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老破车的Endnote教程(下)--杂项篇 - 刀目村的专栏 - CSDNBlog
说明:本教程在写作过程中,参考了大量丁香园热心战友的帖子,并从中受益良多。在此向他们致以真诚的谢意本篇是和heyu666战友合作完成的,请把帖子往下翻,从5楼开始是heyu666兄所翻译的endnote官方网站常见问题解答,对于我们使用endnote很有帮助,谢谢heyu666兄的辛勤劳动本教程分三部分,另两部分为(上)基础篇和(中)应用篇在这个部分里,我们将对我们丁香园里面endnote相关讨论作一个不全面的总结,并对一些问题提出解决方案。需要说明的是,由于这些帖子基本都是老帖子,所以请各位战友不要回复,那样会把老帖子都顶上来,影响浏览和交流,谢谢合作一、丁香园endnote相关资源总结1 学习教程类一份非常不错的endnote学习教程(比我上传的那个强多了)
/bbs/post/view?bid=45&id=886174&tpg=1&ppg=1&sty=1&age=0#886174/bbs/po st/view?bid=45&id=886177&tpg=1&ppg=1&sty=1&age=0#886177把ovid的结果导入到endnote的flash教程
bbs/actions/archive/post/12693_1.html/bbs/post/view?bid=45&id=963348 &tpg=1&ppg=1&sty=1&age=0#963348在word里使用脚注和尾注管理参考文献的方法(这个有点跑题,不过也是个不错的方法,大家可以学习一下)
/bbs/post/view?bid=45&id=300739&tpg=1&ppg=1&sty=1&age=0#300739whom战友对endnote的介绍/bbs/post/view?bid=10&id=1265139&tpg=1&ppg=1&sty=12 使用技巧类如何使用endnote管理pdf全文,有2种方法,插入对象及使用连接
/bbs/actions/archive/post/224298_1.html/bbs/post/view?bid=10&id=87489 2&tpg=1&ppg=1&sty=1&age=0#874892注:还是推荐插入对象方法,尽管没有节省硬盘空间,但是就算原来的pdf文件被删除了,也能正常管理。只是备份的时候别忘了备份data文件夹,具体见这个帖子
bbs/post/view?bid=10&id=731869&tpg=1&ppg=1&sty=3&age=0#7318693 问题求解类endnote编辑参考文献格式的问题
/bbs/post/view?bid=10&id=719739&tpg=1&ppg=1&sty=1&age=0#719739endnote 中如何通过年份和文献类型查找文献的问题
/bbs/post/view?bid=10&id=594320&tpg=1&ppg=1&sty=1&age=0#594320endnote 与其他相似软件如reference manager、procite的比较
/bbs/actions/archive/post/3460_1.html/bbs/post/view?bid=10&id=934357& tpg=1&ppg=1&sty=1&age=0#934357endnote如何设置代理神探夏洛克
/bbs/post/view?bid=10&id=915496&tpg=1&ppg=1&sty=1&age=0#9154964 endnote8相关类endnote8的demo版本下载地址
bbs/post/view?bid=10&id=1209607&tpg=1&ppg=1&sty=1&age=0#1209607endno te8的demo版本crack补丁
/bbs/post/view?bid=10&id=1429180&sty=1&tpg=1&age=0二、与office配合问题这部分的问题是最多的,但基本上都集中在一个问题上,我们来看一看1 为什么同时使用endnote和word系统资源占用巨大,经常死机有一位小三毛朋友(是我们准中级版的斑竹哦)提到,这是由于word的自动保存功能出现的问题。在word选项中把自动保存关闭,可以解决问题。不过也有朋友认为是软件冲突的问题,还有一位Scorfun朋友认为是word的endnote工具条里面的intstant formatting选项的问题(就是我们说过的那个Format Bibliography 窗口里的按钮),大家可以参考这个帖子
/bbs/post/view?bid=10&id=915496&tpg=1&ppg=1&sty=1&age=0#9154962 为什么word里面没有endnote工具条或者在插入文献时提示由于宏设置问题不能插入?这个问题一般在word xp或者word 2003里出现。按endnote官方的解释,需要手工加入2个文件,具体方法及要加入的文件可见heyu666的强帖,可以说把这个问题解答的很全面,基本上可以解决大家的问题(感谢
/bbs/post/view?bid=10&id=1078379&tpg=1&ppg=1&sty=1&age=0#1078379另外,littleboy战友提到,替换文件后,需要先从开始菜单中运行Endnote,打开“Open an existing Endnote liberary”后再运行Word(感谢littleboy 战友)另外根据chhualong站友的报告,瑞星可能会造成word打开时弹出宏设置窗口,以及造成endnote嵌入word工具无法使用,详细情况看这个帖子
/bbs/post/view?bid=6&id=633264&tpg=1&ppg=1&sty=1&age=0#633264/bbs/pos t/view?bid=10&id=963371&tpg=1&ppg=1&sty=1&age=0#963371/bbs/post/view? bid=10&id=637570&tpg=1&ppg=1&sty=1&age=0#637570/bbs/post/view?bid=10& id=930249&tpg=1&ppg=1&sty=1&age=0#930249/bbs/post/view?bid=10&id=1098 420&sty=1&tpg=1&age=0好了,老破车的endnote教程至此全部结束,谢谢大家收看,祝您晚安
要是意译,大家看有什么不足的地方,我们再改进。后面会有一个详细的补充说明。Question 5:Sinc
e installing EndNote 6, Microsoft Word XP is running slowly or freezing periodically. Word is reporting error messages such as "Unknown Error 0x800A1007" or messages which
indicate there are too many edits or not enough resources/memory. Memory usage gradually increas and the CPU usage climbs to 100% and stays there. I cannot save my document and I have to u the Task Manager in order to quit Word.安装EndNote 6以后,Microsoft Word XP
达到100%,不能保存文件,只有用任务管理器来退出Word。There is a known problem that occurs with Word XP where the u of certain smart tags in Word triggers a memory leak. Note that this problem was fixed in EndNote 7, but here are the steps to resolve the problem in EndNote 6: 在EndNote 6和Word XP一起使用中,确实有这样的问题。(在EndNote 7中,这个问题已经解决了)In Word go to Tools / Options /
File Locations, lect Startup, and click the Modify button. Note the path to the Word Startup folder as indicated under the Look In dropdown box at the top of the window. 在word中工具/选项/文件位置,选择启动(Startup)点击调整,注意在查找下拉列表窗口顶部的指示的 Word Startup文件夹的位
置。Now cancel out of this window, clo Word (and Outlook, if running), and navigate to this folder through Windows Explorer or My Computer. (Note: If you cannot find the specified folder, your windows preferences may be t to hide the folder. 退出该窗口,关闭正在运行的Word和Outlook,找到文件夹。(就把上面的地址输入到Windows资源管理器或者我的电脑的地址栏,确定)In Windows Explorer go to Tools / Folder Options / View tab and make sure that "Show hidden files or folders" is lected). You should e at least two files in this folder: EN6Cwyw.WordXP.wll & EN6CWYW.dot. If you do not e the .wll and .dot file extensions, go to the Tools menu and
lect Folder Options / View tab. Uncheck the box that reads "Hide file extensions for known file types" and click OK. Remove
EN6Cwyw.WordXP.wll and place it in the Recycle Bin. 找到这两个文件:EN6Cwyw.WordXP.wll & EN6CWYW.dot.如果看不见扩展名,在文件夹选项中的“隐藏已知的文件的扩展名”复选框去掉小勾。删除EN6Cwyw.WordXP.wll ,
放入回收站Now navigate to the EndNote 6 program folder (typically C:\Program Files\EndNote) and locate a file called EN6Cwyw.wll. Make a copy of this file and paste it into the Word Startup folder. 到EndNote 6安装文件夹,比如(安装盘符):\Program Files\EndNote找到
EN6Cwyw.wll文件,复制,粘贴到Word Startup folder。Now start Word again and you should be able to inrt citations and work with EndNote 6 and Word XP without it slowing down, freezing, or crashing.While not strictly necessary, it is also a good idea to make sure you have the latest updates from Microsoft installed (e
/productupdates/). 现在运行word,应该可以了。如果仍然没有解决问题,
请升级Microsoft。Question 6:When trying to export citations from a website in my web browr I always get a "File not found" error and the records do not appear in my Windows EndNote library. How can I
fix this?当试图在网页浏览器中引用一个网址时,总是出现“文件没找到”错误,记录也没有出现在我的Windows EndNote library。Answer: If you get a "File not Found" error when you try to direct export, your cache of temporary internet files is probably full and needs to be cleared. 1、Open Internet Explorer and go to Tools / Internet Options. 2、Under Temporary Internet Files click on the Delete Files button. When it finishes deleting the files click OK.3、Try the export again and you should have better results. If you have a lot of Temporary Internet Files, deleting them may take quite a while. But once this is done you should no longer experience this error when you try to direct export. This can also happen with Netscape / Mozilla. To clear temporary internet files in Netscape / Mozilla, click on
Edit>Preferences>Advanced>Cache. There will be options for clearing the disk cache and the memory cache. 这可能是由于临时网页文件夹已满。请清空。1、打开IE,选择工具/Internet 选项2、点击删除临时网页文件按钮,删除以后点击确定。3、再试一试引用!如果有很多临时网页文件,可能要一会来删除。但是一劳永逸。Netscape / Mozilla.也会有类似的问题,方法类似。点击编辑/参考/高级/缓存,有清理磁盘缓存和内存缓存的选项。
重点内容,如何实现从ProCite的数据库和Reference Manager的数据库转换到Endnote(oldbike好像没有写这方面内容,专门补充一下)17. Can I convert a ProCite databa to End如何把ProCite的数据库转换到Endnote?Answer: The Macintosh version of EndNote 5/6/7 cannot directly convert a ProCite databa. If you have access to a Windows machine, you can u the Windows version of EndNote 5/6/7 (including the Demo version) to convert a ProCite databa as outlined below. If you do not have access to a Windows machine, contact Technical Support for assistance with the conversion. 对于Windows的用户,可以按下面的方法实现从ProCite的数据库转换到Endnote。EndNote 5, 6, and 7 for Windows can directly convert a ProCite databa as follows: In EndNote lect File / Open / Open Library. Under files of Type?lect all Files (*.*)? Find the ProCite databa that you wish to convert, and lect it as the library to open. Click Open and a dialog box
will appear. Click Convert to begin the creating an EndNote library without customizing the field and r
eference type mappings. If you click Customize you can lect the destination Reference Types for the ProCite workforms, as well as t the destination EndNote fields for the fields in the ProCite databa. After clicking Convert enter a name for the EndNote library and click Save. This will create an EndNote library using the data from your ProCite databa; the original ProCite databa files will not be affected. 支持Windows的
EndNote 5, 6, and 7可以直接按下面的方法实现从ProCite的数据库转换。
在EndNote 中,选择文件/打开/打开Library,在文件类型选择所有文件
字段设置EndNote相应字段。转换以后为EndNote library输入一个文件名,
保存。这样就从你的ProCite数据库生成了一个EndNote library,对原始的ProCite数据库文件没有影响。18. Can I convert a Reference Manager databa to EndNote? 如何把Reference Manager的数据转换到Endnote?Answer: You can directly convert a Reference Manager 8.x/9.x databa to EndNote for Windows version 4.01, 5.x, 6.x, or 7 as follows: 从Reference Manager 8.x/9.x数据库可以依下面的方法直接转到Endnote 4.01, 5.x, 6.x, or 7 In EndNote lect File / Open / Open Library. Under
files of Type?lect all Files (*.*)? Find the Reference Manager databa that you wish to convert and lect it as the Library to open. Click Open and a dialog box will appear. Click Convert to begin the creating an EndNote library without customizing the field and reference type mappings. If you click Customize you can lect the destination Reference Types for the Reference Manager reference types, as well as t the destination EndNote fields for the fields in the Reference Manager databa. After clicking Convert, enter a name for the EndNote library and click Save. Note that this process creates a new EndNote library from your Reference Manager databa; your
original Reference Manager databa files will not be affected. 在EndNote中,选择文件/打开/打开Library,在文件类型选择所有文件
(*.*),找到想转换的 Reference Manager数据库,把它作为一个Library
定义字段和参考文献类型的 EndNote的library。如果点击用户自定义,就可
以为Reference Manager参考文件类型选择EndNote目标参考文件类型和为Reference Manager数据库的字段设置EndNote相应字段。转换以后为EndNote library输入一个文件名,保存。这样就从你的 Reference Manager数据库生
成了一个EndNote library,对原始的 Reference Manager数据库文件没有影响。EndNote cannot directly convert a Reference Manager version 10.x databa. If you have a version 10.x databa you wish to convert,
you have two options: EndNote不能从Reference Manager10.x数据库直接
转化,如果你有一个10.x的数据库想转换的话,有两种选择1、 Export the data from Reference Manager to a plain text file in the RIS format.
To bring this data into EndNote, create a new EndNote library and
then import the text file using the "Reference Manager (RIS)" import option. 1、从Reference Manag
er把数据用RIS格式文件导出到记事本。新建一个EndNote library ,从这个文件用"Reference Manager (RIS)"选项导入
到Endnote。2、 If you have access to an installation of Reference Manager version 8.x or 9.x, you can rebuild the version 10.x databa

本文发布于:2023-05-22 13:13:12,感谢您对本站的认可!



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