Splenopentin (DAc SP-5)-accelerated reconstitution of antibody formation after syngeneic bone marrow
文言文在线翻译器期刊名称: Experimental & Clinical Endocrinology
英语四级网站distances作者: H Thieme
年份: 1989年
创客教育期号: 第04/05期
payment是什么意思关键词: Splenopentin;Bone marrow;Cell maturation
摘要:Sublethally irradiated AB/Bln. mice (800 c Gy) and supplemented with syngeneic bone marrow cells were treated with or without a splenopentin derivative (DAc SP-5) and compared for their capacity to produce antibodies. In bone marrow cell plus DAc SP-5 treated animals antibody forming cells were found earlier and in
great>combativea higher frequency than in mice treated with bone marrow cells only. The findings demonstrate that DAc SP-5 is able to induce bone marrow cell maturation.