bauCHAPTER 4 ERROR MESSAGESwhosyourdaddy
INTRODUCTION If for any reason the machine does not complete a particular quence in the time allowed for in software, an error condition aris. The relevant error
message is displayed on the machine monitor.
Machine Errors are detected by nsors specifically designed for checking
correct machine status (System Power, Pneumatic Power, etc.) or by functions
failing to achieve their correct operation. The latter errors are either detected
by a limit nsor being operated or by tting a time limit for their completion.
The time limits are t so they are 1.5 times the longest possible time taken for
that particular operation, after which, if not completed, an error is reported on
aventador怎么读the machine monitor.
When an error occurs the relevant message is displayed on the machine
monitor. The displayed error message is accompanied by information regarding
the possible caus and the corrective action to be taken.
The Tricolour beacon changes to red and records the error in the Event Log file.
When an error message is displayed the following options maybe available to
recover the machine:
Abort Pressing this option re-initializes the entire printer, ejecting any product that may be in the printer and returning to the main control page.
Retry Selecting this option re-checks the error condition and if clear continues the print cycle.
Recover Pressing this option attempts to continue with any cycle that is in operation. This function ts modules (paste dispenr, print carriage, etc.) to their home
position and ejects the board that is currently in the printer without re-initializing
the machine. This option should be the first to be operated if there is an error
out of sightreported.
Diagnostics This option enables the diagnostics to be entered immediately, normally by a technician, for more in-depth investigation of the problem.
Open Cover This option allows the operator to lect ‘Change Screen’ to gain access to the tooling area of the machine.
Continue When this option is available, lecting the continue key clears the error message and continue with the cycle that is in operation.
Fiducial Setup When this option is available, lecting the Fiducial Setup key allows the ur to relearn the reported ‘Not Found’ fiducial.
Auto Search When this option is available, lecting the Auto Search key instigates a arch within the lected window size to locate the ‘Not Found’ fiducial.
Search Step When this option is available, lecting the Search Step key moves the camera the first step in a arch procedure designed to locate the ‘Not Found’ fiducial.
Further lection of the key moves the camera to the cond step etc. Once
the fiducial is visible in the region of interest, the Retry key can be lected to
capture the fiducial.
Search Ret When this option is available, lecting the Search Ret key returns the camera to its original position, before the Search Step key was lected. This
is the position from which the ‘Not Found’ fiducial was reported.
Error Message Interpretation
Alignment Out of Range This indicates that the actuator positions required to achieve a satisfactory
alignment are not attainable.
Alignment Clo to Limit/Out of Range Actuator limit exceeded.
AutoFlex Timed Out This error reports that with AutoFlex tooling on high power and the tooling
pins up, the process time of 5 minutes has been exceeded. When this
message is displayed the power is also switched to low.
Board Detected At Board Stop, Print Terminated.With the machine running in any mode, this error reports that the board stop nsor has been activated out of quence.
Possible caus are:
Board already loaded into the machine.
Sensor is detecting tooling.
Sensor is faulty.
Board Fiducial Not Found This error reports that the vision system has been unable to locate the
board fiducial.
Board Not Over Input Sensor This error reports a machine has started without a board on the rails. The
ur has ignored the message to place a board on the rails and lects
continue on the machine.
Board On Rails, Remove and Continue This error reports that a board has been nd on the rails during one of
the following operations:
Loading a new board file
Entering the rail system in diagnostics.
Board Stop Not Lowered This error reports that the board stop is up and has not lowered within the
time-out period of 3 conds. The possible caus are: Board stop nsor
- enter Diagnostics and check the nsor changes state.
Air pressure failure to the board stop.
Board Stop Not Retracted This error reports that the board stop is down and has not retracted within
the time-out period of 3 conds. A possible cau is:
Board stop nsor - enter Diagnostics, Digital Inputs and check the nsor
changes state.
Board Stop Stuck This error reports that the board stop, which is houd in the camera
asmbly has failed to lower or retract.
Board Stuck in Rails This error reports that the board has failed to either reach the board stop
or exit the machine after being printed.
Camera X Axis Error This error reports that the camera carriage has failed to reach its home
position in the X axis.
Camera Y Axis Error This error reports that the camera carriage has failed to reach its home
position in the Y axis.
Command Timed Out (Belt Motors)This error reports if a board on the belt fails to move over the board at left/ right nsor within the time period. Possible caus are:
Home nsor fault, if occurring during initialization.
Motor fault, if occurring during initialization.
Motor not running.
NextMove card faulty.
Command Timed Out (Camera Axes)This error reports that the camera has failed to move to the demanded position within the time period. This error applies to both the X and Y camera axis. Possible caus are:
Home nsor fault, if occurring during initialization.
Motor fault, if occurring during initialization.
Motor not running.
NextMove card faulty.
Command Timed Out (Paste Dispen Carriage)This error reports that the paste dispen carriage has failed to move to the demanded position within the time period. Possible caus are:
Home nsor fault, if occurring during initialization.
Motor fault, if occurring during initialization.
Motor not running.
NextMove card faulty.
Command Timed out (Print Carriage)This error reports that the print carriage has failed to move to the demanded position within the time period. Possible caus are:
Home nsor fault, if occurring during initialization.
Motor fault, if occurring during initialization.
Motor not running.
NextMove card faulty.
Command Timed Out (ProFlow)This error reports that the ProFlow unit has failed to move to the demanded position within the time period. Possible caus are:
Home nsor fault, if occurring during initialization.
Motor fault, if occurring during initialization.
Motor not running.
NextMove card faulty.faithful
Command Timed Out (Rail System)This error reports that the moving rail has failed to move to the demanded position within the time period. Possible caus are:
Home nsor fault, if occurring during initialization.
Motor fault, if occurring during initialization.
Motor not running.
NextMove card faulty.
Command Timed Out (Screen Actuators)This error reports that the actuator has failed to move to the demanded position within the time period. Possible caus are:
Home nsor fault, if occurring during initialization.
Motor fault, if occurring during initialization.
Motor not running.
NextMove card faulty.
Command Timed Out (Front/Rear Squeegee)This error reports that the front/rear squeegee has failed to move to the demanded position within the time period. Possible caus are:
Home nsor fault, if occurring during initialization.
Motor fault, if occurring during initialization.
Motor not running.
NextMove card faulty.
Downline Board Transfer Fault This error reports that the time the downline interface has waited for a
board has exceeded the time-out.
Downline Machine Not Available This error reports that the downline machine is unavailable to accept the
next board.
Event File Open Error This error reports that there was a problem opening the event log backup
Error Message Interpretation
Error Message Interpretation
Failed to Determine Tooling Deviation This error reports that while monitoring the tooling deviation, the number of
samples (pressure variations) during the print stroke was less than 2 or the
minimum value was zero. This error message is only valid where tooling
deviation is authorized and enabled.
Check tooling support is sufficient.
Check underside components are clear of tooling.
Front Squeegee Error This error reports that the front squeegee has failed to reach its fully up
Front Squeegee Pressure Error When this error is detected a new window displays the t pressure reading
and the actual pressure reading.
File Error This message appears if there is an error writing or reading a machine file. Have All Tooling Pins Been Removed?This message appears for the ur to confirm that all magnetic tooling pins
have been removed, before tting up the machine for a new board file that
us AutoFlex tooling.
This error reports that the ProFlow calibration data is corrupt or invalid. Invalid Calibration Data. Recalibrate
ProFlow Heights
This error reports that the squeegee calibration data is corrupt or invalid. Invalid Calibration Data. Recalibrate
Squeegee Heights
Lid Bolt Fault This indicates that the lid bolt has failed to either open or clo.
No Paste Knead Cycles Selected This error reports when Knead Paste is lected on main menu page and
Knead Deposits in Set Prefs is lected to 0 cycles.
Paste Carriage Error This error reports that the paste carriage has failed to reach its home
Paste Cartridge Tilt Error This error reports that the paste cartridge mechanism has failed to either
make its up or down limit switches.
Pneumatic Power Down This error message reports that the pneumatic supply is either too low or
has been disconnected.
Position Error (Camera This error reports that the cameras actual position is not within the toler-
ance of 1% of the designated position.
Position Error (Print Carriage)This error reports the print carriage actual position is not within tolerance
of its designated position.
Position Error (Rising Table)This error reports that the rising table has failed to reach its home position. Print Carriage Error This error reports that the print carriage has failed to move.
Proflow at Movement Limit This error reports when the proflow reaches t limits whilst using jog
buttons in Diagnostics, Drive System Using Jog Buttons.
Rail Lifted Error, Check Tooling This error reports that either the left rail lifted nsor or the right rail lifted
nsor are out of their home positions when any of the following moves are
taking place:
Alignment of the screen
Board stop moving into position
Initialization of the machine
Initialization of the AutoFlex tooling
Possible caus are:
A misfed board
Tooling/object on the rising table striking the underside of the rails
Rear Squeegee Error This error reports that the rear squeegee failed to reach its fully up position. Rear Squeegee Pressure Error When this error is detected a new window displays the t pressure reading
and the actual pressure reading.