迪士尼少儿英语ESP teacher education needs 期刊名称: Language Teaching
三维动画师培训作者: Basturkmen,Helen
年份: 2017年
scratch编程 童程童美>私立中学和公立中学的区别摘要:Teaching English for academic purpos (EAP) and for specific purpos (ESP) are demanding areas in which to work. Teaching in the areas typically includes a range of tasks, such as investigating learner needs and specialist discour, developing cours and materials in addition to classroom teaching. Therefore, teachers face a range of tasks which often require additional knowledge and skills. To date, the literature in EAP and ESP has tended to foreground the needs of learners and background the learning and knowledge needs of teachers. This plenary reviews themes in the literature on teacher education in ESP and reports on two rearch studies that investigated the practices and perspectives of experienced ESP and EAP teachers. Findings from the studies are discusd in relation to teacher education needs in this field.sunbird