新航道托福1. Introduction
1.1 Kelly Link, A new type American author
1.2 Kelly Link’s Early Life
1.3 Influence from Kelly Link’s Life experience新概念英语学习机
1.4 The build of Kelly ’s style
2. Literature Review普特听力网
2.1 Short story: Stranger Things Happen
2.2 Short story: Get in Trouble
the ball2.3 sd是什么意思 Dirda Michael’s review
2.4 Carman Sean’s review
3. Methodology
3.1 Analysis
3.2 怀疑Interview Data Collecting
4. Discussion
段晓宇>too bad
我爱科学4.1 Results of The Analysis and Discussion
4.2 Results of The Interview Data Collecting and Discussion
5. Conclusion