Unit concur6:Death and Justice
How Capital Punishment Affirms Life
By Edward I. Koch
Edward I. Kochfederal
1.Last December a man named Robert Lee Willie, who had been convicted of raping and murdering an eighteen-year-old woman, was executed in the Louisiana state prison. In a statement issued veral minutes before his death, Mr. Willie said: “Killing people is wrong… It makes no difference whether it’s citizens, countries, or governments. Killing is wrong.” Two weeks later in South Carolina, an admitted killer named Joph Carl Shaw was put to death for murdering two teenagers. In an appeal to the governor for clemency,
Mr. Shaw wrote: “Killing was wrong when I did it. Killing was wrong when you do it. I hope you have the courage and moral strength to stop the killing.”
去年12月,一个名叫罗伯特.李.威利的罪犯在路易斯安那州的监狱中被处决,罪名是强奸和谋杀一名18岁的女子。在其死亡前几分钟发表的一份声明中,威利先生说:“杀人是错误的... ... 无论是公民、国家,还是政府,都没有区别。杀人是不对的”。两周后在南卡罗来纳州,一个名为约瑟夫.卡尔.肖的杀人犯因为杀害两名青少年被处死。在上诉到州长请求宽恕时,肖先生说:“当我杀人时杀人是错误的。当你杀人时杀人也是错误的。我希望你有勇气和道德力量来阻止杀戮。”
arounddeal2.It is a curiosity of modern life that we find ourlves being lectured on morality by cold-blooded killers. Mr. Willie previously had been convicted of aggravated rape, aggravated kidnapping, and the murders of a Louisiana deputy and a man from Missouri. Mr. Shaw committed another murder a week before the two for which he was executed, and admitted mutilating the body of the fourteen-year-old girl he killed. I can’t help wondering what prompted the murderers to speak out against killing as they entered the death-ho
u door. Did their newfound reverence for life slidestem from the realization that they were about to lo their own?
3.Life is indeed precious, and I believe the death penalty helps to affirm this fact. Had the death penalty been a real possibility in the minds of the murderers, they might well have stayed their hand. They might have shown moral awareness before their victims died, and not after. Consider the tragic death of Rosa Velez, who happened to be home when a man named Luis Vera burglarized her apartment in Brooklyn. “Yeah, I shot her,” Vera admitted. “She knew me, and I knew I wouldn’t 英语复习计划go to the chair.”
的话,他们就可能会手下留情,就应该会在受害者死亡之前而不是之后表现出道德良知。考虑罗莎.贝莱斯的悲惨死亡,当一个名为路易斯.维拉的人在她布鲁克林的公寓内盗窃时,她碰巧回家。 “是的,我射杀了她,”维拉承认。“她认识我,并且我知道我不会被处死刑。”
4.During my twenty-two years in public rvice, I have heard the pros and cons of 裤子英文capital punishment expresd with special intensity. As a district leader, councilman, congressman, and mayor, I have reprented constituencies generally thought of as liberal. Becau I support the death penalty for heinous crimes of murder, I have sometimes been the subject of emotional and outraged attacked by voters who find my position reprehensible or wor. I have listened to their ideas. I have weighed their objections carefully. I still support the death penalty. The reasons I maintain my position can be best understood by examining the arguments most frequently heard in opposition.
5.Reason 1牛奶美容护肤小窍门. The death penalty is “barbaric.” Sometimes opponents of capital punishment horrify with tales of lingering death on the gallows专升本英语3800个词汇, of faulty electric chairs, or of agony in the gas chamber. Partly in respon to such protests, veral states such as North Carolina and Texas switched to execution by lethal injection. The condemned person is put to death painlessly, without ropes, voltage, bullets, or gas. Did this answer the objections of death penalty opponents? Of cour not. On June 22, 1984, the New York Times广州美发学校 published an editorial that sarcastically attacked the new “hygienic” method of death by injection, and stated that “execution can never be made humane through science.” So it’s not the method that really troubles opponents. It’s the death itlf they consider barbaric.
5. 原因1:死刑是“野蛮的”。有时候,绞刑架上凌迟的讲述、故障死刑电椅上的讲述、或在
6.Admittedly, capital punishment is not a pleasant topic. However, one does not have to like the death penalty in order to support it any more than one must like radical surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy in order to find necessary the attempts at curing cancer. Ultimately, we may learn how to cure cancer with a simple pill. Unfortunately, the day has not yet arrived. Today we are faced with the choice of letting the cancer spread or trying to cure it with the methods available, methods that one day will almost certainly be considered barbaric. But to give up and do nothing would be far more barbaric and would certainly delay the discovery of an eventual cure. The analogy between cancer and murder is imperfect, becau murder is not the “dia” we are trying to cure. The dia
is injustice. We may not like the death penalty, but it must be available to punish crimes of cold-blooded murder, cas in which any other form of punishment would be inadequate and, therefore, unjust. If we create a society in which injustice is not tolerated, incidents of murder—the most flagrant form of injustice—will diminish.