the dishThe new science
The great chariot of society, which for so long had run down the gentle slope of tradition, now found itlf powered by an internal combustion engine. Transactions and gain provided a new and startling motive force.What forces could have been sufficiently powerful to smash a comfortable and established 教师节学生演讲稿world and institute in its place this new society. There was no single massive cau . It was not great events, single adventures, individual laws, or charming personalities which brought about the economic revolution. It was a process of internal growth.First, there was the gradual emergence of national political spirit in Europe. Under the blows of peasant wars and kingly conquest, the isolated existence of early feudalism gave way to centralized monarchies. A cond great current of change was to be found in the slow decay of the religious spirit under the impact nootbookof the skeptical, inquiring, humanist views of the Italian Renaissance. Still another slot是什么意思 deep current lies in the slow social changes that eventually rendered the market system possible. In the cour of t
his change, power naturally began to gravitate into the hands of tho who understood money matters--the merchants---and away from the disdainful nobility,who did not. 在这个变化之中,权利便自然而然地从那些鄙视财迷的高尚者的手中转入那些懂得经营钱财的商人的手中。
The American Dilemma翻译
About ven years ago, I accepted an invitation to participate in a minar on the ethical and moral problems of American society that was sponsored by the Aspen Institute in Colorado. Among the other invited guests were business executives, college presidents, judges, government officials, managing editors, professors and theologians.
大概七年前,我应邀参加一个由科罗拉多阿斯彭研究所(Aspen Institute)赞助的研讨会,探讨有关美国社会道德伦理问题。出席会议的还有企业家、大学校长、法官、政客、执行编辑、教授和神学家。
Although there was no conflict or controversy in the discussions, one of the largest pre
ntations has had a profound, almost obssive, impact upon my thoughts about the character and quality of American life[1]幼儿英语培训机构推荐
In a rather quiet voice, a recently retired vice-president of one of the largest corporations in America told the group that one of the persistent problems faced by his office was how to keep the accounting records of the corporation in such a way that they would be accurate and would also obscure the fact that regular operating expens were payoffs to municipal official to expedite the installation of new construction in the large cities throughout the United States. [2] Casually, this participant cited this as another example of a prevailing functional immorality with which big business had to come to terms.
When none of the other participants raid a question about the ethical implication of this practice, I eventually asked why this powerful corporation did not bring this matter to local and Federal law-enforcement officials. My colleagues clearly considered my question naïve. They reacted to my persistent questions as if I were an unrealistic child who did not understand the economic and political rules of the great American game.
Now I was shocked not only by the disclosure but equally shocked at the fact that my fellow minar participants were not shocked. They thought themlves realistic in not permitting an academic discussion of ethical and moral values to be confud by “minor” specific examples of generally accepted institutionalized immorality.[3]hi jude 歌词
What is the basic systemic problem---the fundamental problem of perspective, value and character ---that ems to be inherent in the chronic cris plaguing American society?Obviously the answer to this question is not to be found in deprivation and poverty of resources.
When dishonesty appears to work, it’s difficult to argue persuasively for honesty.junkfood
Many American under the banner of democratic egalitarianism will argue and insist upon their right to keep less desirable, “less equal,” Americium out of their communities and schools.
They also em to have the courage to risk the repeated expressions of their concern and thereby rve as a gnawing and irritating conscience to tho who have attained success.
sonnet 18In the final analysis only the individuals provide the hope for that ultimate type of realism that is defined by the capacity of a society to survive rather than to be destroyed eventually on the altar of human barbarity.
I have here in my hand 翻译
There emed no stopping . He boasted: “McCarthyism is Americanism with its sleeve rolled.” He gloried in being himlf: the poor kid from the wrong side of the tracks who had fought his way up,who was going to teach the snobs a thing or two. “McCarthyism, ”wrote critic Peter Viereck, “is the revenge of the nos that for 20 years of fancy parties were presd against the outside window pane. ” The Wisconsin Senator had tapped into one of the universal recurring themes in American life: the antagonism between the uppity, dudish, big-city smart alecks and the rough and ready independent, true-blue Americans from the backwoods. “it’s not the less fortunate.. who have been lling this nation out,” he cried, “but rather tho who have had all the benefits—the finest homes.the finest college educations, and the finest jobs in government. The bright young men who are born with silver spoons in their mouths are the worst.”