Unit2 Space and Explorations
smokerPart1 Vocabulary
1.rocket 2. lescope 4. planet 5. univer 6. plore 8. elliptical 9. coast 10. payload 11. surreal 12. barrel 13.make n of 14. talk sth out 15. match up with 16Mars 17. Venus 18. Mercury 19. Jupiter 20. aside bit 22. be subject to 23. gravitional 24.tug 25.full throttle 26.hitchour
Part2 十五选十段落
1.Astronomyhonest and our interest in the sky are almost as old as human history.天文学和我们对天空的兴趣几乎和人类历史一样古老。
americanliterature2.Nearly every ancient civilization had a connection to the sky as a calendrical tool.几乎每一个古代文明都把天空作为历法工具。
3.Almost all also saw their gods, goddess, and other heroes and heroines reflected in the
2. constellations路口英文, or in the motions of the Sun, Moon, and stars.几乎所有人都看到了他们的神、女神以及其他英雄和英雄在星座中,或在太阳、月亮和星星的运动中反映出来。
4.As civilizations formed and spread across the continents, their interest in the heavens grew as 3. abrvers kept records of what they saw, and humanity moved from merely charting and worshipping the sky to actually learning more about 4.celestial objects and considering our place in the univer. 随着文明的形成和在各大洲的传播,他们对天空的兴趣与日俱增,因为观察者不断记录他们所看到的一切,人类也从仅仅绘制和崇拜天空转向实际了解更多的天体并考虑我们在宇宙中的位置
5.Some of the earliest known charts of the sky were created by the Chine over 4,000 years ago.一些已知的最早的天象图是中国人在4000多年前创造的。
6.The Babylonians also kept track of the sky, and were the first civilization to record a solar 5. eclip.巴比伦人也追踪天空,是第一个记录日食的文明。
7.The ancient Greeks began exploring the scientific 6. properties of the univer around
500 BCE, when the mathematicians Pythagoras suggested that the Earth was not a flat object, but a sphere. 古希腊人在公元前500年左右开始探索宇宙的科学性质,当时数学家毕达哥拉斯认为地球不是一个平面物体,而是一个球体。
8. Meanwhile, in Egypt, Euclid looked to the sky to inspire his development of some of the earliest concepts of 7. geometry.与此同时,在埃及,欧几里德仰望天空,启发他发展了一些最早的几何学概念
9.While many of ancient concepts about the univer were insightful, they were not always correct.虽然许多关于宇宙的古老概念都很有见地,但它们并不总是正确的。
10.For example, many ancient philosophers believed that the Earth was the centre of the univer.例如,许多古代哲学家认为地球是宇宙的中心。
11. It was not until the 8.Renaissance, when in 1514, the astronomer Copernicus suggested that the Earth moves around the Sun, an idea that did not sit well with much of European society, which had long established that humans and the Earth were superior t
o all other things.直到文艺复兴时期,即1514年,天文学家哥白尼才提出地球绕太阳运转的观点,这一观点在欧洲社会中并不适用,因为欧洲社会早就确立了人类和地球优于一切其他事物的观点。
12.Even Galileo’s u of the 9. telescope to prove that the planet Jupiter had its own moons did little to change this mindt.即使伽利略利用望远镜证明木星有自己的卫星,也没有改变这种想法。
13.However, his telescope would continue to encourage the 10. pursuit of scientific knowledge and reason that continues to this day.然而,他的望远镜将继续鼓励人们对科学知识和理性的追求,直到今天。
Part3 翻译段落
Over the past decade, China has made great achievements and experienced a number of breakthroughs in its manned space program.
resignation letter
mutualChina became the third country ever to nd a human into space in 2003.
3.第一艘载人飞船在酒泉卫星发射中心(Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre)发射,该飞船在大约21个小时内绕地球14圈。
The first manned spaceship was launched in Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre, which circled the earth 14 times in about 21 hours.
4.神舟七号于2008年9 月25日发射升空,是中国第三次载人航天飞行任务和首次三人任务。Launched on September 25, 2008, the Shenzhou 7 was China’s third manned space mission and first three-man mission.
5.机组人员进行了多项实验,包括发射一颗小型卫星(a miniaturized satellite),在航天器附近拍摄照片和视频。
The crew conducted a number of experiments, including releasing a miniaturized satellite that took photos and videos near the spacecraft.
6.2018年,中国创造了新的发射记录,发射了两颗北斗导航卫星(Beidou navigation satellite)。
In 2018, China t new launch record by putting up two more Beidou navigation satellites.
7.中国正在寻求到2020年完成35颗卫星组网。China is eking to complete the system of 35 active satellites by 2020.
Unit5 Interview and Employment
Part1 vocabulary
1.interview面试/会晤/会谈, interviewer面试官, interviewee 被面试者2. employ,雇佣 employer,雇佣者/老板 employee, 被雇佣者 employment就业 , unemployment失业 3.company, firm, corporation, business公司 4. recruit招聘 5. resume简历 6. resign辞职 7. promotion升职 8. stable 稳定的9.traditional 传统的10.temporary临时的 11. permanent 长期的/永久的12.flexible 灵活的 13.gig economy零工经济 14.revenue收益 15.benefit 益处/
好处16.ominous不祥的 17. trepidation害怕/恐惧 18. shake up重组 19. rumor 谣言/传言 20. nimbly灵敏快速地 21. amlessly无缝地 22. outsource外包 23. lf-contained自给自足的/独立的 24. slack萧条的/淡季的 25. lucrative获利的 26.pension insurance 养老保险 27. health insurance 医疗保险 28.lf-employed 自谋职业的 29.boom兴盛 30. sweep through 蔓延
Part 2 十五选十段落
1.Gig economy companies connect the worker to the 1.consumer in a direct manner, including app-bad technology platforms.