•The police em unable to cope with the rising tide of (= large increa in ) car crime. 面对日益增多的汽车罪案,警方似乎无能为力。
[+ by]•Sales ro by 20% over the Christmas period. 圣诞节期间销售量增加了20%。
[+ from/to]•The rearch budget ro from £175,000 in 1999 to £22.5 million in 2001. 研究预算从1999年的17.5万英镑增加到2001年的2,250万英镑。
[+ above]•Temperatures rarely ri above freezing. 气温很少升到零度以上。
ri dramatically/sharply/rapidly/steeply etc•The number of people eking asylum in Britain has rin sharply. 到英国寻求政治庇护的人数激增。
2.升高,上升•The floodwaters began to ri again. 洪水再次开始上涨。留学咨询
•She watched the bubbles ri to the surface. 她看着一个个气泡上升到表面。
[+ from]•Smoke ro from the chimney. 烟囱冒出烟来。
3.站起来,起立•Then she picked up her bag and ro to leave. 然后她拿起包站起来要走。
•He put down his glass and ro to his feet . 他放下杯子站了起来。
ri from the table/your chair etc•The chairman ro from his chair and came forward to greet her. 董事长从座位上站起身,上前迎接她。
4.地位提高•people who ri to the top in their chon professions 在自己所选择的职业中出人头地的人们
[+ to]•He ro to the rank of major. 他升到了少校。
ri to prominence/fame/power•He had swiftly rin to prominence during the 1950s. 20 世纪50年代,他一下子就出了名。
ri to do sth•He ro to become chairman of the company. 他升为公司的董事长。
5.高耸,耸立,矗立•The bridge ro majestically into the air. 大桥巍然矗立。
[+ above]•The cliffs ro above them. 峭壁高耸于他们之上。
[+ from]•huge rocks rising from the a 耸立于海面的巨石
[+ from]•The sound of traffic ro from the street below. 下面的街上传来车来车往的声音。
aff吧 [+ above]•Her voice ro above the shouts of the children. 她的声音盖过了孩子们的叫喊声。
to become louder or higher 〔声音〕变响,提高•His voice ro in frustration. 他懊恼地提高了嗓门。
•The sun ris in the east. 太阳从东方升起。
•She could n her temper rising again. 她感觉到自己的脾气又上来了。
•There was an atmosphere of rising excitement in the school. 学校里的气氛越来越热烈。
•The doctor sounded optimistic and John’s hopes ro . 医生说得很乐观,约翰心中燃起了希望。
9.ri to the occasion/challenge成功应付困难局面/挑战
•a young athlete who can certainly ri to the occasion 绝对能够应对困境的一名年轻运动员
•They ro up and overthrew the government. 他们揭竿而起,推翻了政府。
[+ against]•The prisoners ro against the guards and escaped. 囚犯制服看守后逃跑了。
ri in revolt/rebellion•They ro in rebellion against the king. 他们起来反抗国王。
13. 复活ri from the dead/grave
•On the third day Jesus ro from the dead. 第三天耶稣复活了。
if a court or parliament ris, that particular meeting is formally finished
15.〔风力〕加强•The wind had rin again and it was starting to rain. 风又刮得更猛了,并下起雨来。
16.l发源•The Rhine ris in Switzerland. 莱茵河发源于瑞士。
17.ri and shine快起床〔幽默用语〕
ri above sth健身培训学费
•You expect a certain amount of criticism, but you have to ri above it. 你会受到一些批评,但是你要泰然处之。
•I try to ri above such prejudices. 我尽量不去理会这样的偏见。
ri to sth1.对〔尤指令人生气的话〕作出反应
•You shouldn’t ri to his comments. 你不应该计较他的评论。
•He refud to ri to the bait (= react in the way someone wanted him to ) . 他拒绝上钩。
In everyday English, people usually say an amount or level goes up rather than ris . 在日常英语中,表示数量或水准上升,人们一般用go up,而不用ri
ri 21.〔数字、数量或价值的〕增加
[+ in]•We are expecting a ri in interest rates. 我们预计利率将会提高。
•an alarming ri in unemployment 失业率的惊人上升
[+ of]•Profits went up to £24 million, a ri of 16%. 利润增加到2,400万英镑,上升了16%。
2. 工资[C] an increa in wages加薪
•He’s been promid a ri next year. 他得到保证,明年加薪。
3.成功/权力[singular,单数] the achievement of importance, success or power
yepp•The band’s sudden ri to fame took everyone by surpri. 该乐队的突然成名让所有人都感到意外。
•his swift ri to prominence 他的一举成名
•the ri and fall ofvtech the Roman Empire 罗马帝国的兴衰