ICU; you e me
上次OOXX过吸血鬼,丑八怪还是万人迷? 得出给那些委屈了几千年的吸血鬼一个卟啉症+狂犬病+鼠疫?(待排)的诊断。 这次我们分析一下天使。广州服装设计学院
天使有什么特点?背后有翅膀?(那只能称作鸟人)天使应该是善良纯洁的化身,面带微笑、强大有力、举止优雅......想做一个像天使一样优雅的人 么?我初中班主任曾用学校门口卖豆腐脑的大叔为例的这样打击过幻想成为万人迷的祖国花花草草:“见人就笑,脑子差窍”。这句老话用陕西方言说出来(坚韧九 霄,闹子插敲),配合打豆花的大叔那个惨淡的经济状况,一脸微笑的憨厚事实,绝对有说服力。事实也再一次证明我们老祖宗经验的正确性,现实中,还真的有这 样的人。他们总是微笑,绝对善良,同时.....都有严重的智力发育障碍。我们把哪种总是微笑的善良天使(白痴)称作天使综合征 Angelman syndrome (AS),
成人高考准考证打印天使综合征 Angelman syndrome (AS),又称天使征候群、安琪儿综合症等)也叫做“快乐木偶病Happy Puppet Dia“。病例特点是愉快面容,一逗就笑,手臂有木偶样动作,肌张力低,智力严重低下,严重运动、智力障碍, 共济失调, 肌张力低下,癫痫,语言障碍和以巨大下颌及张口吐舌为特征的特殊面容。临床表现的特征为患者常无明显诱因的大笑。Angelman综合征是一种神经遗传性 疾病,有时患者可能就诊于儿科或精神科。除此之外英语怎么说
Angelman综 合征疾病是怎样发现的?1965年,英国儿科医生Harry Angelman有三个智力低下,总是微笑,不会言语的小病人,他在没有任何进一步实验室检查条件的基础下,仅
仅根据临床表现发表了他的发现。后来他去 Verona 的Castelvecchio博 物馆,看见这幅一个孩子完成木偶以后得意的回头微笑的油画a Boy with a Puppe,一瞬间灵魂附体,将那个疾病命名为“快乐木偶病”。后人为了纪念,也叫做天使病(没办法,人家名字就是天使男)
"The history of medicine is full of interesting stories about the discovery of illness. The saga of Angelman's Syndrome is one such story. It was purely by chance that nearly thirty years agonew hampshire three中国梦演讲稿教师篇 handicapped children were admitted at various times to my children's ward in England. They had a variety of disabilities, and although at first sight they emed to be suffering from different conditions, I felt that there was a common cau for their illness. The diagnosis was purely a clinical one, becau in spite of technical investigations, which today are more refined, I was unable to establish scientific proof that the three children all had the same handicap. In view of this I hesitated to write about them in the medical journals. However, when on holiday in Italy I happened to e an oil painting in the Castelvecchio muum in Verona called . . . a Boy with a Puppet. The boy's laughing face and the fact that my patients exhibited jerky movements gave me the idea of writing an article about the three children with a title of Puppet Children. It was not a name that plead all parents, but it rved as a means of combining the three little patients into a single group. Later the name was changed to Angelman syndrome. T
growthhis article was published in 1965, and after some initial interest lay almost forgotten until the early eighties." 这病Angelman综合征在白人中发病率为1/10000-1/40000,他就见到3个,不得不说,丫的人品是好。
mentalhealth目前已知引起Angelman综合征的遗传机制共有4种。最常见的是15q11-13区段染色体微缺失,见于70-75%的患者,多数缺失大小相 似,约4Mb,且断裂点相同,多数缺失为新发的母源性15q11-13缺失,缺失机制与该区域上的低拷贝重复序列有关;其次有约20%的患者为编码泛素蛋 白连接酶的UBE3A基因突变,其余患者为15号父源单亲二体或相关区域异常甲基化引起。95%以上的患者为散发病例,但在UBE3A基因突变的患儿其母 亲约有20%可能带有相同突变。
特别有趣的是, 染色体15qll-13的缺失在临床上可以引起完全不同的疾病,Angelman综合征和Prader-Willi综合征。这也是第一个人类基因组印迹 (genomic imprinting)的例子。当15qll-13缺失是由母系传递时,临床表现为Angelman综合征(左图);当其由父系传递时,临床为 Prader- Wi]li综合征(右图)AS表现为共济失调、过度活跃、严重智障、少语、表情愉悦,(左图)PWS表现为肥胖、身材矮小和轻度智力发育迟缓(右图)