The Reference of Bare NPs
in English and Chine
Candidate Chen Dan
Supervisor Pro. Wen Weiping
College College of Foreign Languages Program Theoretical Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Specialization Theoretical Linguistics
Degree Master of Arts
历史唯心主义University Xiangtan University
Date June 1, 2009
英汉光杆名词短语的指称存在一些相同特征:首先,英汉光杆名词主语在阶段性谓词前都可表类指和存在;在恒常性谓词前多为类指。但是,光杆名词短语作类指解读并不限于主语。当谓词为情感谓词(如英语中的“fear, like”和汉语中的“喜欢、讨厌”等)时,英汉光杆名词宾语表类指。观察发现,英汉语中光杆表语都表属性,为无定指,可用“λX[∀x[N’(x)→X(x)]∧⌝∃y[f(N’)=y]]”表示。此外,光杆名词短语在英语“become、make、get”和汉语“冒充、看作”等词后都是无指。其次,我们发现,光杆名词定语都表属性,而不表示任何实体,故光杆名词定语也表无指。
种指称,而汉语光杆名词短语除了有这两种指称外,还有定指(如“客人来了”)和不定指(如“来客人了”)。其次,汉语中有一特殊现象:光杆名词短语在程度副词后表谓词(主要出现在口语中),如“姚明很男人”、“张三特哥们”。光杆名词作谓词时可用“S' →NP'P(NP')”表示,其真值条件是“NP'P(NP') = 1, iff [NP'P] ⊆[NP'],or NP'P(NP') = 0”。即,该句为真,当且仅当光杆名词谓词的属性包含于其主语名词短语的属性。此外,光杆名词短语作表语、定语位置都为无指。
There is a long tradition of rearch into the reference. And Since Carlson (1977), Bare NPs as a special category of NPs, have been receiving much attention in the circle of linguistics. Studies on Bare NPs in English can be divided into two approaches: referential analysis and ambiguous analysis. This paper is devoted to English and Chine Bare NPs, concerning with the reference similarities and differences. The theoretical frame of this study concerns Discour Reprentation Theory, Type Theory, λ-conversion and so on.
Bad on the review and evaluation of literature related to references of Bare NPs home and broad,
this thesis intends to reveal the similarities and differences by examining, describing and interpreting the references of Bare NPs in English and Chine respectively. With a comprehensive summary of the rearch findings on Bare NPs, and a scan of the two major approaches, this thesis makes a relatively comprehensive and systematic analysis on Bare NPs in English and Chine.
This thesis arrives at the following conclusions.
First, there are some reference similarities between Chine and English Bare NPs: The stage-level predicates induce both generic and existential readings for Chine and English Bare NP subjects. Bare NP subjects of individual-level predicates can only receive generic reading. Generic interpretations are limited to subjects does not hold generally for all types of predicates. Experiencer predicates in English and Chine result in generic readings for Bare NP objects. Bare NP objects after verbs in English such as “become, make and get”and “chengwei”(become), “maochong”(imitate), “kanzuo”(take as) in Chine are non-referential, expressing no entity but expressing properties of the nouns. Both English and Chine Bare NP attributives have non-referential reading, expressing the properties of Bare NP attributes. They can be expresd as “λX∃x[N’(X)∧P1(x)∧…P n(x)∧X(x)∧◇[f(N’)]=x]”. Bare NP predicative after “SHI” (BE) in Chine and after BE in English have non-referential readings. They can be expresd as “λX[∀x [N’(x)→X(x)]∧⌝∃
y[f(N’) =y ]]”.pets报名
Second, we find that there are some reference differences between English and Chine Bare NPs: Bare NP subjects and objects in English only have the generic reading and the existential reading. Bare NPs in Chine, like their counterparts in English, admit an identifiable, a non-identifiable and a non-referential reading as well as a generic reading and an existential reading. Different from Bare NPs in English, Bare NPs in Chine can rve as predicates themlves. Bare NP predicates in “S'→NP'P(NP')”do not refer to an entity or
confuentities reprented by the noun itlf, it refers to the properties of the Bare NPs, The truth-condition is “NP'P(NP')=1, iff [NP'P] [NP'],or NP'P(NP')= 0”. Thus, Bare NP predicates are non-referential.
This thesis makes a comparative study of English and Chine Bare NPs and finds out the similarities and differences between them. Theoretically, we try to expand the reference study of Bare NPs; practically, the findings of this thesis may give inspirations to computational linguistics study.
Key words: Bare NPs;reference;predicate;generic;non-referential;