
更新时间:2023-05-25 20:26:39 阅读: 评论:0

放飞梦想, 实现自我!(出国留学服务机构广告。要求前者译成动宾结构,后者译成动词加副词)
10. 它工作,你(指家庭主妇)休息。(洗衣机广告。要求用chores和credit;注意动宾搭配)
11. 先点击,后点钱!(IT产品,含文字游戏)
12. 你不理财,财不理你。(某财金杂志广告,其中“理”字含双关)
13. 我们实行三包:包修、包退、包换!(商家对顾客的承诺。要求三个关键短语都以R开头)
14. “美的”家电:美的(故意用错别字)全面,美的彻底。(家用电器广告。要求“全面”、“彻
15. “三优”牌家具:优越的质量、优惠的价格、优质的(售后)服务(要求三个关键短语都以U开头)
16. 茅台一开,满室生香。
17. 衣食住行,有龙则灵。(建设银行“龙卡”广告)
18. 非常可乐,非常选择。(饮料广告。要求译文重复两遍字母F和C)
19. 皮张之厚无以复加,利润之薄无以复减。(皮件制品广告。必须用thick和thin;允许词形有变通)
20. 要想皮肤好,早晚用大宝。(护肤霜广告)
22. 民国万税,天下太贫。
23. 年年难过年年过,处处无家处处家。
24. 客上天然居,居然天上客。
如何提高语言表达能力25. 球票紧张,教练更紧张。他来墨西哥后,几乎没好好睡过觉。
26. 在天津教书,天天吃天津饭,吃得津津有味。赴日本留学,日日读日本书,读得本本不通。
27. 有些天天喊大众化的人,连三句老百姓的话都讲不出来,可见他就没有下过决心跟老百姓
28. 希望大家积极支持文字改革工作,促进这一工作而不要“促退”这一工作。
29. 官逼民反,民不得不反。
30. 他“科员”了一辈子,从来没有得到过晋升的机会。
32. 东西南北中,好酒在张弓。
33. 上述产品堪称箱包、皮件的世界,劳保用品之王国。特别是皮制劳保手套执世界牛耳。
34. 中国有句俗话:“赶得早不如赶得巧”。赶上地坛庙会那就是巧。这里浓缩着浓郁的京味文
35. 任何季节、地点都能穿的外衣。
36. 口味一流,永难忘怀。(百事可乐广告)
37. 百万买卖,毫厘利润。
38. 再挑剔的妈妈也会挑选吉弗牌花生酱。
39. 温都度假村:虽不是家胜似家。
40. 牡丹香烟,醇味盖冠。carin
41. 一册在手,纵览全球。(《环球杂志》广告)
42. 清除皱纹,马到成功。(护肤霜广告)
43. 当代经典,永久计时。(手表广告)
44. 不求今日拥有,但求天长地久。
45. 默默无“蚊”的奉献。(蚊香片广告)
46. 品质优良,书写润滑,美观大方。(圆珠笔广告)
47. 长城电扇,电扇长城。
48. 在家靠自己,出国靠国旅(西安国旅广告)
49. 美日达音乐电脑万年历
50. 有形世界,无限风光。(电视台广告)
51. 我这个人没什么特长。要说还有什么长处,就是还有张长长的脸。与女同事
52. 我们冬天需要阳光,春天需要阳光,秋天需要阳光,夏天也需要阳光。
53. 周领导,人家小刘已经是八年的“妇科”病啦,也该给他个正经说法了吧?
54. 谁说女子不秃头!(生发素广告)
55. 她们是艺术圈中的极品,是芸芸众生里的“劳斯莱斯”。
56. 唐朝时,美人上马马不支。清朝时,美人上马马不知。
57. 不比不知道,一比吓一跳。
58. 君不正,臣投外国。父不正,子奔他乡。
59. 说你行你就行,不行也行;说你不行你就不行,行也不行。
油泵柱塞60. 怕黄昏忽地又黄昏,不销魂怎地不销魂,新啼痕压旧啼痕,断肠人忆断肠人。
61. County panels OK affordable housing
62. Globo Cabo(全球电缆公司)to buy cable rival
63. Jalen Ro keys victory over Bryant-less Lakers
64. Mississippi man ruled sole heir to blues legend
65. Philanthropist and husband of mystery Hollywood star pens biography
66. Henan meat processor Shuanghui up for sale
67. Enjoy ‘football-free’ peace in Ro Hou’s blue mirror hall
68. Dutch test would-be immigrants with gay kiss –to reve al their attitudes toward the country’s
liberal view on homoxuality
69. Takeover hostility – criticism of acquisitions of Chine enterpris by foreign firms off the mark
70. A head for headcount –savings plan unveiled after Alcatel’s takeover of bigge st US phone
equipment maker
71. Sealing slippage – Intercontinental Exchange Inc nets large share of oil futures market after online launch
72. Her friends and her detractors have made extravagant claims of goodness and mercy, foolishness
and naivety.眼线笔怎么削
73. Joph Stalin dismisd the Pope with cynical quip, “How many divisions has he got?”
74. The success of bookstore, which exists only on the Internet, impelled Barnes &
Noble to combine its successful physical bookstores with a strong prence in cyberspace and to team up with Bertelsmann, a leading international media company, in an online joint venture. 75. This is an article that challenges attention even if it fails to command complete asnt.
II. 改译以下各段译文(每题10分):
1. 【原文】 If that man had a ny n, wouldn’t he try to look attractive enough to make me want to
hire  him?
Is he too lazy to make the effort? In that ca, what kind of a worker can he be? Does he feel so bad about himlf, and could his judgment be correct?
【原文】 But I am denied that deeper understanding of them which I am sure would come through sight of
lkjthem, through watching their reactions to various expresd thoughts and circumstances, through noting the immediate and fleeting reactions of their eyes and countenance.
【原文】 Our colleague on the Sunday people had been exonerated by the Press Council for writing in her column that an actress had ‘little piggy eyes’. It was a moment of keen and necessary judicial
wisdom: for where would our great profession be without the constitutional right to slag off anyone who gives us the pip?
【原文】…Bogey played in his own Bogey way that was not at all Harriet’s. Harriet could never leave
anything alone, and Bogey liked things to be alone and behave themlves in their own way. For instance, he played with lizards and grass snakes; …
5.【原文】 The route was across the northern United States and then by ship to Alaska, where the plan was to drive across the Berling Strait on the ice.
When the Thomas arrived in Alaska by ship, the locals laughed at its crow’s plan to cross the Berling
Strait. Not one of them could remember the strait solidly frozen.
6  【原文】 Considering the prent situation, it may cau surpri, in view of the large number of
reports of resistance from so many important species all over the world, that the impact on inct control programs is not more drastic.
【原文】 Warming the food before aling the cans has the effect of reducing the pressure inside the cans  while the food is being sterilized. Then the cans are aled and the food is sterilized by heating the cans in a retort by means of steam.
【原文】 The difference between emending and amending a text is bad on the two ways in which a text
be considered correct. A text might be ‘correct’ if it is in its original, purest or most authentic form. To  restore it to this form, you emend it. On the other hand, the text might be ‘correct’ if it is in its best possible  form, usually different from the original: to change it to this improved form, you amend it.
【原文】 It would have demanded an unquestioning patriotism, happily uncommon in this country as it is
undesirable, for the people not to have been disturbed by the biter letters they received, by the newspaper stories they read, not to have been enraged by the posters, then to be found all over New York, which described the Japane as “yellowbellied Japs.”
10.【原文】But what if, God forbid, one los faith? The wicked live on denials; denials in themlves are also a faith, faith in evildoing, and from it one can draw strength for the body. But if the pious man los his faith, the truth is shown to him, and he is recalled. This is the symbolic meaning of the words, “When a man dies in a tent”: when the pious man falls from his rank, and becomes, like the wicked, without permanent shelter, then a light shines from above, and all doubts cea…
11. 【原文】Henry Bennett performed a carefully controlled study in which anesthetized patients
received a suggestion just before being brought to consciousness. Most patients who were told to
pull their ears during a subquent interview did exactly that, even though they did not recall having received such instructions.
[译文] 亨利·贝内特作了仔细的观察研究:在做手术的病人被麻醉失去了知觉前,他建议他们在手术过程中仔细听谈话,即使他们回忆不起曾受过这种暗示,病人也能照嘱咐做。
12. 【原文】 British and American English probably became similar as is necessary for easy mutual
understanding, but not more similar than that unless Americans and Britons feel no further need to regard themlves as culturally distinct. As the late Professor J.R. Firth is said to have obrved of pronunciation: “It is part of the meaning of an American to sound like one.”
13. 【原文】 This dual quality of being nsitive to, and curious about, small accidental occurrences,
and of posssing a frame of reference capable of suggesting their true significance, is probably what Pasteur meant when he said ‘Chance benefits only the prepared mind.’ Nevertheless, it is clear that the qualities alone, even then joined to tho mentioned previously, are not necessarily sufficient to ensure success: an indispensable factor in all the discoveries quoted above was careful and systematic experimentation.
14. 【原文】 Sometimes the dispute is finely balanced – the pronunciation of controversy for instance,
or the need for whom or the difference between further and farther. But you will always find a clear discussion of the dispute, airing the arguments on both sides, referring to the history of the language, quoting modern examples and suggesting a solution.
15. 【原文】Some years ago the curious compound “benign neglect” was ud to describe a U.S.
government policy that avoided actively promoting racial equality on the controversial ground that progress towards racial equality would meet less resistance in the abnce of such intervention.
【原译】若干年前,奇怪的复合词benign neglect(有益的疏忽)被用来描写美国政府。
16.  【原文】 Then, between is still preferable when more than one relationship is involved, provided that every
relationship is a well-defined two-way relationship – typically when every element is named.
17. 【原文】 I have already mentioned that the techniques can be ud even when they are not well
understood by the lower levels in management, and that this will generally be associated with the centralization of decision. This largely aris from the scarcity (shortage) of the knowledge required to carry out operational rearch and operate the necessary computing equipment; it appears economical to u this scarce resource best by concentrating it at one point.

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