Cloud ( 2021全国新课改省区TS联考〉
坚持钢琴梦想 5 5 4 0 0 1 0 291 14分钟When I asked my mom for piano lessons in 20 I 0, we were in the fallout of the recession (经济衰退).She said a polite”N。”.
That dido 't stop me. I arched for the一」一_fo1 a k巳yboard on the Intemet, drew the keys on a pi巳ce of paper and一主一it on my desk. I would click not巳s on an online一立_and ”play”them back on my paper one -keeping阳一-全_they made on the computer in my head. O nce my mom saw that I was __2_, she borrow巳d money and bought m巳JO lessons.
I still remember the仙st one. I was _Q_ by how real th巳sound of th巳piano was. I __]_ my grad巳on巳test after eight lessons. But when I started condary school, we couldn’t一�lessons again. I pasd grade live, practicing only on my piece of paper.
When I was about 13, my mom said she had a一二�for me; it was an electronic keyboard, bought with一」旦_borrowed money. I t was the first time I’d played for her.
Later I found the Purcell School for young musicians. T he tryouts were ___l!_一.Some of the questions一」主_an asssment of th巳compor or when the music was written. I felt stresd out. To my amazem创刊,I was offered a _」主一.At Purcell, I saved巳nough to buy my first piano.
When I left Purcell, I was awarded the nior academic music prize. I am now at the Guildhall School of Music & Drama in London, one of th·e world’s leading music schools. I foel proud: it’s been 10 y创刊一」立一I drew my paper piano. I continue to do a lot of my practic巳away from the piano: what we call -」主_practice. The paper piano helped solve my curiosity about how music works and what forms the masterpi以:es.
I.A. m easurements B. t unes C. p aintings D. s cales
2.A. f olded B. p iled C. w rapped D. s tuck
3.A. s creen B. c our古e C.k巳yboard D. w ebsite
4.A. v oice B. s ound C.whisp巳r D.r巳cord
5.A. nervous
6.A. amud
7.A. ran into
8.A. afford
9.A. s仅:ret
I 0.A. little
I I.A. easy
12.A. relat巳d
13.A. role
14.A. after IS.A. mental B.disappointed C. satisfi巳d D. rious
C. struck
D.ac耳 across C. pasd by D. went through B.perform C. postpone D. participate B.task C. question D. surpri B.l巳SS C.much D.more
D. pleted C. involved D. collected B.prize C.place D.refund
B. abundant
C. fal
Cloze 2 (2021湖北武汉部分学校质量检测〉
动名形iiil J介连代
inside out
南极探险改变人生 6 5 2 I O 1 0 184 12分钟My journey to isolation(隔离)was somewhat accident.a l.
I saw an advertiment for a job as a leader for an expedition(探险)to Antarctica -and I hav巳to一」一_it was th巳penguin in the ad that ___1二_m y attention. Th巳ad noted that th巳y wer巳looking for someone to lead a __]__ of expedition巳rs in one of the most �二_and isolated places on the planet. I took part in an ___i_ and then got a job that I kn巳W I would regret if I didn't一豆一it.Leading 18 strangers for a full year -through months of darkness and with no 7 from the extreme cold -I learned some 8 1巳ssons.
After th巳journey,I wrote two best-lling books and became a motivational sp巳aker.Being in isolation meant I had to do lots of ___2一.I kept a一」旦一’and巳very day I would think一」l about how I had operated as a leader. That discipline of一」主_mylf taught m巳how to tell right from wrong.
I often think back to一」主_I saw the picture of the penguin that一」主_me to look at the ad for the job. It’s a moment that一」主_my life completely.
I.A. admit B.believ巳 C.indicate D. r巳aliz巳
2.A. demanded B.derved C. caught D.needed
3.A. f lood B.couple C. t eam D. h andful
4.A. a wful B. r巳mote C. promising D. d isturbing
5.A. e xperiment B. i nterview C. e lection D. i nvestigationtpp是什么意思
6.A. m ake for B.prepare for C. r巳gist巳r for D. g o for
7.A. e scap巳 B.d巳parture C. protection D. d巳fence寡人之于国也原文及翻译
8.A. h ard B. p owerful C. p rivat巳 D. t巳rrible
9.A. s ervic巳 B. r巳pair C. s tudy D. r eflection
IO.A. p et B. s以;ret C. journal D. p romi
I I.A. c l巳arly B. c arefully c. highly D. b adly
12.A.巳valuating B. f orgiving C. b ehaving D. e r可oying
13.A. w her巳 B. w hy C. w hen D. h ow
14.A. e nabled B. p ermitted C. allow时 D. i nspired
IS.A. i mproved B. f orm巳d C. ended D. c hang巳d
纳威 隆巴顿C loze 3 ( 2021山东日照第一次校际联考〉
后院的小鸟9 4 2 0 0 0 0 247 14分钟
w巳have lived in this hou in Arizona for a few years now. In our一」_there is a swimming pool and two trees that are taller than th巳hous巳.
The first spring we were here we _1__ what was to become a common phenomenon. T here is a period of s巳veral weeks when baby birds fall from the tre巳s and _l__ in our backyard巳veη’year. Most of the time th巳y are strong and ___±___ and just need a few days to learn to fly.
A t first w巳had to 价格hten our cats and dog away as tin巳y___i_ the birds. Perhaps, our pets thought the little一豆一were toys for them to play with. We quickly __]___ that our
backvard was no olace for bi""巳r animals durinn this 8 tim巳for the little birds to learn to J t' Ot:> e, -
Every spring, when our dog and cats want to take a __2二_in the backyard, w巳let the dog out only
in th巳fr o nt yard and th巳cats_」旦一indoors.During this time my husband and I _」l the birds in the backyard.
Sometimes the birds have to be saved 仕om the总wimming pool becau the water might l主_them. S ometimes they have to be一」主_on the branches of the trees as they can’t fly up. Every baby bird needs a safe place to _.!生_and grow up, just like us when w巳are not strong. Thus, it would mak巳a great _」主_if we could b巳kind enough to whoever might be in need of help or in an unfortunate situation.
I.A. g arden B. garag巳 C. b ackyard D. h ou
2.A. h巳ard B.expected C. unde1 stood D. noticed
3.A. g et about B. w ake up C. ttle down D. make up
4.A. p ower仇11B. healthy C. f r iendly D.b巳autiful
5.A. s cared B.approached C. k i.11巳d D.obr ved
6.A. c reatuies B. friends
7.A.d巳nied B. p roved C. w onders D. neighbors C. d eclared D.realized
8.A. c omfortable B. p recious C. b oring D. d ark
9.A. b r巳ak B.chanc巳 C. s hower D.at
10.A. p lay B. jump C. s tay D.cha
11.A. watch out for B. m ix up with C. s eiu·ch for D. p lay with
12.A. f lood B.drown C. p oison D.r巳ach
13.A. s ought B. support以j C. h ung
14.A. s tand B.struggle C. w alk D. p laced D.land
15.A. c hoice B. p romi C. d i仔erenc巳 D.decision
Cloze4 (夹叙夹议丈〉(积极的生活态度〉
鼓励 6 5 2 1 0 I O 207 12分钊’
I remember my high school English teacher telling me not to apply to Cornell University. My teacher said they wouldn’t accept me and even if they did I wouldn’t be able to一」一_it tluough the years. I almost ____L_ but a few days later I came across Ivan Foldfarb, a former teacher, who told m巳___]___,"You apply. You can do it." His words made all the ---1_. I put in my application and was 5
Too often we think it’s our_」L to help make someone aware of r eality". We think w巳must point out how __]___ the job market is as well as how bad the economy is. T his world never lacks 一主_"and pessimists. It calls for mor巳optimists and encouragers who say,”I beli巳ve in you. Hav巳th巳一二�,and you will hav巳th巳power to make it happen. We may _」旦lots of barrie邸,but we’II get the project finished. Even if you fail, it'll lead to something more i上一·”I know that every one
of us loves working for and with people who一」主-th巳be吕t in us. We love being around people who bring us一」主_and uplift us.一」主_we’II always remember the negative people, we will always treasure tho who encourag巳us.
So share巳ncouragement.It_」主_and we all need it.
I.A. g et B. m ake C. b eliev巳 D.catch
2.A. s tood by
3.A. h onestly
4.A. s en
5.A. p ermitted B. p ulled through C. d rew back D. t urned away B. p roudly
B. e xcus巳S
B. a dmitted
6.A. r巳sponsibility B. f ault
7.A. c onsiderable B. s table
8.A. s peak巳rs B. r ealists
9.A. fo ndness B. e征ect IO.A. o vercome B. i gnor巳
I I.A. worthwhile B. i nfluential
12.A. b ring up B. b ring out
13.A. c hallenge B. o pportunity
14.A. W hen B. I f
IS.A. s preads B. p rogr巳ss Cloze 5 (说明文〉(科技创新〉
C. f irmly
D. d ifferenc巳
C. a ssist巳d
D. a pproached
C. h onour
D. s chedule
C. p romising
D. c1owded
C. s upporters
D. g uides
C. o ptimism
D. d esire
C. c reate
D. m eet
C. u ncommon
D. complex
C. b ring in
D. b ring down
C. c omfort
非行D. p lea品ure
C. W hil巳
D. U nless
C. m atters
D. c ares
2020年的Rube Goldberg比赛 6 4 2 2 。0 212 12分钟Every ye徊,the Rube Goldberg competition considers inv巳ntions mad巳from everyday items. They u complex systems to cauy out a一」一_task, like opening an umbrella or wat巳ring a