24 橡 胶 工 业2021年第68卷
二十一世纪报Analysis of Buoyancy Change of Latex Balloon and Simulation of
Vertical Trajectorybureaucrats
ZHU Huajian1,LI Fanzhu1,SHEN Zhipeng2,HE Hong1,XIAO Di'e2,ZHANG Liqun1
show girl(1.Beijing University of Chemical Technology,Beijing 100029,China;2.Hunan Key Laboratory of Near-space Meteo-ballon Materials and Technology,Zhuzhou Rubber Rearch & Design Institute Co.,Ltd of ChemChina,Zhuzhou 412000,China)
Abstract:Bad on the ideal gas equation of state,the buoyancy of the latex balloon was calculated and deduced,and the effects of the air pressure difference inside and outside latex balloon and the temperature fluctuation of the lift gas between day and night on the buoyancy of the latex balloon were analyzed.The relationship between the equilibration height and buoyancy to weight ratio was also studied.By establishing geometric model,atmospheric model and dynamic model,using the developed algorithm and relea experimental test data,the vertical trajectory of the latex balloon during the lift-off process was simulated and predicted.It was found that,when the drag coefficient was 0.45,the simulated prediction results were in good agreement with the experimental test results.
Key words:latex balloon;buoyancy;vertical trajectory;pressure difference;temperature difference;buoyancy to weight ratio;drag coefficient;simulation
cscl装配曙光院国产航空轮胎的ARJ21飞机首飞成功 2020年11月23日11时50分,在山东东营胜利机场,伴随着ARJ21-700飞机有力的轰鸣声由远及近,ARJ21飞机平稳着陆,装配中国化工曙光橡胶工业研究设计院有限公司(简称曙光院)“三环”牌航空轮胎的ARJ21飞机历经4天试飞,各科目测试圆满成功。装配国产航空轮胎的ARJ21飞机首飞成功,标志着其国产化进程向前迈进了新的一步。
航空轮胎是影响民航客机飞行安全的关键部件,其设计制造技术位于轮胎行业的金字塔顶端,全球只有屈指可数的企业可以研制并制造航空轮胎。在此之前,ARJ21飞机一直装配国外航空轮胎,价格昂贵,受制于人。2020年9月16日,中国科学院白春礼院长将航空轮胎列入美国“卡脖子”任务清单。曙光院研发团队历经3年攻关,自主成功研制可在额定速度为378 km·h-1、超速着陆速度为418 km·h-1,以及多种苛刻工况下安全使用的高性能航空轮胎,其产品性能超越国外同类型航空轮胎,减小了飞机更换轮胎的频率,降低了航空公司的运营成本,成功突破ARJ21飞机轮胎“卡脖子”难题。
(中国化工曙光橡胶工业研究设计院有限公司 高香丽)