一、{{B}}Ⅰ.Multipe Choice{{/B}}(总题数:15,分数:15.00)
1.Some of the objectives of the Grammar-Translation Method are______ and to train a better understanding of the first language.
& help students read literature
& make students exerci move
& provide students with good mental exerci √
& have learners listen and speak more
解析:[解析] 语法翻译法课堂教学有几个目的:(1) 能够阅读和翻译所学的文学作品;(2) 能
够理解和掌握目标语;(3) 能够帮助学生发展智力;(4) 能够更好的理解第一语言。其中最终目的是让学生能够阅读和翻译所学的文学作品。选项A不确切。选项B、D不是语法翻译法的目标。
2.The core of the Natural Approach is ______ which is considered a subconscious process.
A.language learning植树节英文
B.linguistic competence
C.linguistic capacity
D.language acquisition √
解析:[解析] 克拉申(Krashen)认为第二语言的学习者可随意地使用两种完全明显而相互独立的方法来发展和提高其第二语言能力,一个是习得(Acquisition),一个是学习(Learning)。
其中习得是在一种自然交流的环境中通过语言有意义的相互作用而产生的,是潜意识过程(subconscious process)导致“语言能力”的提高,而不是通过有意识的学习语法规则。选项B是乔姆斯基将语言划分为两个模式:语言能力(Linguistic competence)和语言表达能力(Linguistic performance)。
3.An Oral Approach text-book contains tightly organized lessons planned around different______and language points.
& patterns
&ammatical structures √
解析:[解析] 口语教学法除强调教师的作用,还强调课本及视觉教具的作用,教材里每一课是围绕着不同的语法结构和语言点周密计划、精心安排的,它是学习过程中的向导。
4.The Oral Approach originated with the work of______linguists.
A.British √
解析:[解析] 口语教学法/情景教学法是20世纪二三十年代英国应用语言学家们首次提出来的,其中最有影响的有帕尔默(Palmer)和霍恩比(Hornby),该法的语言理论基础可以说是一种英国的结构主义。
5.The Natural Approach teachers have three central roles: to be the primary source of comprehensible input in the target language, ______and to choo and u a rich mix of classroom activities.
& make learners active in class
& help learners understand messages
& create a classroom atmosphere that is interesting, friendly √
& teach students grammatical rules
解析:[解析] 自然法教师有三个主要任务:第一,她主要负责收集和提供目标语教学中理解性的语言输入材料(the primary source of comprehensible input in the target language)。第二,她的任务是创造一个有趣的、友好的课堂气氛,创造一个心理障碍少的、宽松的学习环境(to create a classroom atmosphere that is interesting,friendly,and in which there is a low affective filter for learning)。第三,她必须选择和使用丰富多彩的课堂活动(to choo and u a rich mix of classroom activities)。因此排除A、B、D。
6.The general objective of the Silent Way is to give beginning level students ______in basic elements of the target language.
&ading comprehension ability
&anslating ability
&al and aural facility √
D.thinking capacity
解析:[解析] 沉默法的教学目标是培养初学者能用目标语(target language)的基本成分(basic elements)进行听说的能力(oral and aural facility)。近期的目标是给学生提供目标语实用的基础语法知识(basic practical knowledge of grammar)。选项A、B是语法翻译法旨在取得的目的。
7.The monitor theory, which is very popular among foreign language teachers in ______, was put forward by Stephen Krashen in the late 1970s.
A.America kagu√
goods south field
解析:[解析] 克拉申是美国南加利福尼亚大学的应用语言学家,20世纪70年代提出自我监测模式为自然法奠定了学习理论基础。
courra org8.The Total Physical Respon method, put forward by ______, is a language teaching method which attempts to teach language through physical activity.
A.James Asher tictac√
B.Caleb Gattegno
C.Charles Curran
D.Georgi Lozanov
解析:[解析] 全身反应法(Total Physical Respon Method)是试图通过身体动作来教语言的教学法,其倡导者是阿舍(Asher)。选项B加蒂格诺(Gattegno)倡导的是沉默法(Silent method),认为课堂上教师应尽量少说话,而鼓励学生多说话。选项C柯伦是集体语言教学法的提倡者,该方法建议教师要把学生当成一个“完整的人”(whole person)来对待,所以有时这种方法也叫“人文主义教学法”(humanistic approach)。选项D洛扎诺夫(Lozanov)提倡的暗示法(Suggestopaedia),旨在学习者应当对自己认为存在的那些局限性进行“反暗示”,更好的利用脑力资源。
9.The grammar analysis and translation as basic procedures appeared in the foreign language learning in the______.
A.16th century √
2weeks B.17th century
calendar是什么意思 C.18th century
D.19th century
解析:[解析] 尽管语法翻译法的历史并没有完整详细的文件记载(documentation),但有一点可以证明,语法分析(grammar analysis)和翻译(translation)在十六世纪已开始成为外语教学最基本的程式。直到十八世纪末期,依据语法规则对目标语进行翻译才成为教学实践中最主要的通行方法,因此,大多数外语教学法专家认为语法翻译法(Grammar-translation method)始于十八世纪。
10.______believes that language samples can be exhaustively described at any structural level of descriptions.
A.The Grammar-Translation Method
B.The Cognitive Approach
dawson C.The Audiolingual Method √
D.The Communicative Approach
解析:[解析] 听说法的语言理论基础是美国结构主义,根据结构主义的观点,语言具备以下特征:(1) 语言成分是以一定规则(rule-governed)或结构(structure)出现的;(2) 语言实例可以在任何结构层次上详尽描述;(3) 语言的结构像金字塔(pyramid),即语言层次的大结构系统中有小结构系统;(4) 语言是口头的话语。不是笔头的文字;(5) 语言各不相同。选项A是以传统语言学为基础;B认知法是以乔姆斯基的转换生成语法为基础;D交际法是以韩礼德的功能语言学为语言理论基础。
11.In the Natural Approach, a focus on comprehension and______ as well as the provision of right kinds of input provide the necessary and sufficient conditions for successful language acquisition.