Sino-US English Teaching, ISSN 1539-8072
February 2014, Vol. 11, No. 2, 89-93
The Influence of Motivation and Depression in
Second Language Learning
Dalian Ocean University, Dalian, China
Depression is one of the most common illness affecting college students today. It is often related to low
motivation. It can affect the ability to function, think, and feel. In learning process, learners are strongly affected by
motivation. However, there is a group of students that is worthy of being noticed, and it ems that they have no
motivation and lo interest in their study and other activities. According to a ca study of Mr. WANG, the
symptom of his depression was described, and the paper employing motivation theory aims at analyzing the
depression verity and what caus depression, in order to uncover the students’ inner problems and tries to find
proper ways to motivate them and help them overcome the feeling of depression. Besides, the paper offers other
windy什么意思啊options for solving the problem, such as speaking with a friend, partner, minister, professional counlor, or
psychiatrist to canvass a different perspective.
Keywords: motivation, depression, arousal, curiosity
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In recent teaching experience, there are a group of students whom are worthy of being noticed, and it ems that they have no motivation and lo interest in their study and other activities. They are despondent, dejected,
and downhearted. Sometimes, they spend a whole night in a net bar to play cyber games, however, they do not
enjoy them. What they want is to kill time. They almost have no friend. They are a very special group on the
campus, but they actually exist and they can be recognized almost in every class. Obviously, such condition does
harm to them physically and psychologically. The problem of them is depression.
Depression is one of the most common illness affecting college students today. It is often related t
o low motivation. It can affect the ability to function, think, and feel. More specifically, it is a mood problem noted by
pervasive sadness, disappointment, and hopelessness. The depresd person usually has difficulty finding
pleasure in life, has feelings of inten loneliness, and has limited energy to engage in life activities. Most people
have periods when they feel discouraged about their circumstances. However, true depression goes deeper by
lasting longer and impacting one’s whole existence.
A Ca Study
WANG was a male student and he was a sophomore. From the beginning of the class, he sat in the WANG Qian, associate professor, School of Foreign Languages, Dalian Ocean University.
furthest corner of the classroom. He was always quiet. It emed that he was thinking about something, and
sometimes, he even fell asleep in the class. He usually refud to participate in the group discussion. He was
uncomfortable when questioned publicly. Most of the time, he would say sorry to the teacher. Actually, he
was not involved in the class.
What impresd the teacher was that he had no interest in everything. He was obviously unhappy and alone. Nobody could understand why he was so depresd. Once, the teacher had a long talk with him. From
the conversation, she knew he was an A-student in nior middle school, and wished he could enter the first
class university. However, he began to indulge in computer from the cond year in nior middle school. He
ud “crazy” to describe his state at that time. He bought many books on computer, spending most of his time
and energy, and dreaming one day he would be an expert on computer. His parents and teachers strongly
disagreed with him and forced him to throw all the computer books. He had no other choice and had to give up
his dream. From then on, he lost interest and could not find happiness in life. Although he had been placed in
a highly competitive situation, he emed to lack motivation. He wanted to get out of depression, but could
not find a right way.
According to the ca of WANG, he has very typical symptom of depression. To a large extent, people dealing with depression often wish for a better day, but have lost hope that it will come. They do not know how
to “feel” better. Tho suffering from depression may experience extreme mood fluctuations or a desire to
withdraw from interactions with others. Frustrated with the inability to snap out of it, they become more
relativetodiscouraged. In some cas, depression can last for extended periods of time—months or even years. One way to
deal with depression is to determine the verity of the experience, understand the influence that prompts its All Rights Rerved.
ont, and cure treatment options.
Depression Severity
Depression can impact a person’s life in many different ways. To a large degree, the expression of depression depends on the person’s coping style, personality, and previous level of functioning. Following are
泰坦尼克号第二结局some symptoms of depression: (1) emotions: (a) profound feelings of guilt or shame, (b) feelings of hopelessness
or helplessness, (c) cold or distant feelings toward family or friends, and (d) difficulty in finding pleasure in life
activities; (2) behavior: (a) decread interest in participating in activities previously enjoyed, (b) diminished
interest in maintaining healthy, (c) neglecting responsibilities, (d) reduced coping ability, and (e) impaired
communication with others (e.g., irritating, sarcastic); and (3) physical complaints: (a) lack of energy, (b)
compulsive eating or loss of appetite, (c) headaches, backaches, or general muscle aches without a
specific cau,
and (d) insomnia or excessive sleeping.
服务员英文怎么说From tho descriptions, it is not difficult to find that WANG has got some of the most typical symptoms of depression. He has been riously depresd.
What Caus Depression?
However, what caus depression? To WANG’s situation, it is the ruin of his illusion that brings him great pain and develops into further depression. The disagreement of his parents and teachers is the primer
of his depression. Under their pressure, he had to give up his dream. The loss of his dream contributes to
his depression.
Scientists say when a person is depresd, his or her brain chemistry changes. Despair and hopelessness may powerfully color their perceptions of life, while they experience such other depressive symptoms as persistent
feelings of worthlessness, incread anxiety or irritability, constant fatigue, difficulty concentrating, unexplained
aches and pains, or thoughts of death and suicide.
Depression can be prompted by a variety of factors. The stress of life, study, and work can trigger dark thoughts and moods. Some episodes of depression are situation-induced, for example, the death of a loved one,
the loss of one’s job, or the disappointment of failed efforts to get into graduate school can all initiate an episode
of depression. When someone can discern the source of depression, the outlook is more favorable. Specific
measures can be incorporated to deal with the pain. However, when no source is clear, the depressi
on may
worn due to lack of treatment.
In addition to situational factors, there are other stressors that prompt depression. Chemical imbalances, personality factors, drug and alcohol u, physical illness, and inadequate dietary practices can influence the
ont of depression. Given that so many influences can impact one’s mental health, it is important to monitor
one’s lifestyle and health practices.
Motivation Theory
Depression is often related to low motivation. Thus, it is better if we try to solve depression problems from a motivation angle. It will help people who deal with depression find the pleasure of life and have energy to invest
in their study and work. To a teacher in particular, if they can arou the motivation of the depression students,
they will help the students overcome depression.
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In trying to make n of motivation theory, it is helpful to distinguish three stages, which are shown in Figure 1. First, there are reasons for undertaking a particular activity. The will probably involve a mixture of
internal and external influences which will be personal to different individuals, who will make their own n of
the various events surrounding them. Second, what is actually involved in deciding to do something is considered:
What makes people choo to embark on a particular task and to invest time and energy in it. An individual may
have strong reasons for doing something, but not actually decide to do it. Third, people need to sustain the effort
required to complete the activity to their own satisfaction. This will, of cour, take place within a social context
and culture which will influence choice made at each stage.
Figure 1. A three-stage model of motivation.
It is important to emphasize here that to a person dealing with depression, the first stage—reasons for doing something—is the key stage to solve the problem. How to arou the motivation and find the reason for doing
something is the first step for them to put themlves into a meaningful life.
One major component of arousal is curiosity. It was the identification of curiosity as a motivating variable by John McVicar Hunt in 1961 who provided a significant landmark in cognitive theory. It held up to question
whether humans or even animals always sought to achieve a state of equilibrium, and postulated instead that they
might actually have an inclination to explore the unknown just becau it was unknown. This, in turn, has led to
the suggestion that curiosity can be provoked by making tasks unsurprising, incongruous, or discrepant from
existing ideas or beliefs. However, in order to be motivating, it would appear to be important to ensure an
optimum level of arousal and complexity. If a task is too complex or incongruous, it is likely to induce confusion
and an avoidance respon rather than prove appealing.
Through the theory, in the class, it is better for the teacher to design exercis which can arou the learners’ curiosity. It is necessary for the teacher to understand what the students need. If learners are attracted by a kind of
activities, they would like to invest their time and energy in it. Of cour, they will find joy and fun from it. At this
time, give them proper encouragement, and they may decide to do something to achieve more, thus, they go into
the cond stage of motivation. To a person who suffers from depression, if something can appeal their attention,
it is a good step to help them conquer the feeling of no interest.
To WANG and other suffers of depression, they need to evoke their motivation by themlves, too.
Sometimes, they need to find a compelling reason for doing something. They should understand that we eat, sleep,
and respond to other biological drives becau our bodies compel us to do so. For everything el we do in life,
we have to invent reasons that compel us to take action. So, “I want to succeed” or “I want to live a happy life in
the future” are good reasons for helping them to do something.
Other Treatment Options
Besides, other treatment options are esntial to people dealing with depression. They have to recognize that
all forms of depression are rious if they affect the ability to function. Careful attention to determining the source All Rights Rerved.
of inner conflict, strained emotions, and behavioral changes are critical for addressing the development of
depression and highlighting treatment options.
Other suggestions for offtting depression include exercising to work off tension, meditating to clear the mental impurities of the day, changing the routine aspects of your life, developing a support system, and finding
a healthy way to relea emotions.
We already know that the most important step is related to motivation. Besides finding a compelling reason to do something, other steps include: (1) try to incorporate into the society you belong to; (2) always tell yourlf
you are optimistic and energetic; and (3) force yourlf to take part in social activities.
If the initial steps do not provide relief from the pain, other options are available. Consider speaking with
a friend, partner, minister, professional counlor, or psychiatrist to canvass a different perspective.
The depression syptoms are not uncommon on campus, with the motivation theory, the depression s
everity and what caus depression can be analyzed, and the students’ inner problems can be uncovered. In this way,
teachers can find proper ways to motivate them and help them overcome the feeling of depression.
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