Lesson 19 A very dear cat 一条贵重的宝贝猫
New words and expression 生词和短语
Dear adj.亲爱的(心爱的)(在书信中也可以表达为“敬爱的”,男男或者长辈,长官)
宝/珍贵的(非常受珍视);be dear to sb
昂贵的(价格高的); Cars in are much dearer in China than in the US.爱情是如此简单
Dear = Costly(adj.昂贵的, 贵重的)= expensive
-- I can't afford the car becau it's too dear.
Dear adj.珍贵的, 宝贵的 be dear to sb
-- The lamb is prize(珍贵的,宝贵的) to Mary = The lamb is dear to Mary
cost somebody dear 花了某人很多钱(dear adv.昂贵地, 价高地)
-- The cat cost the lady dear.
adv 使某人损失惨重,或者给某人带来很多麻烦和痛苦,一般为词组 cost sb dear苦不堪言,焦头烂额
Ann’s marriage to Peter cost her dear 使她痛苦不堪
n. 亲爱的人,受爱戴的人,可爱或善良的人(特化为一个名词)
That’s/There’s a dear 这才是个好孩子 where’s that smile? 笑一笑
How did the interview go, dear?
interj. 哎呀 oh dear==dear me 哎呀
kidnapper n.者,拐骗者 (kidnaper也可以)
kidnap vt.诱拐(小孩), , 勒赎 -- They kidnapped five hostageerges.(n.人质, 抵押品)
kidnap n. (犯罪概念,不可数),或案(可数)
kidnapee [kɪdnæ'pi:] n.被的人,肉票
一般er表示动作的发出者,ee表示动作的接受者 employer employee雇主 雇员
interviewer 采访者,面试者 interviewee 被采访者,参加面试者
rainer,trainee训练者,受训者 addresr (addressor),addre发件人,收件人
blackmail 敲诈,勒索; threaten vt.& vi. 危及;威胁 (threat n 威胁) intimidate vt.恐吓,威胁
considerable adj.1、相当大的/多的/重的(数量,范围,程度)loadout
-- a considerable business. 大型企业。 -- He has got a considerable success.
a considerable figure in local business The economy was a ~ issue in every country.
n. (口语中,非正式)大量,很多的数量,范围,程度(上节课中讲述的词性的活用)
he has done considerable for me.
Considerably adv.相当大地, 相当多地(= much, a lot , a great deal)
-- It's considerably colder today than yesterday.
Considerate(adj.考虑周到的)= thoughtful(adj.体贴的, 关切的)
be considerate to somebody 对某人很体贴
-- Are you considerate/thoughful to your wife?
Considered(adj.经慎重考虑的, 经过熟思的)
-- It's my considered opinion.
-- All things considered, 茄子的英语he finished the work well.
Considering prep&conj&adv.就studying abroad…而论;照…来看;考虑到…
介词-- Considering his age, the little boy reads very well.
就他的年龄来说, 这小孩读得算挺好的。
连词(considering that原因状语从句)- They have done it well considering (that) they have no experience.
除becau, since, as, forscythe以外,特殊的原因状语引导词:eing justkiddingthat(由于,鉴于 )(看到这个情况考虑), now that(既然), in that, considering that(考虑到), given that(考虑到).(给这个情况考虑)
Seeing that you’re already at the door, I suppo I must invite you inside.
Given that she is interested in children, I am sure teaching is the right career for her
副词-- He studies English well, considering. 就各方面而言, 他英语学得很好。
Wealthy adj. 1、富的,有钱的==rich
2、丰富的,富饶的(某方面量大)==rich a ~ land 富饶的土地 be ~ in compassion 感情
rich 比正常(比如正常需要)更有钱 wealthy 比rich更有钱
Orderly adj.有规律的;1、有规律的,有条理的(有系统安排的)
an ~ mind 有条理的思绪 in a more ~ way 更加有条理的方法
2、整洁的,干净的==neat(tidy and in order)
3、有秩序的;守纪律的 an ~ class 守纪律的班级
adv 按部就班地(systematically);规律地(regularly) he did his job ~.
Discipline v.训练 n.纪律, 学科
Disciplined n.受过训练的,遵守纪律的
Regular adj.规则的, 有秩序的
Disappearance n.失踪
Anonymous adj. 匿名的, 名字不公开的, 不记名的
an ~ donation/ letter/ phone call an~ vote 不记名投票 remain anonymous
anonymity [,ænə’nɪməti] n.匿名;作者不详;匿名者; in anonomity 匿名地,默默无闻地 work in ~
requested anonymity
anonymously He nt the photos to the police ~.
unknown 不知道或不了解;不认识的,不熟悉的,陌生的;不出名的,无人知晓的,未获公众认可的
Ransom n.赎金 pay ransom to somebody ransom demand/note demand a ransom of…
-- The old lady paid a ransom of one thousand pounds to the kidnapper.
固定短语hold somebody to ransom 某人为了赎金(美国英语介词是for)
-- They kidnapped the boy and held him to ransom.
英国英语这短语还有威胁;胁迫的意思 certain organization has the power to hold the Government to ransom
ransom vt 1、赎回,为….交付赎金 The kidnapped children were all ransomed
2、救赎 ransom sb
钱:wage salary income earnings payment
pension 养老金,退休金 allowance 津贴 bonus 奖金,分红(年终奖,腾讯有部分是24-36个月)
commission 佣金(提供服务,雇佣兵,杀手,能叫工资吗?) kick-back 回扣,酬金
fund 基金(专款资金) foundation 基金会(地基;房基;基础)(组织,fund才是钱)
random adj.随机的;任意的;胡乱的 in a random order a ~ choice 随意的选择 at random随便地
Cardboard n.硬纸板(尤指可以用于制纸箱的硬纸板,卡纸)
Withdraw 小册子英文(withdrew, withdrawn) v.(从银行)取钱(银行账户中的款)
2、~ sb/sth from sth(使)撤回,撤离(缩回、领回、收回、取回、移开、拉开(视线one’s eye))
Both countries ~ their forces from the region ~ her hand from his. ~ one’omts eyes from
3、(使)退出(组织,活动等)(介词用from) ~ from the European union ~ their children from the lessons