Instantiate duplicates an object. Including all attached scripts and the entire hierarchy. It keeps references in the way you expect it: References to objects outside the cloned hierarchy will be left untouched, References to objects in the cloned hierarchy will map to the cloned object.
实例化一个对象,将包含该对象已有的全部脚本和它的全部继承关系(比如子物体和组件).这可以保证你以期望的方式引用它:可以原封不动的将对象的继承关系复制到你的新对象中. 【狗刨学习网】
Instantiate is incredibly fast and very versatile. It is esntial to using Unity to its fullest.
For example here is a tiny script that when attached to a rigidbody with collider will destroy itlf and instead spawn an explosion object
∙ C#
∙ JavaScript
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
bbc纪录片 中国新年 public class example : MonoBehaviour {
public Transform explosion;
void OnCollisionEnter() {
Transform theClonedExplosion;
theClonedExplosion = Instantiate(explosion, transform.position, ation);
var explosion : Transform ;
// When a collision happens destroy ourlves
// and spawn an explosion prefab instead
// 当一个碰撞发生自毁
// 和产生爆炸预制物代替
function OnCollisionEnter (){cute是什么意思英文
Destroy (gameObject);
var theClonedExplosion : Transform北京油画学校 ;
症状英文 theClonedExplosion = Instantiate(explosion,transform.position, ation);
Instantiate is usually ud in conjunction with Prefabs .
实例化常和 Prefabs 一起使用.
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