How Can We Avoid the Stereotype toward Homoxuality?解方程的方法
A stereotype 三年级上册英语单词is a thought that may be adopted about specific types of individuals or certain ways of doing things. In our everyday life, we can easily encounter our stereotype to somebody. In some cas, it does not necessarily have a bad effect. However, a clo scrutiny of the notion reveals that in most of the time, it caus problems. As we all know, homoxuality has become one of the most concerned problems in this society. Becau people have certain stereotype toward homoxual people, they are always treated unfairly from work fields to life situations. To avoid the problem of stereotype toward homoxuality, we should try to communicate with them directly or indirectly and publish more positive information to alter the view of the public.
The first strategy is trying to communicate with a member within the group. In this ca, having a gay or lesbian friend could change your mind. In the article Identity in Transformation, the author Yasmin suffered being judged by other people as “terrorist” simply becau of her religion and ethic. She was a student in an American high school, wh道理英语
ich means that she has basically the same social status as other classmates. If, let’s imagine, that her classmates could just talk to her, try to understand the special scarf on her head, the religion that they are not familiar with, tho misunderstanding and conflicts should be avoided. If we talk more to homoxuals, we will find that they are actually the same as us in most aspects instead of being strange like others said.
The cond solution is called indirect contact. If you do not have the opportunity to meet and communicate with a member from a group, you could choo to get the information from tho who have the experience with that group. For example, a friend of many homoxual may tell others stories that quite real and different from tho stereotypes. That might change the view of a lot of people. I ud to be told that in a relationship of homoxual people, one partner should be dress like a woman and the other one is normal. This thought toward gay people has bothered me for years. Ever since one day I met a friend who has talked with homoxual frequently, I have altered this idea. In the article Black Men and Public Place, if the woman in the beginning had friends who contact with many African Americans, she might not walk away with fear toward the autho
全国英语三级考试r becau she knew that not all black men were muggers or cassiopeiarapists. However, this idea also has its negative impact. If the mediator has passive thoughts toward a group, this stereotype might be getting wor.
Last but not least, we should publish more positive information to the public. There is another theory called the Obama Effect. In 2008, by the time President Barack Obama put his hand on the bible, sworn in as the 44th president of the United States, he not only achieved his personal goal but also changed the stereotype of African American of lots of people. This means that some historical incidents might help to alter the stereotype of the public. Another example is when the famous movie the Brokeback Mountain won Academy Award for Best Picture, a lot of people who originally have the prejudice toward homoxual people, have known more about this special group.
The reason why we have some much negative images toward a group is lack of enough contact and understanding. From all the examples and analysis above, we can safely draw the conclusion that there are lots of ways to avoid stereotype. To communicate with
them and to publish positive information are efficient ways to deal with the core of the problem. If we know more and care more about them, nobody should suffer the pain anymore. So if you have the opportunity to meet with homoxuals, do not be afraid to do so. And if you have the experience being with homoxuals, plea share your thoughts to others friends and also the public. As more and more people learn and understand this special group, they will give up their stereotype eventually. The simple things you do could make this difficult problem a lot easier to solve.
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Ahmed, Yasmin. (2011). Alexander, Roberta, Jarrell Jan.(2012) ed. Community of Readers. Wadsworth Publishing, 28(3), 278-279
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Plant, E.A., Devine, P. G. Cox, W.T.L. Colum, C. Miller, S. L. Goplen, J. & Peruche, M.B.(2009).The Obama effect: Decreasing implicit prejudice and stereotyping. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 45(4), 961-964.