阿拉巴马州哈利维尔镇附近的13号高速公路一个枝蔓丛生的地带。 WILLIAM WIDMER FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
(本文发表于时报观点与评论版面,作者是Todd May。)
There are stirrings of discussion the days in philosophical circles about the prospect of human extinction. This should not be surprising, given the increasingly threatening predations of climate change. In reflecting on this question, I want to suggest an answer to a single question, one that hardly covers the whole philosophical territory but is an important aspect of it. Would human extinction be a tragedy?
To get a bead on this question, let me distinguish it from a couple of other related questions. I’m not asking whether the experience of humans coming to an end would be a bad thing. (In the pages, Samuel Scheffler has given us an important reason to think that it would be.) I am also not asking whether human beings as a species derve to die out. That is an important question, but would involve different considerations. Tho questions, and others like them, need to be addresd if we are to come to a full moral asssment of the prospect of our demi. Yet what I am asking here is simply whether it would be a tragedy if the planet no longer contained human beings. And the answer I am going to give might em puzzling at first. I want to suggest, at least tentatively, both that it would be a tragedy and that it might just be a good thing.
为了探寻这个问题,让我将它与其他几个相关问题区分开来。我不是在问人类走向终结的历程是否是一件坏事。(在这些页面中,塞缪尔·舍夫勒[Samuel Scheffler]已经给了我们一个重要的理由,认为它会是一件坏事。)我也不会问作为一个物种,人类是否死有余辜。这是一个重要的问题,但会涉及不同的考虑因素。如果我们要对灭亡的前景进行全面的道德评估,就需要解决这些以及其他类似的问题。然而,我在这里要问的只是,如果这rubbish是什么意思
To make that claim less puzzling, let me say a word about tragedy. In theater, the tragic character is often someone who commits a wrong, usually a significant one, but with whom we feel sympathy in their descent. Here Sophocles’s Oedipus, Shakespeare’s Lear, and Arthur Miller’s Willy Loman might stand as examples. In this ca, the tragic character is humanity. It is humanity that is committing a wrong, a wrong who elimination would likely require the elimination of the species, but with whom we might be sympathetic nonetheless for reasons I discuss in a moment.
To make that ca, let me start with a claim that I think will be at once depressing and, upon reflection, uncontroversial. Human beings are destroying large parts of the inhabitable earth and causing unimaginable suffering to many of the animals that inhabit it. This is happening through at least three means. First, human contribution to climate change is devastating ecosystems, as the recent article on Yellowstone Park in The Times exemplifies. Second, increasing human population is encroaching on ecosystems that would otherwi be intact. Third, factory farming fosters the creation of millions upon millions of animals for whom it offers nothing but suffering and miry before slaughtering them in often barbaric ways. There is no reason to think that tho practices are going to diminish any time soon. Quite the opposite.
one offHumanity, then, is the source of devastation of the lives of conscious animals on a scale that is difficult to comprehend.
To be sure, nature itlf is hardly a Valhalla of peace and harmony. Animals kill other animals regularly, often in ways that we (although not they) would consider cruel. But there is no other creature in nature who predatory behavior is remotely as deep or as widespread as the behavior we display toward what the philosopher Christine Korsgaard aptly calls “our fellow creatures” in a nsitive book of the same name.
当然,自然本身并不是和平与和谐的瓦尔哈拉神殿。动物杀死其他动物的方式在我们看来也往往非常残忍(尽管在它们看来并不残忍)。但在自然界中,没有任何一种生物的掠食行为比我们更深入、更广泛;而掠食的对象,正如哲学家克里斯汀·科斯加德(Christine K
If this were all to the story there would be no tragedy. The elimination of the human species would be a good thing, full stop. But there is more to the story. Human beings bring things to the planet that other animals cannot. For example, we bring an advanced level of reason that can experience wonder at the world in a way that is foreign to most if not all other animals. We create art of various kinds: literature, music and painting among them. We engage in sciences that ek to understand the univer and our place in it. Were our species to go extinct, all of that would be lost.