Unit 1 Animals and Their Rights
Check Your Vocabulary A
1.d 2.b 3.g 4.e 5.h 6.c 7.a 8.i 9.f
演员表英文Check Your Vocabulary B
1.Many children at first refu to eat animal flesh. They later become to eating it just becau their parents persuade them to eat it.
2.There are two different and conflicting attitudes towards animals; they are carefully parated so that the contradiction between the two hardly caus trouble.
3.Pictures and stories deliberatelydirty diana avoid prenting the real situation in our modern farms. Children, therefore, are kept from eing the reality.
4.The difficulty will be that non-vegetarian parents do not let their children know about the gruesome side of the story, as they are afraid to refu to eat meat at meals.
5.Unfortunately, non-vegetarian parents will strongly disapprove of their children’s unwillingness to eat meat.
Check Your Vocabulary A
1. malevolent2.misdirected 3.alleviate4.simulation 5.potent 6.arou
7.placate 8. apathetic 9.therapy 10.alternative 11.expedient 12.vilified
Check Your Vocabulary A
1.balance 2.attached department 3.wickedness; evils 4.pressure 5.claim that are has evidence or en what has happened
6.a place where birds are protected and allowed to live freely
7. the power to carry out legal judgment
8. dirty 9.not having to perform 10.crimes
Check Your Vocabulary B
1.When his animals are being experimented on, the act does not take effect.
2.Your experimenter is not defying law.
3.adele skyfallRearchers at Louisiana University launched an eight-year, $2 million project funded by the Department of Defen. They u tools to hold cats firmly and they then remove cat’s skulls and shoot in the head.
4.The experimenters claim that their purpo for this kind of experiment is to find a way of curing brain-wounded soldiers so that they can later go back to military rvice.
5.Psychologists ud medical operations to turn around the eyes of young cats.
6.There is other evidence showing that cats were not adequately anesthetizedbypasd while experimenters cut their eye muscles; animal experimentation was done by people who were not trained and did not have licens to operate on animals; and mother cats were so agitated by experiments on them that they ate their babies.
Check Your Vocabulary A
1.denounced 2.confinement 3.inflicted 4.defied 5. connsus 6.defiance
Unit 2 Crime and Punishment
Check Your Vocabulary A
1.minor: people who are under the age of 18
2.brutally: cruelly
3.sympathy: feeling of pity
4.vere: harsh
5.innocent: not guilty of a crime苦恼的意思
6.proponent: supporter
7.controversy: argument, opposing views
Check Your Vocabulary B
1.convicted 2. Commit 3.proponent 4.abud 5.penalty
6. controversies 7.brutal 8.vere 9.executed 10.appealing
Check Your Vocabulary A
1.Nscaladoow we can enjoy the benefits and list in what ways we benefit from his death.
2.There must be some other benefit by fastening Harding into a chair in a small room and poisoning him to death with gas.
3.Now even people who are eloquently in support of executing people, such as Arizona Attorney Grant woods, who attract a lot of public attention, believe that the death penalty will keep people from committing crimes.
4.But even killing a small number of murders will have great impact on people.
5.Perhaps the benefit we get from killing Harding is not easy to e.
Check Your Vocabulary B
1.reaping 2.abolish 3.counted up 4.rves 5.revenge
6.free up 7.strapped 8.tangible 9.figured 10.barbaric
Check Your Comprehension B
1.Her voice and facial expressions show that she is sometimes deep in sorrow sometimes furious beyond her control.
2.This n of justice, like many other basic beliefs, is such a necessary element for us to maintain our psychological health that we take for granted and hardly ever become aware of its existence until one day justice is verely violated.
3.People’s opinions greatly differ as to what is the proper way for correcting punishing wrong/criminal behavior.
4.Europeanssizeof are quite passionate when coming to the issues of taking tough measures on political violence.davy crockett
Check Your Vocabulary B
1. oscillating 2. tremulous 3.manslaughter 4.slain