自然探秘包括从日月星辰、自然地理、矿物资源、物种生态到气候等方方面面的内容,属于通俗科技文体的范畴,主要是一些普及性的科技读物。在英语中这类科技文章统称为科学散文(scientific pro)。通俗科技文体既有正式的书面语特点,又有通俗易懂的修辞风格,使科学与艺术交融,并且尽量使用浅显易懂的语言向读者阐明事理,而不使用术语、符号或公式等。通俗科技文章追求语言的形象性,常常运用比喻、比拟、反问或设问等修辞手法,力求把科学道理讲得明白透彻。
Our Summer of Extremes (Excerpt)
By Stefan Rahmstorf
1] This summer has en one of the weather-related extremes in Russia, Pakistan, China, Europe, the Arctic—you name it. But does this have anything to do with global warming, and are human emissions to blame?强迫状态
2] While it cannot be scientifically proven (or disproved, for that matter) that global warming caud any particular extreme event, we can say that global warming very likely makes many kinds of extreme weather both more frequent and more vere.
3] For week, central Russia has been in the grips of its worst-ever heat wave, which has caud probably thousands of fatalities. As a result of drought and heat, more than 500 wildfires have raged out of control, smothering Moscow in smoke and threatening veral nuclear facilities. Russia’s government has banned wheat exports, nding world grain prices soaring.
4] Meanwhile, Pakistan is struggling with unprecedented flooding that has killed more than a thousand people and affected millions more. In China, flash floods have so far killed more than a thousand people and destroyed more than a million homes. On a smaller scale, European countries like Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic have also suffered rious flooding.
5] Meanwhile, global temperatures in recent months have been at their highest levels in records that go back 130 years. Arctic a-ice cover reached its lowest recorded average level for the month of June ever. In Greenland two huge chunks of ice broke off in July and August.
航线英文6] Are the events connected?
7] Looking only at individual extreme events will not reveal their cau, just like watching a few scenes from a movie does not reveal the plot. But, viewed in a broader context, and using the logic of physics, important parts of the plot can be understood.
8] All weather is driven by energy, and the sun ultimately provides this energy. But the biggest change in Earth’s energy budget by far over the past hundred years is due to the accumulation in our atmosphere of greenhou gas, which limit the exit of heat into space. Owing to fossil-fuel emissions, there is now one-third more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
than at any time in at least a million years, as the latest ice drilling in Antarctica has revealed.
9] The changes in the planet’s energy budget caud by solar variations are at least ten times smaller in comparison. And they go in the wrong direction: in recent years, the sun has been at its dimmest since satellite measurements began in the 1970’s. So, when unprecedented extreme weather events occur, the prime suspect is naturally the biggest atmospheric change that has happened over the past hundred years—one that has been caud by human emissions.
10] The fact that heat waves like the one in Russia become more frequent and extreme in
a warmer world is easy to understand. Extreme rainfall events will also become more frequent and inten in a warmer climate, owing to another simple fact of physics: warm air can hold more moisture. For each degree Celsius of warming, 7% more water is available to rain down from saturated air mass. Drought risk also increas with warming: even where rainfall does not decline, incread evaporation dries out the soils.
11] The carbon-dioxide effect can also change the preferred patterns of atmospheric circulation, which can exacerbate extremes of heat, drought, or rainfall in some regions, while reducing them in others. The problem is that a reduction in tho extremes to which we are already well-adapted provides only modest benefits, whereas the new extremes to which we are not adapted can be devastating, as recent events in Pakistan show. (from Project Syndicate Aug. 16,2010)
1. Stefan Rahmstorf : 斯特凡.拉姆斯多夫,波茨坦大学的海洋物理学教授,德国全球变化顾问委员会成员。他与代维.阿彻合著了《气候危机》一书。
2. you name it:(口)无奇不有,凡是你想到的就说好了
3. for that matter:同样如此(指前面说的情况对后面说的同样适用)
4. in the grips of:陷入......之中,受制于
5. rage:(疾病、火焰等)迅速蔓延,快速扩散
6. smother:厚厚地覆盖
procrastinator7. flash flood 骤发的洪水,暴洪
open access8. Arctic a-ice cover 北极海冰覆盖面积
9. chunk 厚块,大块
10. greenhou gas 温室气体
11. owing to 因为,由于
12. fossil-fuel emission 石化燃料的排放
13. solar variation 太阳的变化
14. saturated 湿透的,浸透的how is the weather
15. air mass 气团(水平方向恒温、湿度差异微小的大空气团)
16. evaporation 蒸发(过程),挥发(过程),蒸发(或挥发)状态
17. carbon-dioxide effect 二氧化碳效应
18. exacerbate 使加深,使加剧,使恶化