Influence of within-field position and adjoining habitat on carabid beetle asmblages in winter
厦门日语期刊名称: Agricultural & Forest Entomology
作者: M. Anjum-Zubair,Martin H. Schmidt-Entling,Pascal Querner,Thomas Frank 作者机构: Department of Integrative Biology and Biodiversity
Rearch,Community Ecology
年份: 2010年mountain
期号: 第3期
关键词: Activity-density;Carabidae;grassy margins;mi-natural habitat;species richness;wildflower areas
一分钟演讲稿摘要:1 The influence of within-field position and adjoining habitat on carabid beetles was studied in 2
0 winter wheat fields in ten different Swiss agricultural landscapes. In each landscape, two winter wheat fields (one with adjoining sown wildflower area and one with adjoining grassy margin) were investigated. 2 Carabid beetles were caught in pitfall traps 3 and 30 m from the edge in each of the 20 wheat fields. Significantly more individuals were found in the centres (30-m position) than at the edges (3-m position). Converly, species richness was significantly higher at the field edges than in the centres. 3 Of the ten most abundant species, Poecilus cupreus , Agonum muelleri and Pterostichus melanarius were significantly more abundant in the field centres than at the edges. Harpalus rufipes was significantly more abundant