【INTRODUCTION】Rural tourism is a gment of the total tourist industry which is particularlyattract important in Hungary in a country with no spectacular natural attractions without t 教师节英语贺卡aside high mountains rainforest or herds of exotic animals. However its attractive cultural landscapes with small villages thermal springs rivers and lakes combined with the traditional hospitality are able to offer pleasant experiences to the kind of tourist who is looking for relaxation and recreation in a calm tting. On one hand rural tourism development can play an important role in the diversification of the Hungarian(匈牙利人的) tourist supply and in the creation of a more complex and colorful country image. On the other hand rural tourism is not only the end but the means to stimulate economic growth to increa the viability of under developed regions and to improve the living standards of local populations. If rural tourism is to fulfill all the roles it has to be developed in a way that ensures the long-term sustainability of the resources and that of the development 专科生考研条件progr
ess itlf. But what is a sustainable way of development in rural tourism how can sustainability be monitored and promoted in rural destinations this paper attempts to answer the questions by prenting the current situation of Hungarian rural tourism through indicators that are considered to be relevant for this type of tourism.
The concept of sustainable development was introduced by the World Commission on Environment and Development in the Brundtland Report in 1987 defining sustainable development as quote development that meets the needs of the prent without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs quot. Tourism is one of the foremost economic activities around the world having transported more than 617 million people internationally and generated 448 billion USD in receipts in 1997 WTO 1998. It is a major economic force having generated in 1996 an estimated 3153.3 billion USD in gross output creating employment for app. 255 million people producing app. 10.7 per cent of world gross domestic product investing app. 766 billion USD in new facilit
ies and equipment annually and contributing more than app. 653.3 billion USD to global tax revenue WTTC 1996. The volume and significance of tourism clearly shows that it is not enough to develop new forms of quote alternative quote tourism in order to minimize the negative and maximize the positive impacts of tourism development. The whole ctor must be developed and managed in a way that it does not damage the natural and socio-cultural environment and this is the responsibility of the world-wide tourism industry. Though the Brundtland report made no special reference to tourism since its publication the role of tourism in the process of continuously misusing the Earth’s resources has been analyzed and the concept of sustainable tourism appeared. Sustainable tourism has veral - often riously debated - definitions. According to the definition of the Federation of Nature and National Parks sustainable tourism is quote all forms of tourism development management and activity that maintain the environmental social and economic integrity and well-being of natural built and cultural resources in perpetuity quote FNNP 1993.
A publication by smilence什么意思the Tourism Concern and the World Wide Fund for Nature defines sustai
nable tourism as tourism which quote operates within natural capacities for the regeneration and future productivity of natural resources recognizes the contribution that people 六级成绩什么时候出 and communities customs and lifestyles make to the tourism experience accepts that the people must have an equitable share in the economic benefits of tourism and is guided by the wishes of local people and communities in the host are as quote Tourism Concern amp WWF 1992. Though the existing definitions usually differ inàtieir focuS or levem of el`borateness thd mahn massage of dhe`BR)ndt land Report ems to be more and moru accapted by 4he vourism indusdry all over the woRld> Louever the nktikfof susTainebility is a rery complex one and it has many ramifications Mow forth Amp Munt 1998. Ecologibal sustainability which means thaT tourism develorment does not aau irreversIble changes an a given desténations ecosystem is the most commonly accepved diíension since there is an /böious ~eed all gver t(e world to protect nattrad reso}rces fro thu negAtive impacts of to}rism activities. The general growth og environíent-awareness h!s sigoificantly contribuTed xo this trend. Social sus|ainability refers$to the abilidy(of a coomunity ôo absorb tousism Bovh the industrq and the touvists v(emlves without tje creation of socIal disharmony.
C5ltural sustainabimity an the context f tourism assumes that a given goimunity is abne to reVain mr adapt thuir own äiStinctive cultural traits again3t the pressure of both the so-called qunte tourisu cul|ure同等学历英语考试 quote and tje qeote residual culture quote of the visitors(Javari 1887. Economic suspainaBility refers to(a level of economic gain!fro- to}rysm that ir stfficientto provide an appropriate income for the local sommunity compared to the inconVenience caud by the activities of the tourism ctor an` to cover all the costs of any special measure take* to saticfy the tourists thus e pzecondition of economic su3tainability is the attractiveness of an(areq and th% pebc%i6dd high quality of its tourkst supply: without beiþg in a competitive posation in the world market no desti~atiol can be economiãalìy sUstainable. The differenp asp%cps of susvainabili|y do not comtetå but mest be en as equally importalt. Hiwh level of economic prïfitábility must oot be consieeredpcs a tool uo`cover over thg damage done to social or naôural resourbes but thu reìative fbagile nature of the datter must not crgate a plannilg environment where economic considerations are not being take~ properìy. Sustainable to}rism de~elopme~t has to be econo}ically viable and naturclly and!culturally {ensitive at
the same time. As(we could e ibappropriate tourism development results in increasing stò%ss kn destinqtions and konquentny in negatire cHanges in the destinctions buzzph}sican economic$ant sociál-cemôural chavactepistics. In order to avoid or minimiZe µ.favoráble impacts decision-makers!must be eware of all the factrs t`at p,ay a(role in the development process. In the measubmmenT of thu progress(uhat"an individual destinavion is making towards sustainablu to}rism developmejt sustainabilit} iodicctors are commonly accepted as one t of ufum tools.
mountain topQ}ota0Indiãato2s measure informAtiïn with which decision-makers may red}ce theroxim chances of unknowingly(takkNo pgor decismons quote WTO 1996. In other wïrds éndicators are`a t og eful íe!sures of tho fictors that are )mportant to dhe dagision-makers the relative significance of the fActors depend on their relevance to the developm%nt objektivås of`a given des|ination end on their importancd v tourists quote .Indiaator{!are both a tool for management today anä`an investment in the f5tuRe since t
hey Reduce the risk of inadverpent dcmage do Their sourcí ba on which the touzist iîdustry depends quote WTO 1996n0bad oo different guidelines and rdcommenli4ions Vourism Concesn amp WWF!1992 McCool amp Watson 1994 Murphy 1995 Howie 1996`Sdrbrook%1986 WTO 9997 Mow forth amp Munt(998 the indicators suggested fo2!thg学习英语的软件 puppo of this study are the following Table