A numerical study of an inline oscillating cylinder in
a free stream
经典英文歌曲期刊名称: Journal of Fluid Mechanics
石家庄学院怎么样作者: Leontini, Justin S., Lo Jacono, David, Thompson, Mark C.
年份: 2011年
paul期号: 第1期
大学生穿衣关键词: pattern formation; vortex shedding; vortex streets
pwi摘要:Simulations of a cylinder undergoing externally controlled sinusoidal oscillations in the free stream direction have been performed. The frequency of oscillation was kept equal to the vortex shedding frequency from a fixed cylinder, while the amplitude of oscillation was varied, and the respon of the flow measured. With varying amplitude, a rich ries of dynamic respons was record
ed. With increasing amplitude, the states included wakes similar to the Kármánvortex street, quasiperiodic oscillations interleaved with regions of synchronized periodicity (periodic on multiple oscillation cycles), a period-doubled state and chaotic oscillations. It is hypothesized that, for low to moderate amplitudes, the wake dynamics are controlled by vortex shedding at a global frequency, modified
by the oscillation. This vortex