free loop歌词翻译
dolce vitaPassage 7
For thousands of years, people thought of glass as something beautiful to look at. Only recently (1) come to (2) something to look through. Stores (3) their goods in large glass windows. Glass bottles and jars (4) food and drink allow us (5) the contents. Glass (6) spectacles (眼镜), microscopes, telescopes, and (7) very uful and necessary objects. (8) are ud by people who cannot e (9) or by people who want to protect their eyes (10) bright light. Microscopes make tiny things larger (11) we can examine them. Telescopes (12) objects that are far away appear (13) clor to us.
(14) in recent years plastics have replaced glass (15) conditions where glass might be (16) broken there are new us (17) for glass that were never imagined in the (18) . Perhaps the greatest (19) . of glass is that its constituent (形成的) parts are inexpensive and can be found (20) over the world.
1. A. they B. do they C. they have D. have they
2. A. think it B. think if of C. think it as D. think of it as
节目主持人台词3. A. protect B. hide C. display D. t aside
4. A. hold B. held C. that hold D. that holding
5. A. e B. to e C. eing D. en
6. A. ud to make B. is ud to make C. is ud to making D. ud to making
7. A. many others B. many other C. el D. another
8. A. Glass B. Glass C. Telescopes D. microscopes
9. A. perfectly B. perfect C. perfection D. perfected
北京艺术培训机构10. A. from B. in C. with D. beyond
11. A. so as B. as that C. so that D. such that
英语读物12. A. let B. watch C. get D. make
13. A. ever B. rather C. more D. much
14. A. Becau of B. Despite C. However D. Although
15. A. under B. below C. within D. on
16. A. hardly B. easily C. nearly D. almost
17. A. being developed B. be developed C. developed D. to be developed
18. A. ancient B. past C. old D. aged
19. A. goodness B. advance C. advantage D. progress
20. A. all B. around C. anywhere D. wholly
Passage 8
Tourism has become a very big (1) . For Spain, Italy and Greece, it is the largest (2) of foreign exchange, and (3) for Britain, it is the fourth. Faced (4) this huge income, no government can afford to look (5) on the business~ questions of hotel bath rooms, beach umbrellas and ice cream sales are now (6) by ministers of tourism with solemn experti. Before the Second World War the tourist industry was widely (7) as being unmanly and stupid. But (8) has become a new industry, as trade business ud (9) ; in Spain, Italy, Greece and much of Eastern Europe, new road (10) have opened up in the country, first to tourists, and (11) to industry and locals.
alkaline (12) of tourism is a nationalized industry, a (13) part of national planning. In a place west of Marilles, the French government is killing mosquitoes and (14) six big vacation places to (15) nearly a million tourists. In Eastern Europe, a whole new aside (16) has sprung up (17) the last few years so that the governments have greatly (18) when tourist's from the West (19) from half a million four years (20) to nearly two million last year.
fross21. A. firm B. business C. company D. affair
22. A. factor B. resource C. source D. cau
23. A. even B. yet C. also D. ever
24. A. in front of B. of C. with D. forbbu
25. A. up B. at C. for D. down
26. A. determined B. discusd C. argued D. sold