1. Diminutive/child-like words for things: 小孩喜欢的物品
cuddly (any plush toy, stuffed animal, etc) 想抱抱的(任何毛绒绒的玩具,填充动物等)
owie, booboo A child’s injury (could be a cut, brui, burn, )
dolly (for a doll) 娃娃
duckie or ducky (toy duck) 小鸭子
teddybear (toy stuffed/plush bear) 泰迪熊,或者是填充、毛绒熊
bally or ballie (for a toy ball) 玩具球
PJ’s/nighties (for pajamas) 睡衣
shoesies (for shoes) (only when being affectionate or playful) 鞋子(只是用于好玩的时候)
footsies (for feet) (only when being affectionate or playful, e.g., “Who footsies are the?”, said while pretending not to know.) 脚脚(只是在逗乐的时候,比如:这是谁的脚脚啊?,假装不知道的说)
(Note: there’s a game called “footsie”, where each person tries to put his foot over the other person’s.)
toesies (for toes) 脚指头
tummy (for stomach) 肚肚
choo-choo train (for a train) 小火车
2. Diminutive/child-like words for animals 孩子喜欢的动物
ducky or duckie (for a duck, regardless of age) 小鸭子
horsy or horsie (for any hor, regardless of age) 马
bunny-rabbit (for any rabbit, regardless of age) 兔子
doggy, puppy, puppy-dog (for any dog, whether young or old) 狗狗
lambie or lamby (for a little lamb, or sometimes even any sheep) 小羊
froggy (for frog) 青蛙
kitty-cat, pussy-cat (for any cat) 猫咪
birdy, birdie for bird 小鸟
hen you want to suggest that the animal is very loveable, you can intensify any of the by saying “sweet little lambie”, etc. 你还可以通过这样的表达来强化动物的可爱,“可爱的小羊羊”
3. Diminutive/ terms of endearment/familiar words for family members, people 家人,亲爱的人
children = kids, kiddies, the little ones, munchkins 孩子
christmas dayNames of family members: 家人名称
Father: Dada, Daddy, Dad, Pop (rare), Pa (rare, more rural/old-fashioned) 父亲:。。。
Mother: Mama, Mommy, Mom, Ma (rare, more rural/old-fashioned) 母亲:。。。
Note: suppodly when a baby first starts talking they will say Dada and Mama; in most families in the US it evolves to Mommy and Daddy, and later to Mom and Dad when the children get old enough and start wanting to not sound like little kids
一般婴儿最开始的称呼是“Dada and Mama”,大多数美国家庭的孩子后来改称“Mommy and Daddy”,再后来孩子大一些之后改称“Mom and Dad”因为他们不想让自己听起来像小孩子。
Sister: Sis, Sissy (for sister; the sister in question won’t necessarily like this) 姐妹
Grandad, Grandpa, Gramps (for grandfather) 爷爷,祖父
Grandma, Gramma, Granny (for grandmother) 奶奶、祖母
Cuz (for a cousin, not very common) 堂、表兄弟姐妹
Auntie (for Aunt) 姑妈,伯母,舅妈,阿姨
People outside the family often u “Master” or “Miss” to address a child, as in “And how is Master John today?” or “How is Miss Jane?”. This is a sort of playful formality. Parents u it sometimes too.
外人经常用“master” 或”miss”来称呼孩子,比如“今天John少爷怎么样啊?Jane小姐怎样啊?”是一种好玩的说法,父母有时也这样说。
Expressing affection 表达感情
You’re my absolute favorite boy/girl. 你是我最爱的儿子/女儿
You’re my treasure. 你是我的珍宝
You make me so happy. 你让我如此开心
Come sit on my lap. 来坐到我腿上
Come snuggle up next to me. 来偎到我身边
I need some hugs. 我需要拥抱
Worldembraced’s neatest little girl/boy. 世界上最乖巧的小孩
You’re my precious one. 你是我最珍爱的
You light up my day. 你照亮了我的一天
You’re (my) number one boy/girl. 你是我最重要的儿子/女儿
I wouldn’t trade you for all the gold in the world. 全世界的金子也不换你
You’re my biggest joy. 你给我带来了最大的欢乐
You’re my sunshine. 你是我的阳光
I’d do anything for you. [Personally, I长沙新东方英语培训’d be cautious about using this one!]
“How much does Mommy/Daddy love John?” “This much!” (the child answers this with the arms streteched out wide). Or, answers can be made more colorful, e.g., “From here to the moon and back.jericho”, etc.
You get 3 guess as to who my favorite boy/girl is. (the 3 guess are a sort of joke; they can answer with the names of other children to be funny)
5. What to say about or to someone el’s baby or child 对其他人的孩子怎样说
bundle of joy – classic term referring to a new baby 快乐包(指一个新生儿的经典说法)
So this is your new arrival? 所以这是你们的新生儿?
I think he has his mommy’s eyes. 我觉得他的眼睛像妈妈
everlastingHow’s the little one? Keeping you busy? 小家伙怎么样?够忙的吧?
Is he sleeping through the night? 他能睡一整晚不?
Has he said his first word yet? 开始说话了没?
Isn’t he adorable? 他真可爱啊
What an angel-face! 真是天使的脸庞!
Isn’t she a darling? 她真是可爱啊
Isn’t she a dear! 同上
He上海美发学校’s so cute! (After a certain age boys might not want this said about them, except by girls of the same age. And some fathers object to it ever being ud for their sons.)