Alcatel OmniPCX Enterpri 4400中文编程资料
1.config 0 系统卡片位置、壮态。
2.trkstat X 外线群外线壮况。<X表外线群ID>
3.uhwconf CPU type、RAM…等。
4.timout 0 系统login后,管理者三分钟后未下任何command,系统不logout。
5.despstat 0 Y Z board的Q23及NDDI board的忙线侦测壮况<Y. address>
6.eqstat X Y 外线的eq.no.對照board address<X n表eq d表话机 Y 表eq.no>
7.termstat d Y 看分机壮况或ret<Y 分机号码>
8.readkey 看分机key壮况
9.listerm 0 Y 看board之壮况<Y address>
10.ctrl+F 下一頁
11.ctrl+B 上一頁
12.ctrl+I 解释用
13.ctrl+p 重复上一次command
14.bascul CPU替换<需在主CPU下command
15.listdnd 看分机DND使用壮况
16.listerm 看board上之分机号码
17.opstat OPS之內容
18.vgstat VG board之內容
19.trkstat –r X 外线及时监看<X表外线群ID>
cancel是什么意思20.shutdown –i 系统ret
21.shutdown –ih 系统关机
22.rstcpl 0 Y board ret<Y address>
23.dectinston X DECT手机登入<X 分机号码>
24.incvisu –1 看系统error code
25.zdpost d X 看分机设定参数<X 分机号码>
26.tradna 看分机系统位置,eq NO.,话机类型
27.vgton 看VG及Tone设定位置
Backup Data
3.选Save & restore operations
4.选Immediate Save operations
5.选Immediate save on floppy
日本出国留学的条件6.选Save mao data
7.Do you want to save mao tool (Y/N) ?按Y
OPS Restore
3.选OPS configuration
4.选Restore OPS from a DOS floppy
5.you have to put the DOS floppy with OPS files in drive.
Is Dos floppy on drive (Y/N Q to quit)按Y
3.选Databa tools
4.选Create an empty databa
login: mtcl
Password: mtcl
Shelf Events Routing Discriminator
Dect system Security and Access Control
Translator 前.后置码,分机号码,外线允拨码
Categories 类別表
Attendant 总机群
Urs 分机设定
Profiled Urs 分机资料拷貝
Groups 代接群,寻线群
Abbreviated Numbering 简码
Phone Book
Trunk Groups 外线群
External Services 外线类別设定
Inter-Nodes Links
Specific Telephone Services
Other System Param.
Z2 Board Initialization Parameters
SIO Parameters
Voice Guide
Incoming Greeting Guides
Alarm Set
V24 Port
UA ts Audio Parameters
Z Board Audio Parameters
Tone detector Parameters
Migration Interfaces Config
Free Address
Free Numbers Ranges List
Free Directory Numbers
Recordable Voice Guides
Software Package
Isdn Basic Call Control IE
托福论坛Z2 Board Dynamic Parameters
Node Number (rerved) : 1fossilfuel
Instance (rerved) : 1
有道翻在线翻译Country for external signalling + Taiwan
Node Number : 1
Network Number : 0
Line Lockout Incident Storage + Fal
Display Languages
Display Language 0 + English
Display Language 1 + English
Display Language 2 + Italian
Display Language 3 + Spanish
Display Language 4 + German
Display Language 5 + Portugue
Display Language 6 + Flemish
Display Language 7 + Dutch
Urs Languages
1 - Nationality Choice + English
1 - Display Language No. : 0
1 - Voice Guide Language No. : 1
2 - Nationality Choice + English
汉英词典在线查询2 - Display Language No. : 0
2 - Voice Guide Language No. : 1
3 - Nationality Choice + German
3 - Display Language No. : 1
3 - Voice Guide Language No. : 3
4 - Nationality Choice + Spanish
4 - Display Language No. : 0
4 - Voice Guide Language No. : 4
5 - Nationality Choice + Portugue
5 - Display Language No. : 0
5 - Voice Guide Language No. : 1
6 - Nationality Choice + Flemish
6 - Display Language No. : 1
6 - Voice Guide Language No. : 1
7 - Nationality Choice + Danish
Z Board Audio Parameters
Node Number (rerved) : 1
Instance (rerved) : 1
Instance (rerved) : 1
Off Hook Validation Time : 12
On Hook Valid.For Decad.Time : 32(此值不可超过Max.Dur.Loop Break Hookflash)
Max.Dur.Active Pha : 10
Min.Dur.Active Pha : 1
Max.Dur.Inactive Pha : 10
Min.Dur.Inactive Pha : 1
Min.Dur.InterDigit Decadic : 20
Earth Button Valid Dur : 10
Filtering After On Hook Dur : 40
Min.Dur Loop Break Hookflash : 20
Max.Dur.Loop Break Hookflash : 32
Min.Detection DTMFQ23 : 29
Positive Twist For DTMFQ23 : 6
Negative Twist For DTMFQ23 : 249
Rec.Gain For QDSP : 108
Rec.Send Gain For QDSP : 160
Send_Gain_For_QDSP : 51
GDSP Echo B9 : 0
GDSP Echo B10 : 0
GDSP Echo B11 : 0
GDSP Echo B12 : 0
Attendant Call 总机代码 Personal Trunk Group Seizure
Professional trunk ize外线抓取码(送假外线音) Pers.Trk Grp iz.With Overlap.专案密码
Modem Trunk Seizure ARS Prof.Trg Grp Seizure
Set features 分机功能码 ARS Prof.Trg Grp Seiz.with overlap
General Features 代接功能码 ARS Personal Trk Grp
Local Features 系统功能码 ARS Personal Trk Grp with overlap.
External Features 外线功能码 ARS Modem TG With Overlapping
Direct Abbreviated No. 指定简码 Local Short Dialling Prefix
Data Transfer Open Routing No.
DISA X25 Physical Address
Incoming Call Greeting Guide X25 ISDN Access No.
Abbreviated Dialling Area 简码 Hybrid Access
Network No. Virtual Access
Professional TG With Overlapping外线群抓取码 Entity Voice Mail Box No.
Routing No. Hybrid Link
清华附中朝阳分校Robot Call Hybrid TG Address
VPN Overflow Ars Server
Individ.Attendant Call Unlocking DISA
Attendant Group Call 总机群代码
Entity Call
Set features
Immediate forward 立即跟随 Cancel Remote forward 取消遥控跟随
Immediate forward on busy 立即忙线跟随 Unud
Forward on no reply 无人应答跟随 Canc.auto.call back on busy 取消忙线預约
Forward on busy or no reply忙线或无人应答跟随Personal directory Progr. 個人简码设定
Forward cancellation 取消跟随 Personal Directory U 個人简码使用
Forward cancel.by destinat. 指定取消跟随項目 Language
reply on associate Contrast programmation 分机可程式功能
associate Alarm Consultation
Set group exit 退出Group Camp On Control 忙线驻留设定
Set group entry 进入Group Overfl.busy to assoc.t
美国之声中文广播Protection against beeps Overf.busy/no repl.assoc.t
PadLock 话机上锁 Voice Guide Listening
Auto-Allocation 自动来话分配 Suite Don't Disturb
Substitution 分机替代功能 No Ringing 来电不振铃
Password modification 修改密码 Tandem : Abnt Secretary
Charging meter readout Tandem : Filtering activation
Do not disturb 勿干扰 Force Set Type Identification
Set In/Out of rvice 分机加入.退出系统 Privilege substitution 分机替代功能特權码
Associated Direct. No modif. Remote forward 遥控跟随