Date Lead Auditor(s)
1 Objective audit evidence shall be documented and uploaded to iCert.
2 This Audit question list is recommended as the primary source of经典英语演讲>patented
documentation of objective audit evidences. Alternatively, audit notes, process sheets, etc. could be ud.
3 As a rule, documented audit evidence (audit question list, audit notes or
process sheets) should be completed parately for each audit and for each site (if applicable), for the pertinent process elements.
4 The evaluation can be entered in the audit evaluation column (E):number one for me
1= Conformity (including potential for improvement, where
2= Minor nonconformity (lower-level non-conformity).
3 = Nonconformity (major nonconformity)
n.a.= not applicable最近老掉头发怎么办
5 The final result of the evaluation shall always be documented in
digothe action list (Annex1)brf>playing it straight