英概Chapter 1-2
1、Ireland is NOT a political division on the island of Great Britain.
2、The capital of Brain is London.
3、At prent, there are 50 member countries within the Commonwealth.
4、Great Britain is divided into three political divisions.formulaone
5、The British Empire gradually disappeared and it was replaced by the British Commonwealth of Nations in 1931.
6、Which of the following statements is not true about Britain?(D)
A、Great Britain and England are geographical names.
B、The official name of Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
C、British Empire was replaced by the British Commonwealth in 1931.
D、Britain has four political divisions on the island of Great Britain.
7、Britain is parated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the south and North Sea in the east.
职称英语理工a8、The Celts came to Britain in three main waves from about 600 BC until the Romans came.
9、nightThe successful Roman invasion took place in 43 AD, headed by the Emperor Claudius.
10、The Celts began to arrive about 700B.C.
11、The Celts were practiced farmers.
12、Tho who began to invade Britain about 700BC and kept coming until the arrival of the Romans have been known as the Celts in history.
13、The Celts’ religion was Druidism.
14、It is Roman that brought the new religion, Christianity, to Britain.
15、During the fifth century when the Roman Empire fell, the Germanic Angles and Saxons invaded and conquered Britain.
16、In the mid-5th century, a new wave of Teutonic invaders came to Britain. The three tribes were Jutes, Saxons, and Angles此生此夜不长好 明月明年何处看.
17、The small kingdoms of Esx, Susx and Wesx in the southwest of Britain were established by the Saxons in 5th century.
18、The word Heptarchy is ud to describe the situation in England in the 6th century when the country was divided into ven kingdoms.
19、The names of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday derive from the name of Germany gods.
20、Which of not true about the Anglo-Saxons? (D)
A、They were regarded as ferocious people.
B、They established the manorial system.
C、They divided the country into different shires.
D、Their tribes were ldom at war with one another.
21、The first Christian church was build at Canterbury in England.
22、The first Christian church in England was build with the support of Ethelbert, the King of Kent in 579.
23、The Anglo-Saxons established the manorial system, whereby the lord of the manor collected taxes and organized the local army.
24、The Norwegian Vikings and the Danes from Denmark attacked various parts of England from the end of 8th 美丽中国高清下载century.
25、The great king of Wesx who fought against the invasion of the Danes in the 9th century was known as Alfred the Great.
26、King Edward was known as “the Confessor” and his piety led him to build Westminster Abbey.
27英语学习辅导报答案、The battle between English troops led by Harold and the Norman troops led by William was fought at Hastings in 1066.
28、When Edward, the Confessor died, the Witan cho Harold as English King.
29、Of the following four kings, C died most tragically.
A、King Edward B、hou of loveKing Egbert C、King Harold D好好学习天天向上英语怎么说、King Alfred
1、Why can England reprent the whole Britain?
It is becau England is the largest, most populous and generally speaking the richest ction.
2、What are the four political divisions of the United Kingdom?
中秋节 英文
They are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
3、What are the three political divisions on the island of Great Britain?
They are England, Scotland and Wales.
4、What is the cau of the decline of the British Empire?
The two world wars was greatly weakened Britain and the Britain Empire gradually disappeared.
5、What was King Edward (1042-1066) known as?
He was known as Edward “ole西班牙语the Confessor”.
6、When did the Celts arrived in Britain?
The Celts arrived in Britain between 600BC-150BC.
7、How was Julius Caesar related to English history?
Julius Caesar led his army and invaded England in 55BC.
8、How long was Britain under the Roman occupation?
For nearly 400 years Britain was under the Roman occupation.
9、Who were the Picts?
The Picts were a tribe of the Scots who resisted the invasion of the Romans.
10、What the names of two great walls built by the Romans?
They are the Hadrian’s Wall and the Antonine Wall.
11、Who invaded England in the mid-5th century?