Belt conveyor is a machinery for conveying goods without end conveyer belt moving continuously . It has simple structure , low cost , long transportation distance and high productivity . With the development of modern industrial science and
technology , belt conveyor has become more and more important in industrial production . With the development of belt joint technology, belt conveyor has
developed to a high level. In the 17th century, the prototype of modern bucket hoists
and scraper conveyors began to u aerial ropeway to transport loo materials. In the
middle of 19th century, conveyors of various modern structures appeared one after
another. In 1868, Belt conveyor appeared in England, screw conveyor in America in
1887, steel belt conveyor in Switzerland in 1905, inertial conveyor in England and Germany in 1906. After that, the conveyor receives The impact of technological progress in the mechanical manufacturing, electrical machinery, chemical and metallurgical industries has been continuously impro
ved, gradually from the completion of the internal transportation of the workshop to the completion of material handling within the enterpri, between enterpris and even between cities, Become an indispensable part of material handling system mechanization and automation.
1.Belt conveyor having a circulating conveying belt, comprising: carrying rollers ar
ranged between a top strand and a bottom strand of the circulating conveying belt; up
per and lower guide rollers acting on upper and lower beads on the circulating convey
ing belt and forcing the circulating conveying belt radially outward, the upper and low er beads being formed opposite to each other on the circulating conveying belt; at leas t one toothed ring interacting with at least one toothed belt arranged on the circulating conveying belt, whereby the upper bead is neighbored to the toothed belt; and a drive device for moving the circulating conveying belt.
2. Belt conveyor according to claim 1, wherein the toothed belt is arranged on the u
nderside of the circulating conveying belt, in the running direction of the circulating c
onveying belt.
3. Belt conveyor according to claim 2, wherein the toothed ring is arranged at the e nd of the carrying rollers, and wherein projecting from the end of a first carrying rolle
r is a journal for the connection of the drive device.
4. Belt conveyor according to claim 3, wherein the toothed belt extends in the regio
n of the side border of the circulating conveying belt.
5. Belt conveyor according to claim 1, wherein the toothed belt and the toothed rin
g have multisplining.
6. Belt conveyor according to claim 1, wherein Kevlar filaments are incorporated i n the toothed belt.
7. Belt conveyor according to claim 1, wherein the toothed belt is attached on the c
irculating conveying belt via one of welding, vulcanizing, and adhesively bonding the reto.
新视野大学英语听说教程38. Belt conveyor having a circulating conveying belt, comprising: carrying rollers a
rranged between a top strand and a bottom strand of the circulating conveying belt; an
d a driv
homework什么意思e device and a force-transmission device for moving the conveying belt, where
in a pair of elements which interact with one another with a form fit is provided for fo
rce-transmission purpos, one of said elements being assigned to the force-transmissi
on device and the other of said elements being assigned to the conveying belt, wherei n the force-transmission device compris at least one toothed ring, and wherein the ci rculating conveying belt has at least one toothed belt, the toothed ring and toothed belt interacting with a form fit, wherein the toothed belt is a constituent part of a toothed-belt component which is of esntially U-shaped design in the transver direction of t he toothed belt and engages around the side-border region of the conveying belt.
9. Belt conveyor according to claim 8, wherein the toothed ring is assigned at least t
o a first belt-conveyor carrying roller, which is operatively connected to the drive devi
10. Belt conveyor according to claim 8, further comprising a counterpressure devic
e, which acts on that region of the toothed-belt component which extends on the top si
de of the circulating conveying belt.
11. Belt conveyor according to claim 8, wherein the free ends of the esntially U-
桌子的英文shaped toothed-belt component are designed as a bead.
12. Belt conveyor according to claim 8, further comprising guide rollers, which act on one of the toothed belt and the toothed-belt component.
13. Belt conveyor having a circulating conveying belt, comprising: carrying rollers arranged between a top strand and a bottom strand of the circulating conveying belt; u pper and lower guide rollers acting on upper and lower beads on the circulating conve ying belt and forcing the circulating conveying belt radially outward, the upper and lo
wer beads being formed opposite to each other on the circulating conveying belt; at le ast one toothed ring interacting with at least one toothed belt formed on the circulating conveying belt, wher
eby the upper bead is neighbored to the toothed belt; and a drive device for moving the circulating conveying belt, wherein a pair of said guide rollers are arranged on angled retaining arms such that the guide rollers act on one of the toot hed belt and the upper and lower beads, by way of inclined running surfaces.
14. Belt conveyor according to claim 12, wherein in each ca one pair of guide rol lers on the top strand and on the bottom strand of the circulating conveying belt act on one of the toothed belt and the toothed-belt component, extending over the entire bor der region of the circulating conveying belt.
15. Belt conveyor according to claim 1, wherein the carrying rollers are of conical configuration and form a belt curve, and wherein the toothed ring undergoes a form-fi tting connection in relation to the circulating conveying belt at the larger-diameter end of the respective carrying roller on the outer radius of the belt curve.
16. The belt driving device of claim 1, wherein one of said toothed ring and said to othed belt is releasably fixed to the carrying rollers.
Belt conveyor according to claim 16, wherein one of said toothed ring and said toot hed belt is releas
ably fixed to the force-transmission device by one of.
The prent invention relates to a belt conveyor having a circulating conveying belt , having carrying rollers, which are arranged between the top strand and the bottom str and of the conveying belt, and having a drive device and a force-transmission device f or moving the conveying belt.
It is known from practice for force to be transmitted from the drive device to the co nveying belt of a belt conveyor via friction fitting. The friction between a driven carry
ing roller and the conveying belt, for example, may even be sufficient for this purpo
. The rest of the carrying rollers are mounted in a movable manner and rotate along.
DE 42 44 170 C2
Disclos a belt conveyor having an endless conveying belt, the latter being driven
by means of a force-transmission device which is prent in the form of a friction whe el. A drive shaf
t extends beneath the bottom strand of the conveying belt. On the inner radius of the belt curve, a motor is connected as a drive device to the drive shaft and, in the region of the outer radius, a friction wheel is ated on the drive shaft and is in c ontact with the outer surface of the conveying belt. In this ca, the friction wheel inte racts with a carrying roller functioning as counterpressure roller. The drive shaft is mo unted such that it can be moved at an angle both in the region of the outer radius and i n the region of the inner radius of the belt curve.
Theangle mounting of the drive shaft allows adaptation of the exent to
which the friction movablewheel is presd against the conveying belt in proportion t
o the actual load. In this way, the wear is reduced if, in part-load operation, the conve
doableying belt is only subjected to the contact-pressure force which is necessary for this pur po.
Although the belt conveyor known from DE 42 44 170 C2 reduces the wear of the c
onveying belt, it cannot rule it out altogether. The task of conveying foodstuffs or othe
r goods which are to be kept clean involves, in addition to the mechanical damage to t
he conveying belt, the aspect of hygiene and of keeping goods clean. The abraded surf
ace particles of the conveying belt could have a considerable adver effect on the qua
lity of the goods which are to be conveyed. Moreover, the known belt conveyor requir
subcrewes an extremely high level of structural outlay as far as the movable mounting of the s eparate drive shaft is concerned.
Taking as departure point the belt conveyor known from DE 42 44 170 C2, the obje
ct of the invention is to specify a belt conveyor of the type in question which largely r
ules out any adver effect to the surface of the coconveying belt of the belt conveyor
by the force-transmission device. According to a particularly preferred configuration, the belt conveyor is intended to require just a low level of structural outlay.
The above object is achieved by the features of Patent claim 1. According to the latt
er, a belt conveyor of the type in question is configured such that a pair of elements w会计电算化与会计的区别
hich interact with one another with a form fit is provided for force-transmission purpo
s, and that one element is assigned to the force-transmission device and the other ele
ment is assigned to the conveying belt. According to the invention, it has been found t hat the surface of the conveying belt is not adverly affected as a result of the action of the force-transmission device if a parate pair of elements is provided in order to r ealize force transmission. It has also been found that the u of a pair of movement-co nverting elements which are known per and interact with one another with a form fi t largely eliminates the disadvantages which are known in the ca of friction-fitting movement conversion, in particular wear and abrasion.
According to a preferred exemplary embodiment of the belt conveyor according to t
he invention, the pair of elements could be prent as toothed ring and toothed belt, th
e tooth flanks o
f the toothed rin
用英语怎么说g and of the toothed belt interacting wit
h one another.
It would be possible for the toothed ring to be assigned to the force-transmission devic
e and for the toothed belt to be assigned to the conveying belt.
As far as a particularly low level of structural outlay is concerned, a preferred confi guration of the abovementioned exemplary embodiment provides that the toothed ring is assigned to a carrying roller, and the latter thus simultaneously assumes the role of the force-transmission device. Via a journal projecting from the carrying roller, the dri ve takes place by means of a motor. The toothed ring could be plugged onto the carryi ng roller and fixed releasably—for example via a shaft/hubconnection or a feather key —to the same.
In the ca of a plugged-on toothed ring, it isadvantageous that it is possible to u carrying rollers which are already prent. It is particularly advantageous for each carr ying roller to be assigned at least one toothed ring. Over the entire running path of the conveying belt, it would then be the ca that the toothed belt and the toothed rings int erengage and move the conveying belt in a dimensionally stable manner. Correspondi