The Influence of China upon the World
Abstract: It is hard to find an aspect in which China is not playing a role: From culture 新年快乐的英文, economy, politics, China is rin power now .
Key words: culture , 本拉登全名>汉英翻译器economy, politics,
When we talked about China’s influence, as chine, we must first talk about Tts influence in Tang Pynasty around the world. But now, With the rapidly in creasing and blooming econong, china is becoming a super country today. Some one said that China is no longer a “rising power” but a “rin power” whine China’s influence was previously limited mostly to East Asia, now glabal trade and comm unica tiens makes its teach and impact worldwide. China is also becoming an in creasingly impertant player on the worldstage. Iwant to talk adout China’s influence on tho aspects:
If we say that the passion of 20-year learning English means the strong desire of going out
side of chine, the foreigners passion of learning chine declears the deeper influence of rasing china on the world.
The popular of chine is still rasing.
Chine govement had told a surprising number. Except China, there are more than 30 miuion peeple were learning chine hard tiu the July of last year. Chine is already one of themost popular languages in the world and one of the work languages in the Union-Natiens. Among the thousands Chine Eanguage School of more than 1000 Countries, the number of the formal and well- equiment chine language school is about 6000.
To meets the need of the learning chine, china had nd a great number of chine teacher ot foreign country for teaching. Thr foreigners who come to china for learning chine had reached more than 0.4 million untill 2004 all over the 150 countries.
The rapid developing economy and the countinuing blooming communication with other countries of china are the basic reasons of the rehot of chine. Chine will become the powerfwl language in 21 Centry-it is the global connsus.
America: the state depart ment “have to build the chine web”.
Europe: the number of chine learners increas 40 percents every year.
never say never 歌词France: France is the first Country owns the HSK site. Chine learning developed so fast that the increasing rate of chine learnrer is as high as 38 percent which far higher than the rate rate of English. Japan learners.
Japan:Knowing chine becomes an advantage of job eker. In Japan, chine is becoming the third foreign language whick just behind English and south korean. Japan has many chine learning school.
The Confucian Institutes:
The Confucian Institutes which hold bh Foreiyn lanyuage Teaching Affair Office of China, the number of it had reachod 42, covered 5 continents. Atound the world, was said to be reached 1000 in the next few years.
The Confucian Institutes in not a simply college, but an institute aims to popularize the Chine cultural education and cultural communication. As an important communication program of the govement of China,
The Confucian Institutes is a nun-profit social public-benifit institute. Itis the most formal and important way to teach chine.
Building the Confucian Institutes overas means china had broke the traditional way of waiting for foreogner’s coming to learn chine, but begun to improve chine “soft power”-- the culture
The Shaolin Temple’s outside is not only symbolized the “Chine kungfu”,but also becomes a new culure phenomenon.
Nowadays, the performance of kungfu, the lecture of Buddhist scripture,even the films refer to Shaolin Temple are becoming the method of the communication between China an the world. More and more foreigners have the chance to watch the shaolin kungfu without going to China.
When the china unleashed its unprecedented economic reforms almost 30 years ago, no one could have imagined the effect it would have on china—or the world. Finally freed from the shackles of an inefficient Soviet-style command economy, China would experience a remarkadle expansion in economic growth, including near double-digit growth for the last 10 years, according to PRC government statistics.
The economic reforms have transformed China into a rising power in world politics. Infact, some would argue that, today,China is no longer a “rising power”—port什么意思but a “rin power. Chine leaders believe that if its economic growth continues apace, China will overcome 150 years of “migroshumiliation”at the hands of foreign powers, returning to its past glory as the “Middle Kingdom.”
While China’s influence was previously limited mostly limited mostly to East Asia, now global trade and communications make its reach and impact worldwide.
Much of China’s grach comes from its economy, which is entering a new “outward bound” pha. After years of functiong as a foreign investmentment-driven export platform, China is moving up the value chian. Its companies are arching for new markets and technologies. They are using the foreign currency earned from trade to snap up foreign asts, from companies and curities to energy supplies. Many of the resources it is acquiring are in Third World countries,where instability and bad goverance have kept Western multinationals from operating.