Chapter 1
Lexicology and Words
1. Lexicology and its scope of study
2. Word
3. Classification of words
A. By u frequency
1) basic word stock ( and the characteristics)快速美白小窍门>orbits
2) nonbasic vacabulary
B. By notion/function
1) content words
2) functional words
C. By origin
1) native words (and the characteristics)
2) borrowed words
Chapter 2
Basic Concepts and Word Meanings
1. morpheme and types of morphemes
A. morpheme
B. Types of morphemes
1) free morpheme
2) bound morpheme
a. inflectional morpheme
b. derived morpheme (affixes)
(1) prefix (2) suffix
2. Types of word meaning
1) conceptual meaning (or denotation)
2) associative meaning
a. connotative meaning(or connotation)
b. social meaning(or stylistic meaning)
c. affective meaning
d. collocative meaning
3. Polymy
4. Homonymy
1) Three types of homonymy
a. perfect homonyms
b. homophone
c. homograph
2) How to tell polymy from homonymy
Chapter 3
The Origins of English Words
1. The historical periods of English
1) Old English period (450-1066)
2) Middle English period (1066-1500)
3) Early modern English (1500-1800)
4) Modern English period (1800- prent)
2. American English and British English
3. Some major foreign languages influencing the English language
4. Creation of new English words
Chapter 4
Word Formation in English
1. Derivation:
prefixation, suffixation; functions of derivation
2. Compounding/Composition
Coldharacteristics of compounding
3. Conversion
4. Blending
5. Shortenings
a. clipping
b. initialism
alphebetism and acronymy
6. Back-formation
7. Words from proper names
Chapter 5
Sen relations
1. Sen relations
2. Synonymy
1) Types of synonyms
a. strict synonyms
b. loo synonyms
2) Differentiation of synonyms
a. differences in varieties of English
b. differences in style/formality
moneybrace c. differences in connotation
d. differences in register
e. differences in etymology
f. differences in collocation
3. Antonymy
1) Types of antonyms
a. gradable antonyms
b. complementary/nongradable antonyms
free money c. conver antonyms
4. Hyponymy
superordinate and subordinate
5. Meronymy
6. Metaphorical extension
Chapter 6
Idioms, Multiword Verbs and Proverbs
1. Idioms
2. Characteristics of English idioms
1)mantic unity
2) structural stability
3. Some idioms
Chapter 7
English Dictionaries
1. Organization of the entry
2. Types of dictionaries
Chapter 8
Words in Context
1. Dialect, register, style,
taboo words and euphemisms
2. Types of shifts in word meaning
1) broadening
2) narrowing
3) amelioration/elevation
4) pejoration/degradation
netbooklexicology, word, morpheme, inflection, prefix, suffix, denotative/conceptual meaning, connotative meaning, homonymy, homograph, homophone, derivation, compounding, conversion, blending, clipping, initialism, backformation, n relations, symonymy, antonymy, broadening, narrowing, amelioration, pejoration, dictionary, euphemism, dialect
1. What are the types of morphemes? Illustrate with examples.
2. What are the characteristics of compounds? Illustrate with examples.
3. How many kinds can derivational affixes be divided into? What are the functions they could play respectively?
4. What is the different function of prefixes and suffixes?
5. List at least five foreign languages that have influenced English and its vocabulary.
6. How should we differentiate homonyms from polymants?
7. What are the differences between British English and American English in vocabulary?
8. Write down five pairs of words to show the differences between British English and American English in vocabulary.
9. What are the components of word meaning?
8. deliciousfoodHow can you distinguish synonyms? Illustrate your point with exampleseverything i own.
10. What are the types of antonyms? Illustrate with examples.