Pete the Cat and THE BAD BANANA
P4. Pete the Cat is eating a banana.
Pete loves bananas. 皮特猫正在吃香蕉, 他喜欢香蕉。
P5. They are sweet and tasty and easy to peel. 香蕉香甜可口,还容易剥皮。
P6. Every morning, Pete puts a banana in his cereal. Sometimes Pete puts a banana on his peanut butter sandwich. 每天早晨,皮特都要在他的麦片里放一根香蕉, 有时,皮特在他的花生酱三民治里放一根香蕉。
P7. But noe day, Pete eats a bad banana. 但是,有一天,皮特吃到了一根坏香蕉。 P8. The banana is gross. The banana is mushy. The banana is yucky. 这根香蕉很恶心, 都软乎乎的了, 还难以下咽。
P9. Pete’s tummy hurts. “I will not eat bananas again,” Pete tells his mom. 皮特的肚
子很疼。 “我再也不吃香蕉啦”皮特对他妈妈说。
P10. Pete’s mom tries to help. She bakes Pete’s favorite: banana bread. 皮特的妈妈试着让他吃香蕉, 她烤了皮特最喜欢的:香蕉面包。
英文聊天P11. Pete will not touch it. 皮特没有碰。
P12. She makes Pete a banana cream pie. 她为皮特做了一个香蕉奶油派,
P13. Pete will not eat it. 皮特没有吃。
P14. She gave Pete a big banana split. 她给皮特一个大的香蕉圣代,
P15. “No thanks,” Pete says. “不要,谢谢”皮特说。
P16. Instead, Pete tries a lemon. It is yellow like a banana. Pete tastes it. 反而,皮特试着吃柠檬, 它像香蕉一样黄, 皮特尝了尝柠檬。
P17. “Yuck!” says Pete. The lemon is sour. “讨厌!”皮特说。 柠檬太酸了。
P18. Pete tries a pickle. It is long like a banana. Pete tastes it. 皮特尝试吃一根腌黄瓜, 因为它像香蕉一样长, 皮特尝了尝,
P19. “Better,” Pete says, “but not as good as banana.” “这个好点”皮特说:“但是没有香蕉那样好吃”
P20. Pete tries an orange. It has to be peeled like a banana. 皮特试着吃一个桔子, 因为它像香蕉一样剥皮,
P21. The orange is sweet, but it is too juicy. It makes Pete’s paws sticky. 桔子很甜,但是果汁太多, 弄得皮特的爪子又湿又黏,
P22. Pete tries fish, plums, rice, hot dogs, watermelon, and his mom’s nut bread. 皮特试着吃鱼、李子、米饭、热狗、西瓜以及他妈妈的坚果面包,
achesonP23. Pete eats them all! He is not hungry for bananas anymore. 皮特吃了所有的东西! 他不再渴望香蕉了。
P24. Then comes the big race, what should Pete have for breakfast? 然后,大比赛来到了,皮特要吃什么早餐呢?
P25. A pickle? No, Pete doesn’t eat pickles for breakfast! 一根腌黄瓜? 不,早餐时皮特不吃腌黄瓜!
P26. A hot dog? No, Pete just had a hot dog for dinner last night. 一个热狗? 不,皮特只有在晚上吃晚餐时吃热狗,
P27. A lemon? No. That’s just silly. 柠檬? 不,那太蠢了。
P28. Pete wants a banana. They’re yummy and healthy. Bananas are the best! 皮特想要一根香蕉, 香蕉美味还有益健康, 香蕉是最好的!
P29. “Do you have another banana?” Pete asks. “Of cour,” says Greg the monkey. “你还有香蕉吗?”皮特问。 “当然有”猴子格里格说。
P30. Pete peels the banana slowly. It is not brown. It is not mushy. 皮特慢慢的剥开香蕉皮, 香蕉没有变成褐色, 没有便成糊状,
pahP31. Pete takes a tenny, tiny bite. It is a yummy banana. It is the best banana ever! 皮特吃了一小口, 很美味的香蕉, 是从来没吃过的最美味的香蕉。
P32. Thanks to Greg and his banana, Pete wins the race. Pete is bananas for bananas! 谢谢格里格和他的香蕉,皮特赢得了比赛。 皮特狂热的爱着香蕉!
皮特的宠物 A Pet for Pete
P4. Pete is going to the pet store. He is going to get a pet. Pete wants a bird, a hamster, or a lizard. 皮特要去宠物商店, 他要买一只宠物, 他想要买一只鸟,或一只仓鼠,或者一只蜥蜴。
P5. But then Pete es a goldfish. “That’s what I want,” he tells his mom. 但是,当皮特看到一只金鱼时, “我想要那只金鱼”他对他妈妈说。
P6. Pete’s mom gets fish food. “I’m going to call you Goldie,” Pete says to his new pet. 皮特的妈妈买了鱼食, “我要叫你戈尔迪”皮特对他的新宠物说。
P7. “You are my first pet,” Pete tells Goldie on the way home. “你是我的第一个宠物”皮特在回家的路上对戈尔迪说。
P8. Pete takes Goldie to his room. He feeds her fish food. “Now what?” asks Pete. 皮特把戈尔迪带到他的房间, 他喂她鱼食。 “现在该干什么呢?”皮特问。
P9. He can’t play with Goldie. He can’t swim with her. Pete knows what he can do! 他不能和戈尔迪一起玩耍, 不能陪她游泳, 皮特知道他要做什么了!
P10. Pete paints a picture of Goldie. He paints four fins and an orange tail. 皮特画了一张戈尔迪的画, 他画了四个鱼鳍和一条桔色的尾巴。
P11. “What a pretty painting,” says Pete’s mom. “You can keep it,” says Pete. “画的真漂亮”皮特的妈妈说。 “送给你吧”皮特说。 blushing
P12. “Cool painting!” says Bob. “Can you make one for me?” “Sure,” says Pete. “好酷的画!”鲍勃说:“你能给我画一张吗?” “当然可以”皮特说。
学英语口语P13. Pete paints a picture for Bob. “Wow!” says Bob. “It looks just like Goldie.” 皮特为鲍勃画了一张, “哇!”鲍勃说:“看起来和戈尔迪一样”
P14. Bob shows Pete’s painting to his friend Tom. Now Tom wants a painting, too. 鲍勃把皮特的画展示给他的朋友汤姆看, 现在,汤姆也想要一幅画。
P15. Pete paints another picture of Goldie to take to school for show-and-tell. 皮特为戈尔迪画了另外一幅画,带到学校里参加展示和讲述课。