中医认为:男性属于阳,女性属于阴;你认同吗Traditional Chine medicine thinks: men belong to Yang, women belong to Yin. Do you agree with it
同时我国古代哲学还认为:阴阳交感,事物才能真正的和谐. 你认同吗At the same time, our country ancient philosophy also holds that it is right to interact between Yin and Yang, Do you agree with it
同性恋就是阳与阳,阴与阴相结合,这本身不就是就违背了阴阳交感这一和谐的基本原则吗 Homoxuality is that Yang and Yang combined and Yin and Yin combined, which is not violated the interaction between Yin and Yang the harmonious basic principles
众所周知,现在人口老年化急剧加重,同性恋婚姻势必会降低人口出生率,那么这个社会矛盾又该如何解决呢As is known to all, now the aging population sharply increas太太的拼音, gay marriage certainly will reduce the birth rate, so how to solve the social contradictions
Have you ever thought would legalize will produce a bad influence on the next generation t
eenagers’ n of love
实在有违华夏文明的精髓,玷污了五千年历史的丰碑;It against the esnce of Chine civilization defiled the five thousand-year history of the monument.
一个男孩和一个女孩去结婚,合情合理合法;如果他和一个男孩去结婚也是合法的话,是不是有一天当他喜欢上他家的那只小狗时而跑去结婚是不是也该合法呢A boy and a girl get married which’s reasonable and legal. If he and a boy getting married is legal, is it lega makesurel one day he likes the puppy in his home he can get married my jolly sailor bold
同性恋并没有打破伦理道德,那人和动物结合有没有打破伦理道德呢Gay doesn’t break the ethics; Does the combination between people and animals break the ethics
现在很多国家和地区都已经承认同性恋婚姻或者已经合法化了,势必是说这是一种社会趋势的必然呢 Now many countries and regions have admitted gay marriage or have legalized, is it a certain social trend
是:那是不是我们也要顺应这种社会趋,变成同性恋者呢is: Shall we also jadisfollow this trend o
f the society to become a gay
如果不是:那么有必要学习其他国家立法使之合法化吗if not: Is it necessary to learn other country to make it legalize
同性恋人群占我国人口1%-13%有相当的比例人口,同性恋人口是不能生育的,那么这些人口的养老问题谁来解决这样是不是造成社会的负担呢The other argument teammates said that gay people account for 1- 13% of the population in China, gay population is a barren, so who will solve the problem平安夜的英文 ofmeasure>ppy the endowment Will it cau the social burden
Gay men can solve the population and the pension problem through the artificial inmination or adopting dk是什么children, then the claim of the children should be that who is the father, who is the mother It is a violation of the ethics
The person thinks gay is not a dia, not a mental illness: but there is also a study says the person is not born gay, but of the influence by the environment. So does gay also can cau more gays