Document History Log
Revision: 0./ 1. /2. | Description | Revision Date: yyyy_mm_dd | Approved by: |
0.1 | Recruitment Policy and Procedures | 2013.07.05 | Hydi (prepared by) |
1.0 | First approved version | idiom2013.07.11 | Edith Cai / Director, Recognitions & Rewards |
1.1 | Updated with detailed requirement | 2013.09.09 | Lillian Liu / Director, Talent Attraction |
(TBC) | 安静的英文歌(TBC) | 2014 | (TBC) |
| | | |
Table of Contents
1 Purpo 1
2 Scope and Applicability 2
3 Definition & Principle 3
4 moissaniteReferences 6
5 Procedure 10
6 Records (to be confirmed) 15
7 Appendices 15
1Purpo 目的
This document outlines COMPANY X’s recruitment policies and procedures (P&P) for appointing qualified candidates to fulfill talent needs in achieving business objectives in a streamlined and consistent approach across COMPANY X; where localization needs are required due to regulatory or customary reasons, location HR should develop its local process/guideline and obtain approval from COMPANY X.
3Scope and Applicability适用范围
This P&P applies to all levels of employment from manpower requisition to fulfillment of a job opening (internally or externally) for full time, part-time, temporary SP and intern. For any special cas, HR rerves the right of final interpretation
5Definition & Principle 定义与原则
Definition 定义
X: abbreviation for “Company X”. X公司的缩写
SP: abbreviation for “Service Provider”, equivalent to employee.
TP: abbreviation for “Talent People”, equivalent to headcount.人才的缩写,等同于人员编制
Coach: refers to SP’s 1-level up supporter.
Mentor: refers to SP’s 2-level up supporter.
EE: abbreviation for “Experience Excellence”, equivalent to Customer Service Department. 优越体验:等同于客服部门
HR: abbreviation for “HR Team”, equivalent to Human Resource Department. 人力资源部:等同于人力资源部门
BHR: abbreviation for “Branch HR”广交会翻译>割爱. 分公司HR团队
Full time: the requirements for what constitutes as a full-time employment shall be defined by the local law; recruitment for full-time positions shall be conducted in accordance to the approved TP plan.
Part-time: the requirements for what constitutes as a part-time employment shall be defined by the local law; recruitment for part-time positions shall be conducted in accordance to the approved TP plan.
Temporary: a temporary hire here refers to a short-term contractual relation with a maximum of six-month employment; temporary hires can be executed without an approved TP plan.
Intern: internship opportunities are provided to students only, and shall be conducted in accordance to the approved TP plan.
Reference check: refers to the contacting of the candidate’s previous employer(s) to confirm and/or obtain more information regarding their job history and performance.
Background check: refers to the process in ensuring the candidate’s relatives do not po as a potential conflict of interest to COMPANY X, e.g. holding a certain position in the government or highly-related industry or competitors.
Panel Interview: Interview that involves 2 or more RP/RVP level interviewers.