The impact of language on culture and civilization
This world is built of chaos,no matter you believe it or not.Our life is shaped by chaos,the people you meet on your way to work or to home are always unknown,your everyday routes are never all the same, and you are never to know the next person that will be very important to your life. We only know that our lives can follow a certain kind of pattern but you can never precily point out the factors that shaped your life or will change your life in the future. The same things always happen to many people, but there is never two people have exactly the same trail of life, there is never two people having the same voice,there is even never two people having exactly the same handwriting.
So,it is not weird that there are so many languages in this world.People differs from people,people's languages also differ. People in different places have different dialect even they are from the same country. The difference is in our gene.Since the very first day god realized how threatening human being can be if they have exactly the same language.It is my personal belief that the formation of a language is exactly events of chaos, the pronunci
欧美经典电影推荐ation of words or the basic syllables is invented out of coincidence. But,the point I want to make here is not about the complete chaos of the world,but the order out of chaos. Exactly, the pattern inside the chaotic things. No matter how different we are, we are still human.All the languages in the world have the words to describe the feelings of human,no matter how different the people are, they share the same feelings of being a human.
Moreover,the problem is not just about the languages. Having different languages means having different cultures and having different believes also different religions.For thousands of years human being slaughtered each other.Just like the story on the Bible,Cain killed his brother Abel out of envy. It ems like that we human being are born with the gene of a murder. Throughout the history, wars are declared out of many different reasons, but there is one thing I always believe.It is that wars are caud by the isolation of different civilization which is like the biblical event that God made people to speak in different languages.
The rearch on language enables us to view politics and economy in a different way, and view our history in a more clearer way through the mist of facade. What is the relationship between the invention of typography, the popularization of writing and reading ability and the emergence of the concept of a united country? Besides, what is the relationship between the three factors and the emergence of a new religion in the same age? Does language has the effect of creating a highly united country? What happened after people all around the world start to speak the same language? In this passage, I will analyze the relationship between language and human culture and civilization by answering the questions.
The invention of typography greatly reduced the cost of reading and writing, and the incread ability of a population reduced the cost of publishment. To sum up, the development of a regional publishment brings about the possibility of the popularization of a rious of reading material written in a certain dominant language, which is most likely the local language of the region. The development of the whole publishment market also can bring about the prevailing of a religion, which is also a factor that promotes the e
mergency of the concept of a country. The two factors, can have mutual impetus on each other. In 15西瓜英语怎么读th英语语法下载沪江音乐>shields and 16th century, the corruption of Vatican caud the rentment of the people in lower cour. All kinds of declaration are disminated in written material that time. Becau of the popularization of the ability among the population brings about the reunion of people and the prevailing of Protestantism. As we all know the effect of Protestantism on human history is gigantic and is not to be ignored.
The relationship between language and economy is also notable. When people have the abilities and reasons to keep loyal to their mother tongue, they of cour will keep in that way. However, when they find that using another language bring them more benefit and even more financial income, they will cho to be bilingual, thus, brings about the problem of people’s shifting their ground on their mother language. The deterioration of this problem can cau the demi of a rare language. So, in a word, the languages of disadvantaged group can be “murdered” by the languages of dominant position. The right of speaking a certain language is part of the human right, no matter how rare or how different the language is, the mentioned problem can cau the emergence of language b
ias, which can further cau the isolation of different ethnic groups who language is of distant position. When the problem becomes wor there can be highly aggressive conflicts, even the racial hatred. The history of human civilization has proved the possibility of this phenomenon. The blood shred in Palestinian-Israeli conflicts, and the emperor of Qin dynasty’s effort on establishing a standard language system in ancient China and many other cas in human history are part of this problem. But, sometimes this kind of “murder” can have certain benefit, for example, assimilating ethnic minorities to help the reunion of a whole nation. Besides, it can also help developing the economy and stimulating the communication between different ethnic groups. The national identity of a country can thus be promoted. The economy and language do interact with each other, if we can take advantage of their relationship, we can boost our economy as well as achieve the great reunion of our nation.
As is mentioned that there exists the phenomenon that language has the function of assimilating, language can also be dissimilated, speaking the same kind of language does not always mean assimilating. As the development of global economy, people all ar
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Language is part of culture, and culture is often a combination of different things with different resources. It is quite common for immigrants to a new country to retain their old customs and to speak their first language amid fellow immigrants, even if all prent are comfortable in their new language. This occurs becau the immigrants are eager to prerve their own heritage, which includes not only customs and traditions but also language. This is also en in many Jewish communities, especially in older members: Yiddish is commonly spoken becau it is en as a part of Jewish culture.Linguistic differences are also often en as the mark of another culture, and they very commonly create divisiveness among neighboring peoples or even among different groups of the same nation. A good example of this is in Canada, where French-speaking natives of Quebec clash with the English-speaking majority. This sort of conflict is also common in areas with a great deal of tribal warfare. It is even becoming an issue in America as speakers of standard American English - mainly whites and educated minorities - obrve
无锡化妆学校the growing number of speakers of black English vernacular. Debates are common over whether it is proper to u "Ebonics" in schools, while its speakers continue to asrt that the dialect is a fundamental part of the "black culture".(quoted from LANGUAGE AND CULTURE: An Introduction to Human Communication by Dr. Dennis O'Neil Behavioral Sciences Department, Palomar College, San Marcos, California)muer