虎:if he's smart, he won't come back up tho steps
猴:but he will
蛇:he's not going to quit, is he?
蚂蚱:he's not going to quit bouncing, I'll tell you that.
熊:ferry是什么意思I thought you said acupuncture would make me fell better
蚂蚱:trust me it will , it 's just not easy finding the right nerve points under all the
熊:fat ?
蚂蚱:fur, I was gonna say fur
熊:depositedsure you were
蚂蚱:who am I here to judge a warrior bad on his size , I mean , look at me , I'm over here
蛇:maybe you should take a look at this again
熊:stop it ! stop ! I know Master Shifu is trying to inspire me and all ,but if I didn't know any better, I'd say he's tring to get rid of me ,
蚂蚱:story什么意思I know he can em kind of heartless , but you know he wasn't always like that
蛇:acording to legend , there was once a time when master shifu actually ud to smile
蛇:but that was before
熊:before what ?
虎:before Tai lung
鹤:ahh~~yeh~~we're not really supppod to talk about him
虎:well ,if he's going to stay here , he should know
熊:guys guys , I know about tailung , he was a student , the first ever to master the thousand scrolls of kung fu, and then he turned bad , and then was in jail
虎:he wasn't just a student, shifu found him as a cub, and he raid him as a son . and when the boy showed talent in kung fu , shifu trained him , he believed in him . he told hi
m he was destined for greatness. it was never enough for tailung . he wanted the dragon scroll, but oogway saw darkness in his heart and refud . outraged , tailung laid waste to the valley . he tried to take the scroll by force, and shifu had to destroy what he had created ,but how could he ? shifu loved tailung like he had never loved anyone before , or since . and now he has a chance to make things right, to train the true dragon warrior , and he's stuck with you , a big fat panda , who treats it like a joke, oh~~~~~~~that is it !
蚂蚱:wait , my fault , I accidentally treated his facial nerve ~~~and may have also stopped his heart
师傅:hpfmaster , master ...
龟:hmm ?
师傅:I~~I have~~~it's a ~~ah~~it's very bad news
龟:ah...shifu.. there is just news , there is no good or bad
师傅:jade raymondmaster , your vision , your vision was right ! tailung has broken out of prison , he's on his way
龟:that is bad news , if you do not believe that the dragon warrior can stop him
师傅:the panda ? master , that panda is not the dragon warrior , he wasn't even meant to be here , it was an accident!
龟:there are no accidents
师傅:yes I know , you've said that already, twice
龟:overrunwell, that was no accident either
龟:my old friend , the panda will never fulfill his destiny know you yours , until you let go of the illusion of control
龟:yes , look at this tree , shifu , I can not make it boloosm when it suits me , nor make it bear fruits before it's time
师傅:but there are things we can control , I can control when the fruit will fall , and I can control where to plan the ed , haiya~~ that is no illusion master
龟:ahh yes .. but no matter what you do, that ed will grow to be a peach tree , you ma
y wish for an apple or an orange , but you will get a peach
师傅:but a peach can not defeat tailung
龟:maybe it can if you are willing to guide it , to nurture it , to believe in it
师傅:but how , how , I need your help , master
龟:no , you just need to believe . promi me shifu ,promi me you will believeburner
师傅:I~~I will try
龟:hmmm .. good , my time has come , you must continue your journey without me
师傅:what~~what~~what~~what are you ~~ wait ... master ... you can't leave me
龟:you must believe
熊:Order up !Hope you like it ?
蚂蚱:this is really good
熊:now , come on , you should try my dad's cret ingredient soup , he actually knows the cret ingredient
蛇:what are you talking about , this is amazing
猴子:全音符whoa~~ you are a really good cook
鹤:I wish my mouth was bigger
猴子:tigeres , you've got to try this
虎:hmmm, it is said that the dragon can survive for a month at the time on nothing but the dew of a single ginko leaf and the energy of the univer
熊:I guess my body doesn't know it's the dragon warrior yet .heheh~~ I'm gonna need a lot more than dew and the univer juice ... what ?
蛇;oh nothing .. master shifu
熊:you will never be the dragon warrior unless you lo 500 ponds and brush your teeth
熊:ud to的用法what is that noi you are making ? laughter ? I never heard of it ... work hard panda , and maybe someday you will have ears like mine !
猴子:that's good
熊:ears ? it's not working for ya ? I thought they were pretty good .
猴子:it's shifu
熊:of coz it's shifu , what do think I am doing ooooo~~~~~ah~~~~~
师傅:do you think this is funny ? tailung has escaped from prison , and you are acting like children !