
更新时间:2023-05-24 23:33:59 阅读: 评论:0

单词注释:n.→名词;v.→动词;vt.→及物动词;  vi.→不及物动词
a.→形容词;ad.→副词;prep.→介词;conj.→连词;pron.→代词  aux.v.→情态动词; num.→数词;int.→叹词    pl.→复数形式161.He joined in the junior tennis club at the age of 5, and his aim was to be well-known throughout the world as a tennis player.他 5 岁加入了这个青少年网球俱乐 部,他的目标是成为一名举世闻名的网球运动员。①join [dʒɔin] v.参加,加入;连接 ②junior [ˈdʒu:niə] a.年少的;资历较浅的 n.年少者;晚辈 ③tennis [ˈtenis] n.网球 ④club [klʌ韩剧傲慢与偏见b] n.俱乐部;棍棒,球棒⑤age [eidʒ] n.年龄;时代(期) at the age of 在……的年龄 ⑥aim [eim] n.目的 vt.瞄准 vi.(at,for)瞄准 ⑦well-known [ˌwelˈnəun] a.众所周知的,著名的 ⑧throughout [θru(:)ˈaut] prep.遍及;贯穿 ad.到处;自始至终
162. If you hold a plot of ice, the message of cool feeling will be carried from the skin to the brain.如果你握着一块冰,感觉凉爽的信号就由皮肤带给了大脑。①hold [həuld] v.拿;保持;掌握;主持 ②plot [pl教师资格证培训机构ɔt] n.故事情节;密谋;小块土地 ③ice [ais] n.冰,冰块 ④message [ˈmesid英文字典ʒ] n.信息,便条,口信 ⑤cool [ku:l] a.凉(快)的;冷静(淡)的 v.冷却 ⑥feeling [ˈfi:liŋ] n.
感情,体谅,同情;感觉 ⑦skin [skin] n.皮(肤);毛皮;外皮 ⑧brain [brein] n.脑,脑髓
163. To our amument, this model from Paris has formed a habit of wearing a pair of thin stocking even in winter in order to look attractive.令我们感到有趣的是,这个来自巴 黎的模特为了引人注目养成了在冬天穿薄的长袜的习惯。①amument[əˈmju:zmənt] n.娱乐;文娱设施 to one’s amument 令人感到有趣 的是 ②model [ˈmɔdl] n.模型;模特儿 a.模范的 ③form [fɔ:m] n.形式;外形;表格 v.形(构)成,产生 ④habit [ˈhæbit] n.习惯,习性 form a habit 形成一个习惯 ⑤a pair of 一对;一双 ⑥thin [θin] a./ ad.薄,细,瘦;稀薄(的) ⑦stocking [ˈstɔkiŋ] n.长袜 ⑧even [ˈi:vən] ad.甚至⑨winter [ˈwintə] n.冬,冬季 ⑩in order to 为了(做某事) (11)attractive [əˈtræktiv] a.吸引的,有吸引力的,引起注意的
164. The silly boy thought that if he mixed cream with jam and put it in the fridge for some time, he would get much ice cream.这个傻男孩认为只要将奶油和果酱混合起来,放 进冰箱一段时间,他就能得到许多冰激凌了。①silly [ˈsili] a.傻的,糊涂的 ②mix [miks] vt.配制;混淆 vi.相混合 ③cream [kri:m] n.奶油(食品);乳霜(膏) ④jam [dʒæm] n.果酱;拥挤;卡住 vt.塞进 ⑤fridge [frɪdʒ] n. 电冰箱
165. After such a rious traffic accident, he was still alive becau he wore the safety belt.在如此严重的交通事故之后,因为他戴着安全带所以他仍然活着。①such [sʌtʃ] a.这样的 ad.那么 ②rious [ˈsiəriəs] a.严重的;重要的;认真的;严肃的 ③traffic [ˈtræfik] n.交通(量);(非法)交易 ④accident [ˈcommercialisationæksidənt] n.意外遭遇,事故;意外(因素) ⑤alive [əˈlaiv] a.活着的;存在的;活跃的 ⑥safety ['ɪftɪ] n. 安全, 安全设备, 保险 ⑦belt [belt] n.腰带,皮带
166.Ocean and a are different from each other, becau the ocean is far away from the land while the a is clo to the land. Hence, to some degree, the Pacific belongs too cean rather than a.洋和海是不一样的,因为洋是远离陆地的地方而海是靠近陆地的地 方。因此,在某种程度上,太平洋属于洋而非海。①ocean [ˈəuʃən] n.洋,海洋 ②a [si:] n.海,海洋 ③each other [ˈi:tʃ ˈʌðə] 互相 ④far away from 远离…… ⑤land [lænd] n.陆地;土地;国家 ⑥while [wail] conj.当…的时;而;虽然 ⑦clo [kləuz] v.关;(使)接近 a.近的 ad.接近地 be clo to 离……近 ⑧hence [hens] adv.因此,所以;今后,从此 ⑨degree[di静夜思 李白ˈgri:] n.度,度数;程度 to some degree 在某种程度上, 在一定程度上 ⑩belong [biˈhusband什么意思lɔŋ] vi.应归入;适应;(to)属于 belong to 属于(11)rather than 与其…倒不如,不是…而是
167.If you want to get the occupation in this advertiment company, sign your name on the straight line.如果你想在这个广告公司里得到职务,请在横线处签上你的名字。①occupation [ˌɔkjuˈpeiʃən] n.工作,职业 ②advertiment [ədˈvə:tismənt] n.广告,公告,启事;广告活动 ③company [ˈkʌmpəni] n.公司;陪伴;同伴(们) ④sign [sain] v.签(署) n.标记,符号;招牌;迹象 ⑤line [lain] n.(界)线;条纹;方针;线路 on the line 在电话(线)上⑥straight [streit] a.直的;连续的;直率的
168.The customer dialed the company’s telephone number to know why all the free taps couldn't work at all.客户拨打了公司的电话,想知道为什么这些免费的水龙头根本 无法使用。①customer [ˈkʌstəmə] n.顾客,主顾 ②dial [ˈdaiəl] vt.拨(号),打电话 ③number [ˈnʌmbə] n.数字;号码[常略作N o.]号④free [ˈfri:] a./ ad.自由的(地);免费的(地) vt.解放 ⑤tap [tæp] n. 轻拍, 轻敲, 轻叩 v. 轻拍, 轻敲, 轻叩 ⑥at all [用于否定句]丝毫,一点 not at all 一点也不
巡行169. After her leader talked with her and told her to repeat the task, she felt very upt.在她的领导和她谈话并让她重复任务之后,她感到很不安。①leader [ˈli:də] n.领袖,领导者 
②repeat [riˈpi:t] v./n.重复,重说,重做 ③task [tɑ:sk] n.任务,工作,作业 ④upt [ʌpˈt] vt.心烦意乱;搅乱 n.不安(适) a.心烦的
170. Would you mind shutting the door?I smell something unusual outside the room. 你介意我关门吗,我在门外闻到一些异味。①Would you mind + (sb’s) doing 你介意(某人)做……吗? ②shut [ʃʌt] v.关,闭 ③smell [smel] n.气味;嗅觉 vi.散发 vt.闻到;察觉 ④unusual [ʌnˈju:ʒuəl] a.不平常的,少有的;与众不同的,独特的 ⑤outside [ˈautˈsaid] prep./ n./ ad./ a.(在,向)的外面(的)
171. The chicken farm on the hill is in the distance so it is impossible for you to return on foot before the night.位于山丘上的养鸡场很远,所以你不可能在天黑前徒步回来的。①chicken [ˈtʃikən] n.小鸡,鸡肉 ②farm [fɑ:m] n.农场,饲养场,畜牧场 ③hill [hil] n.小山,山岗,高地 ④distance [免费汉译英ˈdistəns] n.距离,间距;遥远,远方 in the distance 在远处 ⑤impossible [imˈpɔsəbəl] a.不可能的⑥return [riˈtə:n] v.返回;恢复;归还 n.返回 ⑦foot [fut] n.脚,足;英尺 on foot 步行地
172. She pulled the door open and hurried inside to find the answers to this quiz.她推 开
门,匆匆跑进去找这次测试的答案。①pull [pul] v.拉,拖,拔;移动 n.拉,拖;拉(引)力 ②hurry [ˈhjingleʌri] vi.匆忙 vt.催促;急运(派) n.急(匆)忙 ③inside [inˈsaid] ad./ prep.在…里面;少于 n./ a.里面(的) ④answer [ˈɑ:nsə] n.回答;答案 v.回答;解答;响应 answer to … ……的回答 ⑤quiz [kwiz] n.智力竞赛;小测验

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