高中物理辅导An examination of the association between MTSS implementation fidelity measures and student
六级成绩查询期刊名称: Preventing School Failure
hfut作者: Terrance M Scott,Nicholas A Gage,Regina G Hirn,Amy Shearer Lingo,Jon Burt
save the best for last年份: 2019年
期号: 第4期
关键词: PBIS;fidelity;asssment;behavior;achievement
英语小品剧本摘要:PBIS is has been consistently correlated with reductions in student exclusion including suspensions, expulsions, poor attendance, and high school dropout rates. However, school-wide strategies that do not specifically involve effective instruction in academic areas are unlikely to result in incread academic achievement. To address this reality, multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) invol
ving tiered intervention for both academic and behavior have become commonplace. The Academic and Behavior Respon to Intervention School Asssment (ASA) was developed to asss the fidelity with which schools are implementing MTSS for Reading, Mathematics, and behavior. Using the ASA to asss MTSS fidelity across 29 schools and four years, analys were conducted to determine the predictive validity of sub-group domain scores. The