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Sample of Paraphra
Book 3
Unit 6
1. Keeping to mylf was my way of not forming attachments that I would only have to abandon the next time we moved. But one day I became attached through no design of my own.
In order not to form attachments and not to make mylf sorry the next time when I would say goodbye to my good friends. I just played by mylf. One day, by chance, I became attached again.
2. Soon I began to e her almost every weekend, and my well of knowledge about natural history began to brim over.
I began to know much about natural history too much for a boy of my age.
Unit 8
3. “Stop” I said, my brain reeling. “Tell me one thing at a time”.
静心瑜伽My head em to be making round in a whiling motion. I felt dizzy, be wild completely.
4. I stood riveted in astonishment.
I stood still as if fastened to the ground with a rivet.
5. In place of the roaring thoroughfare that I had known, this silent, moss-grown desolation.
Instead of very lively or thriving main street, a waste land covered with mass.
Unit 9
6. The notes are in the nature of a confession. It is the confession of a miducated man.
The lines I’ve written down here is my admission that I was educated in the wrong way.
7. Not that my education was a complete failure. It prepared me very well for a bird’s-eye view of the world.
I was not saying that my education was a complete failure. It gives me a general picture of the world, a view that lacks depth and subtlety.
8. As I write this, I have the feeling that my words fail to give force to the idea they ek to express.
日常祛痘小窍门My words are still not strong enough to expressing ideas.
Unit 10
9. To go to Pompeii today is to take a trip backward in time. The old city comes to life all around you.
When you go to Pompeii today it is like going back 1700 years in history becau you wo
uld find the city as it actually was the day of the eruption.
10. A good imagination is all you need to restore it to activity.
If you have a good imagination you will be able to imagine what was going on then.
Unit 11
bubbly歌曲11. Later that evening as they went into the bedroom, Norma picked up the subject.
Later that evening when we entered the bedroom, Norma started talking about the push-button unit again.
12. What’s the occasion?
Is there anything special happen today?
13. She struggled to her feet and walked into the kitchen numbly.
She ro to her feet with a great effort.
Unit 12
14. I do not believe you appreciate the magnitude of the misfortune involved in Lee’s escape.
I don’t believe you understand the importance of failure involved in Lee’s escape.
15. Anyhow, it is water under the bridge now.
The thing is past and gone.
16. Upon returning to the airport, Hoover asked to e the mechanic.giulietta
As soon as he returned to the airport, Hoover asked to e the mechanic.
Unit 13
17. Jules Verne, the man was a stay-at-home.
Unlike the heroes in his novels, Jules didn’t travel very much.
18. His books are crowded with hunting and fishing expeditions.除夕的故事
affect用法His works are filled with many hunting and fishing stories.
19. Verna, who lived to e many of his fancies come true, was matter-of-fact about it all. “What one man can imagine,” he said, “another man can do.”
Many of the things he imagined and described in his novels were invented before he died. But he didn’t em surpri at all. He said since one person can imagine a thing, it was only natural that another person can make it a reality.
20. Knowing Dumas confirmed young Verne’s desire to be an author.
Knowing Dumas he became confirm in his desire to be a writer.
Book 4
Unit 1
21. College is designed to be a time of personal growth and expansion.
College is aimed at lf-growth and expansion.
Unit 2
22. One poem committed to memory in grade school survives in my mind.
I still remembered one poem I learnt in primary school.
23. Perhaps restlessness is a necessary corollary of devoted literacy.
Perhaps if a person works really hard at reading and writing, he or she is bound to restless.
25. Reading has always been my home, my sustenance, my great invincible companion.英文书名号
Reading has always given me joy and comfort, food and drink, strength and companion ship.
25. I realized that while my satisfaction in the sheer act of reading had not abated in the least, the world was often as hostile, or as blind, to that joy as had been my girlfriends banging on our screen door, begging me to put down the book ---“that stupid book.”burstout