1. what’s your date of birth?
My date of birth is on 6th, August, 1987.
2. what’s your aman’s book number?
My aman’s book number is 123456789.
3. where are you from?
I come from China.
4. What’s your captain’s nationality.
Our captain’s nationality is China.
5. What do you think is the most important thing on board?
I think the most important thing on board is safety.
6. Which ports do you often call at?
We often call at Xiamen port.
7. What is your favorite TV program?
My favorite TV program is sport’s new.
8. what is your favorite web site?
My favorite Web site is Yahoo.
9. what is your favorite day of the week? Why?
My favorite day of the week is today, becau today is my birthday.
10. what is your favorite kind of movie?
My favorite kind of movie is loving story.
11. what is your favorite kind of music?
My favorite kind of music is popular music.
12. what is your favorite magazine?
My favorite magazine is Reader.
13. What is the population of your hometown?
The population of my hometown is 123456.
14. what is the population of your country?
The population of my country is 123456789.
15. what is the best thing about your hometown?
The best thing about my hometown is the clear rivers.
16. What is the worst thing about your hometown?
The worst thing about my hometown is the bad weather.
17. What’s your hometown like?
My hometown is very beautiful.
18. Do you have many disasters in you country which are caud by weather?
No, there is a little disaster in my country.
19. What sports do you like to watch on TV?
I like to watch basketball on TV.
20. What do you think is the most popular sport in the world?
I think the football is the most popular sport in the world.
1. Can you list at least three mooring lines?
巧克口语NO, I can’t. / head line, spring line, aft line, breast line.
2. What should be prepared before the pilot comes on board?
A pilot ladder, a hand rope and a lifebuoy should be prepared before the pilot comes on board.
3. What is the maximum speed through the water that your ship can anchor without risking breaking the cable?
3 knots.
4. What flag should be hoist when a vesl requires a pilot?
The H letter flag should be hoist when a vesl requires a pilot.
5. How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival?
By VHF on channel 16 or .working channel
6. What ship’s particulars will pilot station usually ask for?
The ship’s length, draft, tonnages and so on.
7. What should be reported to the pilot station?
The ship’s position, ETA, length, draft.
8. What should be confirmed from the pilot station?
When the pilot will come on board, which side the pilot ladder should be prepared.
9. When the vesl enters the VTS area, what is requested to report?
The ship’s name, call sign, the purpo.
10. What does “foul anchor” mean?
The two anchor chains are crossing or one anchor’s chains is crossing by other things.
11. If you
are ordered:“Stand by both engines!” how should you reply and report?
I will reply :Stand by both engines! And report: Both engines are stand by!
12. Can you list three famous canals in the world?
Yes, there are Panama-canal, suze- canal and geal- canal.
insurance是什么意思13. When you request the receiver to remain on channel 16 in VHF communication, what do you say?
Stand by on channel 16.
14. How do you rectify the mistake in marine VHF communication?
First speak: mistake, then speak the right messages.
15. How do you emphasize the important part of a message in maritime VHF communication?
First speak: repeat, then speak the message again.
16. what does “abandon vesl” mean?
It means that the ship is in very dangerous condition and the crew and pasngers must be leave the ship at once.
17. what does the abbreviation ETD stand for?
It is stand for Expected time of departure.
18. what does “dredging of an anchor” mean?
It is one of using manoeuvre anchoring, usually drop an anchor about 2-3shackles in water, then the ship will proceeding slow with the anchor.
19. what does “underway” mean?
It means that a vesl is not at anchor, or made fast to the shore, or aground.
20. what does “dragging of an anchor” mean?
After anchoring, but the anchor is not bring up and the ship moving.
21. What is the difference between a “radar beacon” and a “radar reflector”?
I think the former emissions can cau unwanted interference with the normal radar display, the latter is likely to considerably increa the ship's probability of being detected。
22How many objects do you need to get a position using ‘horizontal xtant angles”?
there are 3 objects.
23Why is a magnetic compass kept on board when a gyro compass is more accurate?
Becau the magnetic compass can be ud for emergency and adjustments.
24 What do you report when the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and is clear of it'’
you shoule report Anchor aweigh
25 When preparing for anchoring what must you do before releasing the bow stoppers?
Supply the power, Standby the anchor ball or light, Test the windlass, Put into the gear, Relea the brake
26 Would you let go an anchor from the haw pipe if the depth was 75 meters?
No, we should not let go anchor from haw pipe directly, but the anchor can be relead with windlass slowly.
27 Why must you consider ship’s speed and a depth when you relea the bow stoppers?
Becau when the depth is different, we should take different measures for anchoring. And for ship’s safety, during the different pha, the speed should be different, too.
28 What must always be brought and placed clo to the pilot ladder well before the pilot’s embarkation?
The lifebuoy with the lifeline, and at night, there should be a light.
29 Why is it dangerous to anchor in ice?
The ice can change the angle of the anchor,
affect the holding power, and freeze the ship.
30 What flag is hoisted when the pilot has arrived on board‘’
Flag “H” should be hoisted when the pilot has arrivedon board.
1. How many class of dangerous goods are there according to the IMDG Code? Can you list some?
There are nine class of dangerous goods according to the IMDG Code. They are Explosives, Gas, Inflammable liquids, Inflammable solids, Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides, Poiso
nous and infectious substances, Radioactive substances, Corrosive substances and Miscellaneous dangerous substances.
2. What kind of cargo is classified as flammable cargo?
If the cargo is easy to flame, for example, if one liquid’s clod cup flash is less 61 centigrade, we will class it as flammable cargo—inflammable liquids.
3. Plea describe the general nature of general cargo.
The general cargo is usually packed and in different kinds. Each is small.
4. Plea describe the general nature of bulk cargo?
The bulk cargo is usually unpacked and the ship carries one of bulk cargo in a voyage.
5. What kind of cargo is canvas (吊货帆布袋)sling suitable for lifting?
General cargo, e.g. bags of grain, rice, coffee
6. What kind of cargo is chain sling (吊货链)suitable for lifting?
Heavy slender iron rails, logs.
7. What kind of cargo is net sling (吊货网)suitable for lifting?
Small packages , mail
8. What does the abbreviation COW stand for?
COW stands for crude oil washing.
9. What does “jettison of cargo”mean?
Drop cargo out of ship’s side from the deck.
10. What does “compatibility of goods(相容性货物)”mean?
If different kinds can be stow together and no damage, we will say they are compatibility.
11. What does the abbreviation SWL stand for?
SWL stand for safe working load.
12. What does “shifting cargo”mean?
Remove cargo from one place to another on a vesl.
13. What does “Union purcha”mean?
Using two derricks together to load or discharge cargoes.
14. What preparations shall be done before loading cargo?
Open hatch covers. In night prepare hatch lights.
15. What is the loading capacity of your vesl?tear
It express how many cargo can be carried in our vesl
16. What cargo handling gear and equipment does your vesl have?
Our vesl has three cranes and two union purcha.
17. What can be ud to remove spillage(地脚货,溢出量)?
Empty bags or hold to remove spillage.
18. What shall be ensured before entering the enclod space?
Whether the enclod space has enough oxide and no dangerous gas.
19. Plea list some cargo papers?
Bill of lading, manifest, stowage plan, loading list, and so on.
20. What must you wear when you enter an enclod space?
Self-breath appliance.
1. Why is it important to sound fog signals?
In fog, the visibility is poor, by sounding fog signals, you will hear other vesls or be hear by other ves
ls vicinity.
2. When would you sound the general alarm?
When our ship is on fire, or spilling oil, or being drilling.
3. When should an OOW notify the master immediately for emergency ship-handling or complicated navigation? Plea list some.
Poor Visibility , failure to make a landfall or navigational sighting at the expected time, anytime the watch officer is in doubt of the vesl’s position, and so on.
4. How does the OOW asss risk of collision generally?
If the object’s compass of an approaching vesl does not appreciably change, it will be deemed to exist such risk.
5. How should the relieving officer behave in ca a bridge manoeuvre already took place but has not been over?incursion
To report it to the captain immediately and logged.
6. List the main items to be updated on the pilot card(航路资料)?
Chart, pilot book, list of lights, tide table, mariner’s handbook.
7. Besides the collision risks, what el should you monitor on watch in reduced visibility?
the compass and bridge equipment generally, the briefing of the look out and the ship’s routine.
8. How do you know the VHF channels to be monitored when leaving port?
From the “Guide to Port Entry”.
9. What should the master expect from the OOW on arriving at the bridge?
The ship’s situation, speed, cour and other safety conditions.
10. Who should be in attendance when a pilot is on the ladder?
The third officer and a sailor.
11. When would you instruct a lookout to assist you on the bridge?
When I am the first time as a officer on the bridge.
12. What effect will the general alarm have on all crew?
Bell alarm//on hearing the general alarm all crew members should proceed immediately to their emergency stations.
13. Why is record keeping a necessary part of watchkeeping?
Becau watchkeeping is very important.
14. Apart from tho navigation safety, what el should you do on an anchor watch?
Check the anchor position./I would monitor communications, comply with the COLREGS for a vesl at anchor, and maintain a curity watch.
15. How would you conveniently(方便地), check the compass error in pilotage waters?
By compass flare, or communicate with the pilot station.
16. If a sailing ship is overtaking a power-driven vesl, who has the fight of way?
The power-driven vesl.
17. A power-driven vesl is on a collision cour with a fishing trawler. Who has the right of way?
The fishing trawler has the right of way.
18. How many meters there in a nautical mile?
About 1850meters.
19. If you travel from Panama to New York, will your latitude increa or decrea?
My latitude will be increa when we travel from Panama to New York.
20. How many “position lines” are needed to make a position?
At least, two position lines are needed to make a position
21. Can you define the very important term “underway”?
The term “underway” means that a vesl is not at anchor, or made fast
to the shore, or aground.
22. You obrve a ship, during daytime, exhibiting three balls on the same halyard. What has happened?
A vesl restricted in her ability to manoeuvre, except a vesl engaged in mine clearance operations.
23. What does the abbreviation IALA stand for?
It stand for International Association of Lighthou Authorities
24. Is it safe to pass north of a North Mark?
yes,it is.
25. Is it safe to pass north of a South Mark?
Yes, it is safe to pass north of a South Mark.
26. Does “variation” change due to ship’s position?
pass是什么意思Yes, the “variation” change due to ship’s position.
27. Does deviation change due to ship’s position?
No, the deviation does not change due to ship’s position
28. When correcting charts why must you u symbols and abbreviations from chart 5011?principal怎么读
Becau the chart 5011 covers a large area, if we don’t u symbols and abbreviations to correct it, it will become unreadable.
29. You have purchad a new chart. Is it right ready for u?
No, you should correct it up to date.
30. What publication do you need to correct charts properly?
Notices to Marines.
31. What cour in degrees corresponds to south-east?
135 degrees.
32. What is the angle between magnetic and true meridian called?
It is called magnetic veariation.
33. Where can you always find information about the magnetic veariation?
On chart.
34. When a ship picks up speed, will draught increa or decrea?
It will decrea when a ship picks up her speed.
35. A ship ahead of you has hoisted the signal flag “O”, what has happened?
It means "Man overboard."With a sinister hoist, the maphore flag.
1. Why does a ship need maintenance?
To ensure the ship in aworthiness.
2. Who is in charge of the maintenance work?
The chief officer
3. Can you list some types of repair?
Yes, for example: minor repair and major repair; lf repair and dock repair; voyage repair and annual repair; periodical repair and intermediate repair.
4. What is a voyage repair?
The repairing work is been done between two voyages.
5. What is an annual repair?
According to rules times to repair, it is a whole, system repair.
6. What is major repair?
To repair the ship’s hull and main equipments.
7. What is a repair list?
A paper is to list what should be repair, how to be repair.
8. What special attention should be paid to when writing a repair list?
In a repair list , it is must be record that how to repair them.
9. Can you list at least five kinds of paint?
Yes, primer, anti-corrosive paint, anti- fouling paint, bitumastic, solution, varnish.
(红丹--防锈漆, 防腐漆,防污漆, 舱底沥青漆, 沥青清漆—水罗松, 清漆—凡士林)
10.Can you list some classification societies in the world?
Yes , the lyord’s, CCS\BV\ABS
11. What kind of paint is usually given to the places such as radiator, pipes and funnels?
The heat-resist