Dipentodontaceae(Flora of china)十齿花科

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十齿花科  shi chi hua ke
ihaveadreamMa Jinshuang (马金双)1; Bruce Bartholomew 2
Trees or shrubs, with bixual flowers or dioecious, mievergreen or deciduous. Stipules small, distinct, caducous. Leaves al-ternate, simple, petiolate. Inflorescences axillary, on current year’s growth, abbreviated cymes in a pedunculate umbel or thyrs in a raceme or panicle. Flowers (4 or)5(–7)-merous, actinomorphic, 1–4 mm in diam. Sepals and petals ± undifferentiated, distinct. Stamens inrted at or in margin of a disk; anthers intrord, longitudinally dehiscent. Ovary superior. Fruit a drupaceous tardily dehiscent capsule with 1 ed or a berry with 2–4 eds. Seeds with or without an aril; endosperm prent but thin.
Two genera and about 16 species: tropical Asia, America, Australia, and Pacific islands, extending into warm temperate E Asia; two genera and three species (two endemic) in China.国王的演讲 电影
Both Dipentodon  and Perrottetia  have often been treated in the Celastraceae. However, both morphological and molecular evidence indicate that they are better treated in the family Dipentodontaceae (Zhang & Simmons, Syst. Bot. 31: 122–137. 2006).
Cheng Chingyung. 1999. Dipentodon . In: Cheng Chingyung & Huang Puhua, eds., Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 45(3): 175–177; Cheng Chingyung. 1999. Perrottetia . In: Cheng Chingyung & Huang Puhua, eds., Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 45(3): 184–186.
1a. Plants with perfect flowers; inflorescences abbreviated cymes in a pedunculate umbel; fruit a drupaceous tardily
may the force be with youdehiscent capsule, ellipsoid-ovoid, 1-eded, apex beaked .......................................................................................... 1. Dipentodon  1b. Plants dioecious; inflorescences thyrs in a raceme or panicle; fruit a dry berry, subglobo or depresd globo,
2–4-eded, apex with a persistent style but not beaked ................................................................................................ 2. Perrottetia
1. DIPENTODON  Dunn, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1911: 311. 1911.ssh proxy
十齿花属  shi chi hua shu
Shrubs or trees, with bixual flowers, mievergreen. Leaf blade margin sharply rrulate. Inflorescences abbreviated cymes in a pedunculate umbel; bracts at apex of peduncle, forming an in
oceanvolucre, caducous. Flowers yellowish green, 2–4 mm in diam., mainly 5–7-merous, pedicellate. Stamens 5–7, attached outside disk margin, opposite pals. Disk flat cup-shaped, fleshy, with 5–7 yellow lobes opposite petals. Ovary connected with disk at ba, 3-loculed basally but incompletely loculed apically; ovules 2 per locule, all but 1 aborting before maturity, placentation axile at top of a free basal placentation; funicle and placenta developing into a ed stipe when mature. Fruit a drupaceous capsule, ellipsoid-ovoid, puberulent, 1-eded, perianth persistent, style persistent and developing into a beak. Seeds with rough stipe at ba; aril abnt.
One species: S and SW China, N Myanmar.
1 Brooklyn Botanic Garden, 1000 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11225-1099, U.S.A.
2 Department of Botany, California Academy of Sciences, 55 Concour Drive, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California 94118-4599, U.S.A.
1. Dipentodon sinicus  Dunn, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1911: 311. 1911. 十齿花  shi chi hua
Dipentodon longipedicellatus  C. Y. Cheng & J. S. Liu. Shrubs or trees, 3–10(–15) m tall, mievergreen. Branch-lets purplish brown, sparly lenticellate. Stipules narrowly lan-ceolate, ca. 1
cm, membranous, caducous, margin rrulate. Petiole 7–10 mm; leaf blade ovate, elliptic, lanceolate, narrowly elliptic, or oblong-elliptic, 7–15(–20) × 2–9 cm, thinly leathery to papery, abaxially glabrous but puberulent along midvein and ba of condary veins particularly when young, adaxially gla-brous and shiny, ba often slightly oblique and nearly rounded, cuneate, broadly cuneate, subtruncate, or subcordate, mar-gin sharply rrulate, apex narrowly acuminate. Inflorescences globo umbels of abbreviated cymes, 1.5–2.5 cm in diam. at anthesis, to 100- or more flowered; peduncle (2.5–)4–7(–10) cm, puberulent; bracts 4 or 5, at apex of peduncle, membranous, abaxially puberulent, caducous usually before anthesis. Pedicel 5–10 mm, somewhat elongating after anthesis, puberulent. Se-pals and petals undifferentiated, 10–14, linear, ca. 1 mm, erect, puberulent, persistent, apex acuminate. Stamens 5–7; filaments ca. 2 mm, exrted from perianth; anthers purplish, ellipsoid, ca. 0.4 mm. Ovary pubescent; style 2–3 mm at anthesis, basally puberulent, apically glabrous, becoming a beak in fruit; stigma subdiscoid, small. Capsule purplish brown, drupaceous, broadly ellipsoid to ovoid, 6–10 mm including persistent style, slightly longitudinally ridged, sparly puberulent but apically more denly so, ba with a ca. 5 mm stipe usually bending when mature, 1-eded. Seeds blackish brown, ellipsoid, 4–5 mm. Fl. May–Sep, fr. Aug–Oct.
crazy babyMountain slopes in broad-leaved evergreen forests, riverbanks, trailsides; 900–3200 m. N W Guangxi, SW Guizhou, SE Xizang (Mêdog), NW and S Yunnan [?NE India, N Myanmar].
Reported from NE India by Bhattacharyya and Johri (Fl. Pl. Taxon. & Phylogeny, 75. 1998) but no specimens from there have been en by the authors.
2. PERROTTETIA Kunth in Humboldt et al., Nov. Gen. Sp. 7, ed. 4°: 73; ed. f°: 57. 1824.
核子木属  he zi mu shu
silkShrubs or small trees, dioecious, deciduous. Branchlets smooth, usually slightly zigzagged. Stipules small, caducous. Leaf blade margin sharply rrulate, crenate, or subentire. Inflorescence a raceme or panicle of thyrs. Flowers usually 4- or 5-merous. Male flowers: stamens inrted on disk margin; filament subulate; anther subglobo or ellipsoid. Female flowers: disk cup- or ring-shaped; ovary mi-immerd in disk, mostly 2-loculed; ovules 2 per locule, basally attached, erect. Fruit a ± dry berry, subglobo or depresd globo, 2–4-eded. Seeds subglobo, erect; aril thin.
About 15 species: tropical America, NE Australia, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Guinea, Pacific is
lands, Philippines; two species (both endemic) in China.
1a. Inflorescences thyrs in a raceme; flowers 4- or 5-merous; stamens exrted from perianth; capsule apex rounded  ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 1. P. racemosa 1b. Inflorescences thyrs in a panicle; flowers most 4-merous; stamens included in perianth; capsule apex  emarginate ................................................................................................................................................................. 2. P. arisanensis
1. Perrottetia racemosa (Oliver) Loener in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., Nachtr. 1: 224. 1897.
核子木  he zi mu
Ilex racemosa Oliver, Hooker’s Icon. Pl. 19: t. 1863. 1889; Perrottetia macrocarpa C. Y. Chang.
Shrubs, 1–4 m tall, dioecious. Branches and branchlets purplish brown, puberulent when young, glabrescent. Stipules ca. 1 mm, membranous, caducous. Petiole 0.5–2 cm; leaf blade long elliptic to
narrowly ovate, 5–15 × 1.8–5.5 cm, papery, abaxially puberulent along midvein and condary veins but ± glabrescent, adaxially glabrous, midvein and condary veins abaxially elevated and adaxially ± flat, ba slightly asymmetric and broadly cuneate to subrounded, margin sharply rrulate, crenulate, or rarely subentire, apex caudate-acuminate, cauda usually slightly curved. Inflorescences thyrs in a raceme, 2–4 cm at anthesis but on female plants to ca. 7 cm in fruit, pu-berulent. Flowers white, 4- or 5-merous. Sepals and petals simi-lar but petal margin more distinctly fimbriate and slightly wider, triangular, ca. 1 mm on male flowers and ca. 0.5 mm on female flowers, persistent on female plants in fruit, apex acute. Pedicel ca. 1.5 mm at anthesis, puberulent. Male flowers 2–3 mm in diam.; stamens ca. 1.5 mm, inrted on disk margin, exrted from perianth; anthers ellipsoid, ca. 0.5 mm; disk compresd and flat. Female flowers ca. 1 mm in diam.; disk slightly cup- shaped; ovary 2-loculed, with 2 ovules per locule; style ca. 0.5 mm, persistent in fruit, apically 2-lobed. Berry red or dark red, subglobo, 2–3(–5) mm in diam., apex rounded. Seeds 1 or 2 per locule. Fl. May–Sep, fr. Aug–Nov.
● Mixed broad-leaved and deciduous forests, forest margins, woodlands, scrub, valleys, riverbanks; 500–2900 m. Chongqing, Guangxi, Guizhou, SW Hubei, NW Hunan, Sichuan, S and SE Yunnan.
2. Perrottetia arisanensis Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formos. 5: 26. 1915.
台湾核子木  tai wan he zi muwebsite
Shrubs or trees, 3–4 m tall, dioecious, spindly. Branchlets purplish brown, pale brown tomentulo when young, glabres-cent. Stipules scalelike, triangular, ca. 1 mm, brown puberulent, caducous. Petiole 0.5–1.5(–2) cm; leaf blade elliptic-oblong to lanceolate, 5–12(–16) × 2–5(–7) cm, papery, abaxially pale brown tomentulo along midvein and condary veins when young but soon glabrescent except sometimes along basal part of midvein and condary vein axils, adaxially glabrous, midvein and condary veins abaxially elevated and adaxially ± flat, ba often slightly asymmetric and rounded to cuneate, margin sharply rrulate, apex caudate-acuminate, cauda usually slightly curved. Inflorescences thyrs in a panicle, 2–4.5 cm. Flowers mostly 4-merous, ca. 2.5 mm in diam. Pedicel 1.5–3 mm, jointed, sparly tomentulo, glabrescent. Sepals and pet-als 8, undifferentiated, greenish yellow, narrowly oblong, ca. 1 mm, glabrous, persistent on female plants in fruit, margin sometimes reddish, apex acuminate. Male flowers: stamens 4, inrted on disk margin, included in perianth; anthers yellowish, subglobo to ellipsoid, ca. 0.4 mm. Female flowers: ovary glabrous; style ca. 1.5 mm, persistent in fruit, apically 2-lobed. Berry reddish turning black when mature, slightly depresd globo, ca. 1.5 × 1.7 mm, 2-loculed, apex emarginate. Seeds 2 per locule. Fl. Apr–Oct, fr. Jul–Nov.
● Broad-leaved evergreen forests, woodlands, scrub; 400–2500 m. Taiwan, C and SE Yunnan (Eshan, Xichou).

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