XuZhou Medical College
Examination of Medical Physiology for 10TH IMSPQ 2012grin
PARTⅠ. Single choices ( 2 point×30=60 points, Plea choo the BEST answer and then fill in the answer card)
1. The major physiological function of plasm colloid osmotic pressure is to
A. regulate water exchange between the two sides of capillaries.
B. regulate fluid equilibrium between the two sides of cells.
C. maintain the normal cellular shape.
D. keep the normal cubic capacity of cells.
E. determine the total plasm osmotic pressure.
2. During the process of excitation-contraction coupling in skeletal muscle, calcium is relead from the sarcoplasmic reticulum by
A. Inositol triphosphate (IP3)
B. Protein kina A
C. An increa in intracellular calcium concentration
D. Membrane depolarization
E. An increa in intracellular sodium concentration
3. In a nerve, the magnitude of the action potential overshoot is normally a function of the
A. Magnitude of the stimulus
B. Intracellular potassium concentration
C. Extracellular sodium concentration
D. Resting membrane potential
E. Diameter of the axon
4. The rate of diffusion of a particle across a membrane will increa if
A. The area of the membrane decreas
B. The thickness of the membrane increas
C. The size of the particle increas
D. The concentration gradient of the particle decreas
E. The lipid solubility of the particle increas
5. The following diagram illustrates the relative resistance of three vesls. The ratio of the flow in vesl X to the flow in vesl Y is
A. 1:1 B. 3:2 C. 2:1 D. 3:1 E. 4:3
6. The data below was obtained from a patient before and after administration of a drug that incread his mean right atrial pressure.
The ratio of the patients total peripheral resistance before administration of the drug to the total peripheral resistance after administration of the drug is
A. 1:1 B. 3:2 C. 4:3 D. 5:4 E. 6:5
7. During ventricular ejection, the pressure difference smallest in magnitude is between the
A. Pulmonary artery and left atrium
B. Right ventricle and right atrium
C. Left ventricle and aorta
D. Left ventricle and left atrium
E. Aorta and capillaries
8. Net filtration from capillaries will increa following
A. Incread contraction of the precapillary sphincter
B. Decread arterial pressure
C. Incread plasma protein concentration
D. Decread capillary permeability
E. Incread postcapillary resistance
9. A deficiency of pulmonary surfactant would
A. Decrea surface tension in the alveoli
B. Decrea the change in intrapleural pressure required to achieve a given tidal volume
C. Decrea lung compliance
D. Decrea the work of breathing
E. Increa functional residual capacity (FRC)
10. Airway resistance is lowest
A. During a forced expiration
B. At the total lung capacity
C. At the residual volume
viagraD. During vagal stimulation
E. When breathing gas with low oxygen
11. The principal paracrine cretion involved in the inhibitory feedback regulation of gastric acid cretion is
A. Gastrin
B. Somatostatin
C. Histamine
D. 5-HT
E. Acetylcholine
12. Acidification of the duodenum will
A. Decrea pancreatic cretion of bicarbonate
B. Increa cretion of gastric acid
C. Decrea gastric emptying
D. Increa contraction of the gallbladder
makebelieveE. Increa contraction of the sphincter of Oddi
13.Heat is produced in the body
放心英文A. only when body core temperature falls below the temperature t point.
B. at a constant rate.
C. at a variable rate.
D. during hypothermia, mainly by nonshivering thermogenesis.
14.The primary function of the bones of the middle ear is to
A. Amplify the sound stimulus
B. Filter high-frequency sounds from the sound stimulus
C. Enable the direction of a sound stimulus to be detected
D. Enhance the ability to distinguish different sound frequencies
E. Protect the ear from damagesycophantic
15. Which one of the optic field defects listed in the following diagram is漏洞英文 produced by a pituitary gland tumor?