The Two Ancient Roman Techs Could Disrupt Modern Industry
It’s a popular hubris that we live in an age of unprecedented technological innovation – that our ancestors lived in a time where there were fewer technological advances, blinded as they were by their primitive superstitions and lack of access to the resources we have today.
While we certainly live in an era of amazing technology, it’s not necessarily true that our level of innovation is unprecedented. The fact of the matter is that our ancestors were just as smart as we are (in fact, given the human brain size has been shrinking for centuries, they might have been smarter.) And as archaeologists uncover more about the past, they’v
e also learned that many technologies we take for granted today were first developed centuries or even millennia ago, only to be lost.
Take, for example, plastic surgery. It’s something we think of as a relatively new technology, right? But in fact, plastic surgery was practiced in India centuries before the birth of Christ. It continued to be practiced for thousands of years, but wasn’t “discovered” in Europe until the 18th century, when British doctors learned about it from India.
aisiaRecently, there have been two recent engineering discoveries from Ancient Rome that have the potential to shake up some major areas of industry – discoveries that show we still have a lot to learn from our ancestors.
The first finding is rather astonishing. As noted earlier this month by Zeeya Merali, a 1, 600 year old chalice known as the Lycurgus Cup have proved to be more than just a stunning work of art. It’s also an example of one of the earliest forms of nanotechnology.
第一个发现令人瞠目结舌。正如本月初齐亚•梅拉里(Zeeya Merali)所指出的那样,事实已经证明,一只1,600年前的出土文物莱克格斯杯(Lycurgus Cup)不仅仅是一件美妙绝伦的艺术品,还是纳米科技的最初形式之一。
The cup, as Merali notes, was actually a mystery for centuries. That’s becau it appears green when lit from one angle, but red when lit from a different angle. It wasn’t until the 1
990s, after decades of study in the 20th century, that it was determined how it was created. As it turns out, the glass itlf was infud with particles of silver and gold that were only about 50 nanometers in diameter. The particular ratio of the mixture was definitely known, as other similar cups have been discovered.
In a paper from 2007, scientists who have studied the cup noted that “[e]ven using modern powerdriven tools, this type of vesl takes a great deal of time to complete.” But more than that, this technology might turn out to revolutionize the pharmaceutical industry.
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That’s becau rearchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, using the same techniques the Romans ud, earlier this year developed a device that enables them detect DNA and proteins without having to chemically modify them first. That lowers the overall costs and helps resist errors that occur in the process. The team estimates that their device is about “ 100 times better nsitivity” than any other similar product.
In their paper, published in Advanced Optical Materials, the rearch teams says that “We envisage extensive u of the device for DNA microarrays, therapeutic antibody screening for drug discovery and pathogen detection in resource poor tting and a low cost, higher nsitive alternative to existing SPR/LSPR instruments.”
在他们这篇发表于《先进光学材料》(Advanced Optical Materials)的论文中,研究团队表示“我们预见该设备将应用广泛:制作DNA微阵列、在资源匮乏的条件下做用于新药研发的治疗性抗体筛查,以及成为目前表面等离子体共振(SPR)/局域表面等离子体共振(LSPR)仪器的一种更加灵敏的低成本替代品。”
But the Ancient Romans aren’t content to only revolutionize medicine. Soon, you may be living or working on a building or road that’s built with the same materials that the Romans built their own with – materials that, when created, also produce fewer carbon emissions.