Maintenance of Cultures
Cultures nt to customers remain alive for at least 14 days provided that the following precautions are obrved. Cultures should be unpacked immediately after receipt and stored at 15-18°C under low light intensity (north window, no direct sun light, or weak white fluorescent light). Screw caps or vesls should be looned but not removed. Further maintenance or multiplication of cultures requires transfer into new culture media. This presuppos experience in simple microbial techniques.
Many species are cultivated and dispatched on agar media for safety reasons but develop their morphological characteristics only in liquid media, e.g. flagellates, colony-forming Volvocales and Chlorococcales. For teaching purpos the species should be transferred into liquid media 2-3 weeks before demonstration, e.g. into Soil Water Media, Basal Medium, or Desmidiacean Medium.
Culture Media
The following media have proved suitable for the maintenance of cultures in test tubes at the SAG for
many years. The recipes originate from E. G. Pringsheim and W. Koch, unless stated otherwi. It must be emphasized that the maintenance medium indicated is not always the best medium for the cultivation of a species. There are other media which are just as suitable, e.g. tho given in the catalogues of other culture collections of algae (Thompson et al., 1988, Watanabe and Nozaki, 1994, Andern et al., 1991, Rippka and Herdman, 1992, Starr and Zeikus, 1993). Mass algal culture often requires more concentrated media (for recipes and methods consult Kuhl and Lorenzen, 1964; Starr, 1971; Stein, 1973; Guillard, 1975; Werner, 1982; Castenholz, 1988; Richmond, 2004; Andern, 2005).
All solutions should be made up with de-ionized water. Media are usually prepared from stock solutions of macronutrients, trace metals, and vitamins which are added to a large proportion of the final volume of water in order to avoid precipitation.
Media may be ud as liquid or solidified by 1.0-1.5% agar. Before sterilization the agar has to be dissolved in the medium in a steamer. After this test tubes should be filled with 10 ml of the hot medium, clod with cotton plugs, sterilized (usually by autoclaving at 121°C for 15 min.) and may be stored for veral weeks, after cooling, in a refrigerator. Solid media for Cyanobacteria are prepared by mixing, after cooling to 50°C, equal volumes of parately autoclaved double strength s
olutions of the mineral salts medium and either agar to give a final agar concentration of 0.6-1.0 %.
26. Bold´s Basal Medium (BBM) with vitamins (BBM + V)
(from Bischoff & Bold 1963, modified after Starr and Zeikus 1993)
真的有霍格沃茨吗General purpo freshwater medium ud for xenic cultures.peterbilt
Preparation: To 940 mL of de-ionized or distilled water, add:
ml stock solution g / 400ml H2O
10CaCl2 . 2H2O1
10MgSO4 . 7H2O3
10K2HPO4 . 3H2O3
The result is 1000 ml of bristol's solution, to which one adds the following:made in china
Add cold sterilized vitamin and metal solutions under sterile conditions after autoclaving.
ml stock solution g / 100ml H2O
1biotin25 . 10-6
1vitamin B1215 . 10-6
6PIV metal solution
PIV metal solution.
To 1000 ml of de-ionized or distilled water, add 0.750 g of Na2EDTA, and dissolve fully. Add the following salts in the order and amounts indicated:
FeCl3 . 6H2O97 mg
MnCl2 . 4H2O41 mg
ZnCl2 5 mg
CoCl2 . 6H2O 2 mg
Na2MoO4 . 2H2O 4 mg
(pH = 6.4)
26 a) Bold´s Basal Medium with Vitamins and triple Nitrate (=3NBBM + V) Add 30 ml/l (instead of 10ml/l) of NaNO3-stock solution in 1000 ml nutrient solution. Ref.: Bischoff, H. W. & Bold, H. C. 1963. Phycological Studies IV. Some Soil Algae from Enchanted Rock and Related Algal Species. University of Texas Publication No. 6318, Austin, Texas.
Modified by Starr & Zeikus 1993
Andern, R.A.; Jacobson, D.M. & Sexton, J.P. – Provasoli-Guillard Center for Culture of Marine Phytoplankton. Catalogue of Strains. 98pp. West Boothbay Harbor, Maine, USA, 1991.
Castenholz, R.W. – Culturing methods for Cyanobacteria. In: L. Packer and A.N. Glazer, eds., Cyanobacteria.
Methods of Enzymology 167 (1988), 68-93.
Guillard, R.R.L. – Culture of Phytoplankton for feeding marine invertebrates. In: W.L. Smith and M. H.
Chanley, eds., Culture of marine invertebrate animals. pp.29-60, Plenum Book Publ. Corp., New York, 1975.
Kuhl, A. & Lorenzen, H. – Handling and culturing of Chlorella. In: D.M. Prescott, ed., Methods in cell physiology. Vol.1, pp. 152-187, Academic Press, New York and London, 1964.
Rippka, R. & Herdman, M. – Pasteur Culture Collection of Cyanobacterial Strains in Axenic Culture. Vol.1, Catalogue of strains. 103pp., Institut Pasteur, Paris, France, 1992.
Starr, R.C. – Algal Cultures – sources and methods of cultivation. In: A. San Pietro, ed., Photosynthesis. Part A, pp. 29-53, Methods in Enzymology vol. 23, Academic Press, New York, 1971.
sheenStarr, R.C. & Zeikus, J.A. – UTEX – The Culture Collection of Algae at the University of Texas at Austin. J.
牛津初中英语Phycol. Suppl. 29 (1993).傅莹
Stein, J.R. ed. – Handbook of phycological methods. Culture Methods and growth measurements, pp. 448, Cambridge at the University Press, London, New York, 1973.
Thompson, A.S.; Rhodes, J.C. & Pettman, I. – Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa. Catalogue of strains.
164pp., Natural Environment Rearch and Council, England, 5th edit., 1988.
Watanabe, M.M. & Nozaki, H. – NIES-Collection. List of strains, microalgae and protozoa. 4th edit., 127pp. The National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan, 1994.
Werner, D. – Biologische Versuchobjekte. Kultivierung und Wachstum ausgewählter Versuchsorganismen in definierten Medien. 432pp. Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, New York, 1982.
Further recommended literature about culturing algae:
厌倦的英文Andern, R.A. (ed.) (2005) Algal Culturing Techniques. Elvier Academic Press, Burlington.
Belcher & Swale (1982) Culturing Algae - a guide for schools and colleges.
ISBN 1-871105-04-8 (ask for at (Currently unavailable).
Isaac & Jennings (1995) Microbial Culture. Bios Scientific Publ., Oxford.
ISBN 1-872748-92-9.
Richmond (ed.) (2004) Handbook of Microalgal Culture. Biotechnology
and Applied Phycology. Blackwell Publ., London. ISBN 0-632-05953-2.
Streble & Krauter (2006) Das Leben im Wasrtropfen. Kosmos (Franckh-Kosmos), Stuttgart.
ISBN 3-440-10807-4.
Von Berg, Linne & Melkonian (2004) Der Kosmos-Algenführer. Kosmos (Franckh-Kosmos), Stuttgart.
ISBN 3-440-09719-6.