心情烦躁不安怎么办by 失忆的草履虫
*VWRITE, Par1, Par2, Par3, Par4, Par5, Par6, Par7, Par8, Par9, Par10, Par11, Par12, Par13, Par14, Par15, Par16,Par17, Par18, Par19
光棍节歌曲Argument Descriptions
Par1, Par2, Par3, . . . , Par19
You can write up to 19 parameters (or constants) at a time. Any Par values after a blank Par value are ignored. If you leave them all blank, one line will be written (to write a title or a blank line). If you input the keyword SEQU, a quence of numbers (starting from 1) will be written for that item.
Par1, Par2, Par3, . . . , Par19
You u *VWRITE to write data to a file in a formatted quence. Data items (Par1, Par2, etc.) may be array parameters, scalar parameters, character parameters (scalar or array), or constants. You must evaluate expressions and functions in the data item fields before using the *VWRITE command, since initially they will be evaluated to a constant and remain constant throughout the operation. Unless a file is defined with the*CFOPEN command, data is written to the standard output file. Data written to the standard output file may be diverted to a different file by first switching the current output file with the /OUTPUT command.You can also u the *MWRITE command to write data to a specified file. Both commands contain format descriptors on the line immediately following the command. The format descriptors can be in either Fortran or C format.
你使用 *VWRITE 命令,按照格式化的顺序向一个文件中写入数据。数据项(PAR1,PAR2,等)可以是参数数组,标量参数,字符参数(标量的或是数组的),或是常量。你必须在使用该命令之前计算数据项里的表达式和函数,因为在开始的时候他们被计算为一个常数,并在整个的操作过程中一直保持为常数形式。只有先用*CFOPEN命令定义一个文件,数据才会输出到标准输出文件中去。写入到标准输出文件里的数据可以通过/OUTPUT命令转换现有输出文件转移到不同的文件中去。你也可以使用*MWRITE命令将数据写入一个指定的文件。两个命令都可以在紧跟着命令行之后包含格式描述符。格式描述符可以是Fortran或者C格式的。
You must enclo Fortran format descriptors in parenthes. They must immediately follow the *VWRITE command on a parate line of the same input file. Do not include the word FORMAT. The format must specify the number of fields to be written per line, the field width, the placement of the decimal point, etc. You should u one field descriptor for each dat
a item written. The write operation us your system's available FORTRAN FORMAT conventions (e your system FORTRAN manual). You can u any standard FORTRAN real format (such as (4F6.0), (E10.3,2X,D8.2), etc.) and alphanumeric format (A). Alphanumeric strings are limited to a maximum of 8 characters for any field (A8) using the Fortran format. U the “C” format for string arrays larger than 8 characters. Integer (I) and list-directed (*) descriptors may not be ud. You can
include text in the format as a quoted string. The parenthes must be included in the format and the format must not exceed 80 characters (including parenthes). The output line length is limited to 128 characters.
你必须要在括号里写入Fortran格式描述符。它们必须在这同一个输入文件当中另起一行,紧跟在*VWRITE 命令之后。格式必须说明写入每一行的字段的数目、字段的宽度和小数点的位置等等。你需要为每一个写入的数据项分别使用一个字段描述符。写操作使用你电脑系统的有效的FORTRAN格式约定(参见你系统里的FORTRAN手册)。你可以使用任何标准的FORTRAN实数格式(例如(4F6.0), (E10.3,2X,D8.2), 等等)和字母数字格式(A)。使用Fortran格式的字母数字字符串被限制为最多8个字符(A8)。使用C格式的字符串数组大于8个字符。整型(I)和表式(*)描述符不被使用。你可以用引用字符串的格式包含文本。括号必须包含在格式里,并且格式不得超过80个字符(包括括号)。输出行的长度限制在128个字符。
高三英语复习计划The “C” format descriptors are ud if the first line of the format descriptor is not a left parenthesis. “C” format descriptors are up to 80 characters long, consisting of text strings and predefined "data descriptors" between the strings where numeric or alphanumeric character data will be inrted. The normal descriptors are %I for integer data, %G for double precision data, %C for alphanumeric character data, and %/ for a line break. Each descriptor must be preceded by a blank. There must b
e one data descriptor for each specified value (8 maximum) in the order of the specified values. The enhanced formats described in *MSG may also be ud.
如果格式描述符的第一行不是一个左括号,那么C格式的格式描述符将被使用。C格式描述符超过80个字符长度,由文本字符串和预定义数据描述符组成,数据描述符位于字符串之间,数字和字母数字字符数据将被插入这些字符串。标准的描述符是:整型%I ,双精度型%G ,字母数字型%C而%/代表换行符。每一个描述符的前面必须要有一个空格。按指定值大小的顺序,每一个指定值(最大为8)都必须要有一个数据描述符。增强的格式描述也可以在*MSG命令中使用。
For array parameter items, you must define the starting array element number. Looping continues (inimage是什么意思
crementing the vector index number of each array parameter by one) each time you output a line, until the maximum array vector element is written. For example, *VWRITE,A(1) followed by (F6.0) will write one value per output line, i.e., A(1), A(2), A(3), A(4), etc. You write constants and scalar parameters with the same values for each loop. You can also control the number of loops and loop skipping with the*VLEN and *VMASK commands. The vector specifications*VABS, *VFACT, and *VCUM do not apply to this command. If looping continues beyond the supplied data array's length, zeros will be output for numeric array parameters and blanks for character array parameters. For mu
lti-dimensioned array parameters, only the first (row) subscript is incremented. See the *VOPER command for details. If you are in the GUI, the *VWRITE command must be contained in an externally prepared file and read into ANSYS (i.e., *USE, /INPUT, etc.).七年级英语上册听力
This command is valid in any processor.
对于数组参数项,你必须定义开始的数组元素数目。每输出一行便循环一次(每一个数组参数的矢量指数数目的增量为1),直到最大的数组矢量元素被写。例如,*VWRITE,A(1) ,后面接着(F6.0) ,将会在每一个输出行写一个值,例如 A(1), A(2), A(3), A(4), 等等。常数和标量参数将会在每次循环写入相同的值。你也可以通过*VLEN 和 *VMASK命令控制循环的数目和跳出。描述矢量的命令*VABS, *VFACT, 和 *VCUM无法在这个命令里应用。当循环的次数超过提供的数据数组的长度之后,数值数组将会输出0,字符数组将会输出空格。对于多维数组参数,只有第一(行)下表增加。查看细节,请参看*VOPER命令。如果你是用GUI操作,那么 *VWRITE 命令必须被包含在一个已准备好的外部文件内,然后读进ANSYS(例如*USE, /INPUT等命令)