of individual experience. 现代主义; 20世纪上半叶的艺术运动,特点为摒弃传统的价值观和表现手法,强调个人体验的重要性
Symbol In literary usage, a symbol is a specially evocative kind of image: that is, a word or phra referring to a concrete object, scene, or action which also has some further significance associated with it.
Allusion .A reference to a person, a place, an event, or a literary work that a writer expects the reader to recognize and respond to. An allusion may be drawn from history, geography, literature, or religion.典故:文学作品中作家希望读者能够认识或做出反应的一个人物、地点、事件或文学作品。典故或来自历史、地理、文学或宗教。
Pun A pun is a clever and amusing u of a word or phra to suggest tow or more meaning at the same time. Puns are generally humorous.双关:使用一个词来同时指代两个或以上意义的一种幽默的方法,
Sonnet A lyric poem consisting of a single stanza of fourteen iambic pentameter lines linked by an intricate rhyme scheme. --A Glossary of Literary Terms
blank verrelaxing是什么意思 Blank ver is ud throughout the epic and is characterized by its employment of long and involved ntences, which run on many lines with a variety of paus, and achieving sometimes an oratorical and sometimes an elaborately logical effect. (Ver written in unrhymed iambic pentameter.素体诗:用五音步抑扬格写的无韵诗。)
free ver A kind of poetry that does not conform to any regular metre: the length of its lines is irregular, as is its u of rhyme—if any. (Instead of a regular metrical pattern it us more flexible cadences (节奏) or rhythmic groupings, sometimes supported by anaphora (首语/句重复法 ) and other devices of repetition. )Ver that has either no metrical pattern or an irregular pattern.
英国: 乔叟,莎士比亚,多恩,弥尔顿,拜伦,雪莱,狄更斯,哈代
1/Geoffrey Chaucer 乔叟
heroic couplet(英雄双韵体)
燕姿薯片《公爵夫人之书》(marcherBook of the Duchess)、
《声誉之宫》(The Hou of Fame)、《百鸟议会》(The Parliament of Fowles)
《特洛伊罗斯与克丽西达》(Troilus and Criyde)。
《坎特伯雷故事集》(The Canterbury Tales): 五步抑扬格、两两对仗
2/ John Donne 约翰.多恩
Metaphysical school of poetry 玄学派诗歌的先驱,常用奇喻(conceits)
Songs and Sonnets 歌谣与十四行诗 (多恩最有名的诗集)
The Flea 跳蚤 Death, be not proud (Holy Sonnets 圣十四行诗)
The Good-Morrow 早安 Break of Day 破晓 Elegies 挽歌
3/Thomas Hardy托马斯.哈代
Critical realism(19世纪末批判现实主义代表)
Tess of the D’Urbervilles 德伯家的苔丝
Jude the Obscure 无名的裘德 The Return of the Native 还乡(确立了地位,向悲剧转变)
The Dynasts 列王(以拿破仑战争为题材)
4/ Charles Dickens查尔斯·狄更斯
Critical realism 19世纪英国现实主义文学杰出代表 Victorian 维多利亚时期
Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿
The Pickwick Papers 匹克威克外传 The Old Curiosity Shop 老古玩店
The Old Curiosity Shop《董贝父子》David Copperfield《大卫·科波菲尔》
Bleak Hou《荒凉山庄》 A Tale of Two Cities《双城记》数不胜数
Great Expectations《远大前程》
5/ George Gordon Byron乔治·戈登·拜伦
Romantic poets 浪漫主义文学运动的杰出代表。主题围绕自然、爱情、政治抱负。
作品创造了“拜伦式英雄”Byronic heroes racket
Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage《恰尔德·哈罗德游记》
Don Juan 唐璜 备考网 The Siege of Corinth《柯林斯的围攻》
The Giaour《异教徒》 The Bride of Abydos《阿比道斯的新娘》